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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. That's a big part of the day for sure, but it's not the only part for me. I still want to see the game live if I can. I've had seasons from 2004 so I don't think I'd make the first cut of seniority, but I'd find it easier to miss out to someone who has had tickets longer than me.
  2. If the Bills had to limit capacity to 20K I hope they start with the 20K who have had seasons tickets the longest. Add a rule that the account holder must be one of the people using the tickets and check ID at the gate. That shouldn't add much time to entry if only 20K were going. Offer that deal to the oldest 20K accounts and then see how many opt in. People who have stuck with the team the longest should have first dibs over someone who picked up seasons recently. A split might work too, 15K based on seniority 5K based on a lottery. Not much point selling individual games at this point.
  3. Some say now dead, some say vegetative, any way you slice it he ain't doing so hot https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1273869/kim-jong-un-dead-north-korea-kim-jong-un-health-latest-kim-jong-un-dead-reports
  4. Pick is in - Washington didn't mess around - Thank you Washington
  5. Do the Bengals know they're on the clock?
  6. Bet he's still on dial up
  7. Closed until at least the end of May
  8. This vegas oddsmaker figured out the odds of someone getting Covid-19 at a sporting event in various places in North America 'IF' current social distancing stays in place. Looking at crowds around 20,000 he figured for Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto the odds would be up to 13.82% June 1, 23.04% June 15, and 2.12% July 1st The US numbers have a greater range Yankee stadium on July 1st would be down to 0.02% Miami would be way up at 13% on July 1st Be real interesting to see how things play out in Florida with the rolled out return to normal. "“So it’s: Hold off, because if we started early and the cases ramp back up again, we’d potentially cause a second peak and the seasons would be done, and then potentially the 2020-21 seasons are in jeopardy, too.” https://www.thestar.com/sports/2020/04/17/the-odds-of-professional-sports-returning-before-july-arent-good-if-theyre-paying-attention-to-the-odds.html?fbclid=IwAR0soG2_SPr1vD_U9R2OvX3ZP6QkTCjdXRDGHiIRzQttI_c0VyoK9RF9Rz8
  9. Vegas odds on catching Covid-19 at a sporting event https://www.thestar.com/sports/2020/04/17/the-odds-of-professional-sports-returning-before-july-arent-good-if-theyre-paying-attention-to-the-odds.html "July 1 might be the safest, earliest date for Canadians to attend games, while some jurisdictions in the United States might need to wait even later." "The numbers in the U.S. aren’t as promising as they are here." “Canada is in much better shape than many of the states,” McEwan said. “Some are better than others.” “The message is hold off,” said Matt McEwan, the editor in chief of Sports Betting Dime’s website and the mathematician behind the projections. “Give it time. It doesn’t need that much more time ... Based on everything we’re doing right now, the social distancing and quarantining and self-isolation, if we continue doing this and we continue doing what the medical professionals are saying, July 1 looks very reasonable." “So it’s hold off, because if we started early, and the cases ramp back up again, we’d potentially cause a second peak, and the seasons would be done, and then potentially the 2020-21 seasons are in jeopardy, too.”
  10. I pay in 4 instalments. The Bills didn't take the second instalment, they sent out an email saying they were pushing payments back. Are you on the 4 or 10(?) payment plan?
  11. Is this new or already responded to theory? Not yet peer reviewed https://www.mirror.co.uk/science/coronavirus-outbreak-started-september-british-21882200 "Researchers from the University of Cambridge have investigated the virus’ origin to calculate the likely date of the initial outbreak. Their findings indicate that the outbreak in Wuhan occurred between September 13 and December 7. Peter Forster, who led the study, said: “The virus may have mutated into its final ‘human-efficient’ form months ago, but stayed inside a bat or other animal or even human for several months without infecting other individuals. “Then, it started infecting and spreading among humans between September 13 and December 7.” "In the study, which is yet to be peer-reviewed, the researchers analysed coronavirus strains using a mathematical algorithm. While the virus originated in bats, the scientists found hundreds of mutations between the original Sars-CoV-2 and the one first found in Wuhan. Typically, a coronavirus usually acquires one mutation per month." "According to the researchers, this indicates that the virus may have quietly been spreading in animals and humans for years, before reaching the form we see today. Dr Forster said: “If I am pressed for an answer, I would say the original spread started more likely in southern China than in Wuhan. “But proof can only come from analysing more bats, possibly other potential host animals, and preserved tissue samples in Chinese hospitals stored between September and December. “This kind of research project would help us understand how the transmission happened, and help us prevent similar instances in the future.”
  12. Somewhere between "not at all" and "we're all gonna die" If I'm at a tailgate and seeing people I've been seeing for 17 years my old habits will click in without thinking about.
  13. The problem with lifting for people like me who don't find it interesting is that it is usually not presented well. Just a bunch of guys lifting weight. On the other hand I watched a show about a group of guys trying to carry some stones across a bridge in Scotland and it was interesting, but only because they got into the history and how few people had been able to carry the stones across the bridge. So by the time the lifting happened there was a chance to buy into the storyline.
  14. I'm with you. I'm 100% committed to this shutdown, but there's no way I'm doing it again. I think they play it as scheduled, shortened season if necessary.
  15. Who holds the hammer for declaring the season will start? Goodell and the owners or the players union? Does the fact that a deal is done mean the players have to go back if the league says they are playing or will the union have a say in things?
  16. I run a site and we post medical info, but we pay $5K a year for errors and omissions insurance. If I ran this site I'd be blocking all medical advice, unless they have the insurance.
  17. Who knows Will there be a season? Will the border be open, will us long time Canadian season ticket holders have a chance? Will it be one person for every 5 seats? Based on seniority, 20 years or longer? Will it all have blown over and we'll be laughing about it? I'm hoping it's all blown over and we can share a drink and laugh about it.
  18. They write $880 tickets here (Hamilton - Chedoke Golf Course) for being caught walking on closed golf courses. Friends kid got one, her fiance got one too when they were walking together as they don't live at the same address. I'm still thinking there's more to the story, but I saw the ticket.
  19. "New York state now leads every country (outside of the United States) in the world in coronavirus with 159,937 confirmed COVID-19 cases.That's a jump of more than 10,000 new cases in a single day.New York surpassed Spain, which has 152,446 confirmed cases.The state also reported a record number of deaths for a third consecutive day with 799, raising the outbreak total above 7,000." also "The rising daily deaths in the past few days reflect people hospitalized earlier in the outbreak." https://abc7ny.com/coronavirus-new-york-ny-cases-in-news/6090148/
  20. To give people an idea of how brutal this can be in a nursing home, I think there were 66 residents here, 28 are now dead https://globalnews.ca/news/6787645/coronavirus-bobcaygeon-nursing-home-death-toll-28/
  21. Republican, Democrat, general population, when this things over everyone is heading back to Dollartree, Walmart etc.. to buy cheap crap from China. As a population we are now hooked on it.
  22. 1 home game for us is 12.5% of our home games for the season. Imagine the Premiere league taking 2-3 home fixtures away from any club in the Premiere league. Most of the supporters would go mental. As you say, the Premiere league brand over there expanded on pre-season international exhibitions and meaningless mini tournaments, not by giving away regular season fixtures. That and massive TV deals. A lot harder to do that with the NFL. Imagine the Manchester derby being held in New York City, there would be riots in the streets. Why are we just supposed to accept one of our few home games being taken away?
  23. I've been a Brighton fan since 1983 but I have to fly to England to see them live. As it should be.
  24. Manuel on Fawlty Towers - pure gold
  25. They mentioned about how virtually impossible it is to stay away from people in Mumbai. The 2 that were on the call also told me it's common for apartments there to not have windows. Can't imagine a 21 day lockdown in a windowless apartment. I'd go crazy.
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