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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. The hire seems to prove a couple things .


    Chicago has looked at our situation as well as many teams w no talent at qb and prefer the Jeff George to the many slow eyed ejs and noodle armed fa.


    Our loss .. .. I would take cutler for a year if he respected the coaches ..and was accountable .. Big if


    Our gain ..we get a good coach with risk

    Second, kromer was probably a talented teacher and X's and O's guy or he would be blackballed like marrone considering even pizza boy Peyton came to cutlers defense .


    And third, someone believes that coaching can bring the best out our slow draft picks or they wouldn't have hired him .. Maybe they think he can coach up the middling fa they can only afford if that plan fails or they need cash to sign Bradford and Hughes and extend Dareus making them unable to afford a guy like Iupati.. Time will tell .


    Hope they did their due diligence on that very public situation more than they did with dougie considering the remarks that Syracuse assistant which helped tarpoon the maroon whale .

    I'm sure they did


    That said assembling a talented and experienced staff seems like an upgrade over the offensive staff we had . Lots of future story lines for guys like rapawhore. Hope big rex keeps em all together .

  2. It's spelled rapist burger .. Even I know that one

    He will probably get the Viagra commercial since he's not getting anything else


    Cardarale seems to have pro tools that will probably be ruined if he gets millions to sit on a bench


    Now let's Queue the real question..


    I'll be hated for bringing it up since it's stereotypical and racist and won't ever be honestly discussed after jimmy the Greek but everyone has an opinion


    Yes it's all socioeconomic not genetic but..


    If you had a thousand dollars and absolutely had bet it .. Either on a black quarterback or a white one to succeed and win ( Russell is both so leave out the Derek jeter progeny and btw if we had warren moon we might still have games to watch and that has nothing to do with my answer ) and why .. I wish we could suspend screen names to protect the innocent. I bet I will get ignored.. If cardarale was white he would go first round

  3. Zero playoff victories?


    He was with ravens for years.. If Quinn had five years experience that would be Rex .. Roman was present as they coaxed that year out of cap and only he and harbaugh know who did that .. .. Considering our choices and not getting Cowher I think the pegs did well for us . I only care what the players think.. We will see as the first fa start to sign if they think we finally got it right

    I think ej is nearly as athletic as cap and about as accurate , just had his confidence destroyed and may be a bust . He has his best shot with four new eyes and Bradford Sanchez or cutler to compete with and prob petty or whoever someone on this board compiled a great list 2 to 7 round qbs.. It's amazing what real competition in camp will do which he has never had .. He's a well groomed red shirt senior essentially and if it's Sanchez he might win the job. Not sure if it makes after watching Texas but I am just glad it's not marrone making the call ..

  4. He is projected first round and I guarantee we won't trade but he and Marriotta would be helpful .. I haven't looked but finding a head case running back like forsett or lynch that is from the past Six draft classes might be worth a fourth like brown .. There might be a back there or maybe they sign gore if he followed roman and switches off with Fred as he looked slow the last 8 games . I wish Fred would last forever .. 6: of him and we win every year on heart alone . It would be cool to watch those two geezers play 8 games each and really give twice the effort with twice the recovery and we won't suffer in blitz pickup .. Start a new trend in the nfl .. Job sharing .. Too bad it Won't happen but they could be si aarp cover boys and they would be perfect

  5. Don't pay more than 7 maybe 8 for a guy that would have half the stats anywhere and there a quite a few free agents if he doesn't appreciate the cap space we need to win snd sign a guard and a qb $$$. He does fit well and we prob get half the sacks with an addition but we need all dollars for dareus lest you forgot the raiders running on us with Hughes in and the season on the line ..so to speak ..and no pressure on the third and a mile ..I think we can find someone good for 7 mil a year to clean up the mess that the other three make.. I hope he checks his dog and stays if not I here New Orleans had a down year , maybe he can give them a discount .

  6. Just watched vid someone posted. Rex has a pair and he's funny in a trust fund baby you can't touch me way . I think the bills could use a little f u to guys like sully while Schwartz and Roman and Whaley do the heavy lifting behind the scenes .. I'm coming around to the mindset at one and two bills drive .. Pretty cool.. I'm gonna get punched in the face with that buffalo reality but I like it anyway .. Golf clap to terry and one Doug

  7. I don't take it as an insult .. Thought is was funny because everyone I know complains how lazy I write or text .


    Would I take the time to translate a phrase just for you if I didn't ?


    I think the iPhone changes words on me w the wonders of auto fill and sp ck.and I was too lazy to retread my text which I should've ... no one give me sht so keep it coming




    Anyway .. Rex is a trust fundbaby in a billionaires league with hired field hands drug dealers and gym rats that become millionaires from poverty if Rex or any other coach puts them on the team .. Lots of power and responsibility that unfortunately defines people in an exaggerated way and has made me love the game less

    Schwartz seems like a cool guy he just look like a jerk w harbaugh and anything like that would lose a very intelligent guy the team (like being carried off the field) he may be a great guy but he has issues and I will be thrilled if his opinion still counts .


    Marrone is just a guy that has been burned and unfortunately takes it personally instead of confronting his accuser which makes him a bad example for young men or a great cautionary tale. . It's a new start for guys like Hughes who is probably a jerk a possibly a cancer w talent or he would be Indy but he may be self aware and a reformed young man . He is a damn good football player and I'm glad we have him. Anyway marrone being gone helps us both. It would have been a nightmare if he was exposed during a losing streak . He is probably a good guy but getting all that power turned his idiosyncrasies into major problems like .... Captain Queeg sp?


    Woody can't have Queeg as a coach in NYC but I bet he gets a job in jax or somewhere he is loved unconditionally .. I bet woody was disappointed because marrone prob has good ideas that are unpopular like coughlin ..


    Just wanted to be completely clear so we can communicate. I do appreciate your opinions. I hope for all our sakes that Rex will fill the bill .. I really think he might and as others have stated ...at least it will be entertaining .. Thanks hopefully less mistakes but too long

  8. No bueno the englioso .. My hands shake from injected all the dilaudid .. At least you like hunter .. If I was nice I would part with some of the late owsleys' finest gels but all I would send is fungi Since yr impuning my skills w English as a second language ..

    When I twit to an authority figure I will edit just for you.

    All banter aside, you posed a great question which is the heart of all of this..

    Is Rex an honorable man or will he lose the lockeroom over time. My job is to quickly judge character. You are spot on..he is a blow hard. But is he a consistent and honorable blowhard ( ie doesn't talk behind back or speak I'll etc. If he says it he does it etc .. Kinda of the same as backing up his words by fighting if need be . This is all the less educated understand and respect before they experience money and family like the other half of the lineup) My apologies about my grammar. Fwiw I hate text because it's do easily Mia understood , that nuance that establishes some understanding beyond the evil good intent..


    So , can you ruin my day by stating he is a punk and dishonorable or is he just our lovable jerk who will protect the team as his role of head clown?

  9. Cool . You are a thoughtful man and I also have an intense dislike for those who talk as you describe . When it comes to that person actually defending others in a moment of danger I am usually left getting hit alone while they run or cower . I don't believe Rex would back down from a fight although I think his brother would start one and let everyone else get hit . I hope you are wrong about Rex , if that's true it is a very dangerous her because his bravado can only last do long until he is asked to back it up in some way .. Kids love the bravado because many athletes are introverts despite their strength . I am hoping that he has garnered the redirect in the locker room because he runs his mouth in the media bit is a stand up guy when it counts . I am afraid to ask if you know an example where he was a punk .. Many trust find babies don't mature until late in life and both he and his brother were exposed to a real football intellects in the men who hired his father and maybe buddy himself buddy buddy was only a good d coordinator not a good head coach .

    Marrone was petty and small which are bad qualities to lead men, I think only true heart wins championships over getting behind a genius who is socially inept . That social retardation is why I am glad we aren't being led by Schwartz because he has the vibe of an intelligent punk who will yell when held back by others but would stand like a deer in the headlights if he had to actually defend himself . I am happier about Rex over Schwartz snd marrone because neither of those two are leaders of me. Just pretty good coordinators . I wouldn't even let marrone coach an I line after it was confirmed he denegrated his underlings which creates a horrible pall over any workplace

    Well .. I have to thank you for your response and please answer with examples if you have them .. I sense Rex will actually defend himself and others and seems to have better character than marrone or Schwartz but plays a role as a clown for the media because it works for him .. If you know otherwise please reveal because I want to like the hire. Btw I don't think terry is very bright and am amazed he amassed all that money but I am so grateful to anyone that saved two major components so essential to the identity of our hometown

    I should edit more on my phone ..apologies

  10. Mr Dean

    I'm not bright enough to add a quote but I have a question for anyone who uses "hold my nose" as an expression . I actually agree with your points and I have no right to call you out on the board since I only look and rarely ever post .

    The expression implies to me that you tolerate those underneath you and as I have I asked myself, if I were pegula would there be any better choice .. I came around to pegs thinking that only ryan or shabby would get to keep some good minds in house while luring and controlling and big name qb or oline to sign here .. I couldn't think of any . I am only a bettor and have no inside knowledge of who the hot new coach is that pegs could have paid

    By your response I am curious who you would've chosen . Again I agree with Rex originally wasn't my favorite choice and I have issues with that expression .. My apologies but I still am infinitely curious as to who they should have hired.

    Mr Dean

    I'm not bright enough to add a quote but I have a question for anyone who uses "hold my nose" as an expression . I actually agree with your points and I have no right to call you out on the board since I only look and rarely ever post .

    The expression implies to me that you tolerate those underneath you and as I have I asked myself, if I were pegula would there be any better choice .. I came around to pegs thinking that only ryan or shabby would get to keep some good minds in house while luring and controlling and big name qb or oline to sign here .. I couldn't think of any . I am only a bettor and have no inside knowledge of who the hot new coach is that pegs could have paid

    By your respodnse I am curious who you would've chosen . Again I agree with Rex originally wasn't my favorite choice and I have issues with that expression .. My apologies but I still am infinitely curious as to who they should have hired.

  11. I actually hope they keep Hackett in the building .. Some of his play design on the scripted plays in the first quarter were good .


    He just was a terrible game manager , bad at adjustments and a bad play caller that didn't consider his personnel properly .


    Doesn't mean he wasn't a good strategist or play designer . He may be a good oc after ten years just not learning on the job to not telegraph runs or do what Dallas just did . Hanging their season on a jump ball on 4th and two .. Ridiculous . Even if it was one on one it's like getting baited to call stupid . I won't bet on a coin flip .

  12. I think media savvy protects the team and keeps the focus on winning +1 over marrone


    I hope Rex has learned his lesson and roman calls plays .. If so no Hackett on the job training +1 over marrone


    Free agent pool extends from sf to jets to rest of nfl where Udfa and guys following roman and Rex

    Another +1 over marrone


    If he keeps Schwartz it's a possible tell if true ...he is less ego more depth and commitment to winning is all that matters assembling good football minds.. +1 again


    I believe that all this glitz and pr may blow up in our faces.. If Whaley drafts well and they keep defense intact and get o line and qb options .. Rex strength of character may outweigh his weakness and it may elevate all involved.. Maybe


    Over all how can you really dislike the move?


    Don't you believe it is just a way to lure the qb and o line fa to buffalo that put us over the top with a coach that will step on the neck of the pats instead of tucking tail and punting ..


    Doesn't this hire scream possible team unity for one year at least where they were tolerating marrone?


    It's hard to tell and easy to hate a puss that leaves our buffalo without a presser and slinks away with an enviable payday and cowardly group text .. I'm glad marrone won't punt anymore when season is on the line.. I am not sold at all on Rex as he did regress the past two years but I am more glad dougie isn't infecting the team with conservative cowardly mediocrity when only the top third make it to relevancy

  13. It is bush league at best and an admission that ravens are a better team .. It took a fifteen yard penalty for harbaugh to at least give his d a fair chance .. Guarantee this will result in a rule change. But it go the taper of closed practices a chance to lose next week .. We should just do it back to him . And steal his signals . Tape his walk throughs and .. Nah .. Epuld rather lose straight up than steal it w cheap crsp

  14. One fact that is amazingly overlooked .. There are no qbs worth taking if you don't have a top five pick in 2015 . It could be argued that the next qb worth a shot will be picked in the third hence the rationale for no pick this year round one . Hundley is only one that may go late first and is a worse version of ej .. Hope their moves have admitted they don't like him any more than Winston , who may be a good fa when he matures in five years ..

  15. My prediction: There will be no more treating EJ Manuel like he is a fragile piece of glass. He is going to be asked to run the ball in the read option even if that means taking hits.


    My bolder prediction: The Bills will trade next yer's first round pick and this years 2nd round pick to trade up and take a QB.


    Manuel and the new guy will compete for the job.

  16. I agree with all who think this is a good hire or at least pegula making lemonade from the lemon maroon with very little notice. At least free agent guards and someone like Bradford would probably feel more at ease with a bigger name coach with at least a couple years of stability ..

    If any personality can kick cutler in his whiny ass and motivate home to perform it is a guy like Rex and roman unlike soft spoken trestman .. Not sure what their next move is but it looks like these are all part of a bigger picture and even a plan . I am willing to wait and see and I also like that Whaley is in place to keep all this honest as it is everyone's asz on the line and pegs has the hindsight of the sabre ecperiment to draw from


    Best of all .. Even if he isn't the brightest sports owner he definitely cares like all of us and his ego seems able to take good advice which makes him light years ahead of Snyder and jerry a hole I'm not a pegs fan but I'm coming around .

  17. I wasn't letting you know sds .. I was hoping you would leave the notice up on the top ten or better off create your own since I usually don't log in and rarely post. People like myself get the site up but can't access the forums.. But when I logged in I could actually see the discussion and figured all of you guys would normally log in and may not know what lurkers such as I .. Blah blah ..

    Anyway , have always loved the sight and I always thought new info always came from here , best of luck sds from a loyal minion

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