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Everything posted by GottaRun

  1. Home opener is officially off the table for any Canadians who opted to let the Bills keep their money and have their names put in the ticket lottery..
  2. Image of the storage area from before the explosion, and an explanation from Reddit "The bigger problem is storing it all in one pile, not having enough ventilation or water, and leaving it to sit in a humid atmosphere for long periods of time (so the individual grains can turn into a concrete-like explosive block). Explosives need three things to explode: heat, pressure and some way to keep it all together until the reaction is completed, called confinement. To keep AN safe, you need ventilation and water sprinklers (for heat), standoff distance between bags (for pressure) and not letting it clump (for confinement). Looks like none of these were done."
  3. High school for me happened in the 80's, I was heavily involved in sports until grade 8. The high school sports teachers were (expletive deleted) and killed my interest in school sports. I stuck with rec and city rep teams at that point, but opted out of high school sports. The value of a good teacher hit me at that point, the high school teachers were brutal, swearing, shaming, degrading, sucking the life out of almost everyone who tried out. My rec and rep coaches could be that way too, but more often were motivational or at least not abusive. I wonder if coaches can still get away with that crap in the days of cellphones?
  4. Canada has been letting Americans who own property in Alaska cross the border under strict rules that they take the direct route to Alaska and limit stopping to basics like getting gas at the closest station. So the virus can spread from other states (and of course we are getting all the reports of Americans ignoring the rules and being found in places far from the fastest route sight seeing and shopping)
  5. Anyone willing/able to update the first post with a list of the opt outs?
  6. The virus has the ultimate chance to make you obsolete. I'm still shocked by how many people don't give that any weight in their theoretical decisions.
  7. Someone like me, I'm not going to be any happier with 13 million than I am with the 8 I theoretically already have. If my job was taken next year, well I've made 8 and I got out of the NFL with reasonable health. On the potential plus side, rehabbing for a year might allow the player to last another couple of years. I can't see the motivation for anyone who has already made bank.
  8. How about this scenario. You made $1.5 million 3 years ago, $2 million 2 years ago, and last year you made $5 million. Are you still playing football this year and living in the bubble? I wouldn't be, I'd rehab my body and be ready for next year.
  9. According to Google 134 - 168 plays in an average NFL game (67 - 84 plays per Offense in an average NFL game) 10 - 11 Corner kicks in an average EPL match Also, the EPL only needed to jam in 8 matches to finish a season. The NFL is looking at starting a season and getting 18 games in pre playoffs (assuming 2 pre-season). Every NFL play definitely has more in your face contact than a soccer match.
  10. The players are ticked, so we can safely assume that the NFL didn't have multiple solid plans for how to proceed in different scenarios. Was the NFL plan on par with 'It'll all be done by the time we start, let's not have a plan'? This can't be possible in a billion dollar sport. Can it?
  11. Didn't see this posted - UAE Says sniffer dogs detect Covid-19 with 92% accuracy. Be easier to have larger events with a trained team of dogs clearing everyone before entry. Would take the stress level down a notch too. No swabs, no temp check, hey look at the doggie. "The UAE has reported early success in using dogs to detect people infected with Covid-19 and plans to deploy specially trained canine teams at airports as it seeks to reopen as a regional travel hub. Trials of police sniffer dogs “achieved approximately 92 per cent in overall accuracy” in identifying samples of the coronavirus, the country’s interior ministry said last week, adding that its research was leading the field globally."
  12. Canada to extend border closure to Aug 21st. If they follow the standard pattern they will also extend to Sept 21st mandatory quarantine for returning Canadians. As a longtime season ticket holder from Canada I have to accept that fans or no fans, I won't be at the home opener for the first time in 17 years.
  13. Oh my God - what are they doing? Florida sets new record with 15,299 new cases on Sunday "A month ago fewer than 5 percent of tests returned positive results, while over the past week, more than 19 percent of tests were positive. "
  14. Days since last peak of new covid-19 cases (7 Day Average) From DataIsBeautiful on Reddit
  15. LDS asks church members to wear masks Israel announces antibody that neutralizes virus 30 year old dies after attending Coronavirus party Mutation in Arizona Coronavirus may make it more infectious
  16. Florida adds 11,433 cases and another 93 deaths Half of Florida's ICUs are now at least 90% full All hospitals full in Houston I get my info from the Reddit CoronaVirus sub an excellent place for quick, condensed updates
  17. I agree, and It's funny that you say that. As a Canadian, when someone asks me about visiting another province, I have nothing but good things to say. I love this country from East to West. When I overhear another Canadian being asked the same question they usually answer in the same way, positive reviews. However, after hundreds of trips across the border, and visiting 30 states I'll say the following about Americans. Best hosts in the world, every state Friendliest people, every state Generous to a fault But when we tell people what state we are visiting next we get the rundown of everything that is wrong with that state. Every time. I'll never get it *** I think we're about to see updates that Florida had a very bad day
  18. Or the graph can be used for education. What is happening in those states that leads to higher numbers?
  19. "We are all in the same pool and we will swim efficiently or flounder together." I love that. As a Canadian season ticket holder (since 2004), I've accepted that I will not be able to go to Bills games this year, the border won't open. As long as there's even one state that keeps peeing in the pool that pool will remain closed to me. If the peeing kids had blue hats on I'd still be showing the graph.
  20. 1. I'm not an American, I'm a Canadian 2. The DataIsBeautiful sub reddit just presents data in an easier to understand visual format 3. As this is the Covid discussion thread I think the graph is relevant You can "hate this crap" if you like, but I think it provides value
  21. The Bills said we will be getting an email where we can opt out for this season. Don't know how many Canadian STH there are, but my random guess is about 6K or around 10% of the STH total. I suspect most Canadians will opt out as the border isn't open and even when it opens we'd have to quarantine on re-entry to Canada. I'd be shocked if more than half of the remaining STH want their tickets for this year. A Reddit poll from Bills Mafia had about 30% of responders saying they would go to a game this season. So I don't think there will be a lot of unhappy people, other than being unhappy that we won't be able to continue our tradition of getting together every year and owning tailgating, and maybe even winning the AFC East
  22. 26 Shirts had done a fundraiser for a friend of a friend's daughter, Tatiana. Sadly I got the following news "3 months ago, I got a message from Lori that her dear girl was headed to the hospital with what might be covid. And, yesterday, she and I talked about how her fight was coming to an end... an end we had hoped and prayed against. Just a couple weeks after turning 22, the beautiful little curly haired girl that went to kindergarten with my son, lost her battle against covid." About 14 weeks from entering the hospital to passing away, 22 years old. I fear for what will come in the next months in Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California, as the current cases turn to hospitalizations, and the hospitalizations turn to... we'll have to wait and see.
  23. I deleted that - I do have a friend who works there and they say internally they have agreed to cancel all sports, but football is still being decided on. The link had a July 9th date on it so I thought they had updated the info. EDIT - University of Pennsylvania not Penn State - I'm too hot and tired to be posting ?
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