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the naming file for a football team leaked over here like a fart of rf radiation that will affect week 3 as many nflers quit to pursue other interest in 2015.. its smells like microwaves piggybacked w brain wave frequency from kraft saying... we aren't sooo bad.. as kraft stock goes uip while ythe dow loses 100 points in another Khazar social experiment that also robs us like 1929 til now.. pffft. ahem,, sorry Khazars from MARS... (kinda) or space alien from the Pentagon. watch the lying shies ...after 9/11 through the popes visit 9/27.. if you can see past the tic tac toe game.. or like yours THe cell towers look an awful lot like necromonger antenna Riddick flies thgrough the atmosphere of the planet... so... how about Mind control works. !! yippie,, as the monty python foot stomps him out, moral hazard has a price,,, sleep deprivation .. ( how come you lay awake all night long) just like they have been perfecting in jails, homeless shelters, many worse than jails, nothing worse than a selfrighteous leftie that has punishment aka tough love for jesus complex..'in his hands' Wee.. the three little piggies that are on the boards of the fed BIS and ImF etc .. are just killing left and right microbiologists from Darpa, planes full of Freescale employees and they are as all the scientist were shot and some dude from Alabama that don't speaka dee ingless so darn good takes over as base commander for the www towers and Haarp and after being let fgo for spying on his daughters classmate in the shower using surveillance tech... Suddenly realizes as the prioe base commander wsas killed by one of the 50 scientists that the Rothschild holding company had on its list of ... things To Do. Realizes That he rules the World aand promptly uses a harmonic of the frequencies of the the guys smart car ( that fired him jerkin off on company time) on demand the cell phone in his pockets to trangulate correct harmonic to stop his heart..'in the land of nod he gets paid by thsose who learned to block its affects 60 years ago 28 yeares after the we downloaded the plans for it..( aka Contact) andas we met or less benevolent neighbor that wants to enslave our race just like ythe banksyter enslaved us... (slaver fight)...so we started experimenting in the name of ww III , next in combimnation they start casing earthquakes and SKYNET yerminator is born out good ole rtationalied intent along w vcell towers and heavy metals (to nbetter control you with my pretty) and as our will dissolves , a work of art mass shootings (the show) has gone on the road playing at a temple or mosqe near you, in Mandarin... all the way frpm cell towers maintained by general dynamic from a trillion dollar a year company called American Tower (AMT) etc .. name of the song, life on ,marsd into martian monsdter (phish blows) all the way back to mind control 101 sugaree.... who can stop what must arrive now..
Fantasy Football League name ideas
K8prisoner replied to Virgil's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Khazars from MARS... (kinda) or space alien from the Pentagon. watch the lying shies ...after 9/11 through the popes visit 9/27.. if you can see past the tic tac toe game.. or like yours THe cell towers look an awful lot like necromonger antenna Riddick flies thgrough the atmosphere of the planet... so... how about Mind control works. !! yippie,, as the monty python foot stomps him out, moral hazard has a price,,, sleep deprivation .. ( how come you lay awake all night long) just like they have been perfecting in jails, homeless shelters, many worse than jails, nothing worse than a selfrighteous leftie that has punishment aka tough love for jesus complex..'in his hands' Wee.. the three little piggies that are on the boards of the fed BIS and ImF etc .. are just killing left and right microbiologists from Darpa, planes full of Freescale employees and they are as all the scientist were shot and some dude from Alabama that don't speaka dee ingless so darn good takes over as base commander for the www towers and Haarp and after being let fgo for spying on his daughters classmate in the shower using surveillance tech... Suddenly realizes as the prioe base commander wsas killed by one of the 50 scientists that the Rothschild holding company had on its list of ... things To Do. Realizes That he rules the World aand promptly uses a harmonic of the frequencies of the the guys smart car ( that fired him jerkin off on company time) on demand the cell phone in his pockets to trangulate correct harmonic to stop his heart..'in the land of nod he gets paid by thsose who learned to block its affects 60 years ago 28 yeares after the we downloaded the plans for it..( aka Contact) andas we met or less benevolent neighbor that wants to enslave our race just like ythe banksyter enslaved us... (slaver fight)...so we started experimenting in the name of ww III , next in combimnation they start casing earthquakes and SKYNET yerminator is born out good ole rtationalied intent along w vcell towers and heavy metals (to nbetter control you with my pretty) and as our will dissolves , a work of art mass shootings (the show) has gone on the road playing at a temple or mosqe near you, in Mandarin... all the way frpm cell towers maintained by general dynamic from a trillion dollar a year company called American Tower (AMT) etc .. name of the song, life on ,marsd into martian monsdter (phish blows) all the way back to mind control 101 sugaree.... who can stop what must arrive now.. -
Dungy adjusted to Patriots bugging lockerroom
K8prisoner replied to Thrivefourfive's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
awesome... finally I don't cringe reading posts about the scum pat#$% and their paid propagandists....I will read on and hope for more sanity... we are all sick of 15 years of fake success and double dealing without honor.. sure you can, culture breeds like behavior... hernandez just had a wider boundry and learned attention to detail... nobody lies like kraft and billy boy though, the truth always comes out... thanks ... this is the attitudethe team and 70k needs to have on game day.. -
Brady 4 game suspension upheld; Will go to court
K8prisoner replied to YoloinOhio's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
arguing with patriots schills over the facts tha brady is a cheater. bellichek cheats every sunday... billy and tommy only became good because they were one step ahead of the leaguye becaiuse the coaches in the nfl actuall were hampered by the concept of, HONOR, PLAYING WITHIN THE RULES , PERSONA; PRIVACY AND ... everyt other thing that Benjamin Franlin warned us about the scum Khazars and the self jstifications that have muddied the waters we drink, killed the banking system that Jackson won against and kennedy and Lincoln died for and is now finally creating a line the cross in the pastime they have used to distract us while they steal our lives and liberties our forefathers fought so hard to win for us... the irony is the rub it in our faces every time the patriots win because their owner and all their agents have made a commitment to stick kit to us because they have confuse inbtelligence with the abilty to double deal and dou ble cross a fellow human being.. ( wbhy they have been booted out of everyb city on earthn and now use a wonderful people to hide behind everytime the get called out... KTD and any other who fight againbst and any who like to argue by being devils advocate like Mr weo... you are all great and interesting people but 35 pages about injustice over having too little balls???? The Talmudic scholars are laughing their asses off at you guys... I love you for fighting with the bills... we got screwed out of at least 2 supoer bowls and ha ve been robbed of many other games and created a inferiority complex because someone had a problem with buffalo or ralph... who knows.. You are arhuing over who stole balls? The fluoridated water stole all of our balls. do I get my tinfoil crown now.. they left us with sports to have meaning and buffalo they have been cruel as much as our vguys have been cruelk to ourselves like some kind of bet in 1995 like trding places,, stealing ball..balls not BIG ENOUGH.. funny deh.. lets get 31 teams to kick Kraft and all his agents even on message bords back to the basement where new England deserves to be with grogan as their last true star... lets mKE SURE NO FORGETS ABOUT ALL THE GAME RTAPES AND SIGNALS THEY STOLE FOPR 20 YEARS AND WILL KEEP DOIN WITH NSA AND CIA CONNECTIONS TRO ACTUALLY STEAL FOOT BALL GAMES ... CAN YOU EVER BELIEVE ANYTRHING SOO NUNAMERICAN... WE CAN DO THIS BY USING ONLY PAPER GAME PLANS AND PAPER NOTES AND BASEBALL SIGNAL WHERE ONLY THREE MEN KNOW THE ACTIVATORS FOR EACH SIGNALS... IF THE LEAGUE DOES THIS AND HAS A COMPLETELY SEPARATE GAME SIGNAL AND ACTIIVator for every second half against this paper tiger team they will look as mediocre as they are as their front line is nearly done asa they were their only rewal nfl anchor... spread ir around that their cheating days are over... stop grousing about deflated balls... like THEY WANT YOU ALL TO DO!!... get some balls and call them out on the real cheating they are still doing and are planning to secure their legacy and try to legitimize it by using balls to hide and distract from stealinfg all the game plans ands adjustments off the tablets that kraft prob paid to have a back door and a few teams like our tyrod taylor teams know the pats scam... THe pats are too lame to play anyone straight up so they self justify cheating and destroying a game I used to love by being a step ahead of everyone that prides themselves at being an honorable men which kraft bellicheat and brady are not... don't waste your breasth arguing minutia... let em have it every game by invading each tteam they play message board and let them know of the bills game tAPES THAT WERE DESTROYED BY GOODELL AND THE LONDON GAME TAPE OF NCDANIELS THAT SHOULD HAVE GOT HIM KICKED OUTR OF THE league IF THE NFL ISNT SLIGHLY RIGGED IN SOME WAY... JUST A TAD... ESPECIALLY TOWARDS THE PATSIes... sorry about caps at the end and my bad grammar and spelling... I got sucked into this before as I remembered a few things after researching krafts involvement in a much larger picture.. I used to believe sports were not to be touched like families in the mob but have learned rthat a few teams have used their connections to create a nfl/ wwe type that they believe is more like life... give me sports back please...and mt privacy and a currency backed by gold.... "' -
just force feed kraft a ounce of the BTE they ruined my beloved sugar smack with... bring him to my house and we will quickly poison him like he tries to do to me for his royal masters... we can leave the ct scanner on to check for a cheaters heart that doesnt exist... make it impossible for this man as well as his family along with the cheatin tommy impossible to travel to buffalo... be kind and buy them stuff while we shame them all constantly for illegally taping and stealing our signals and the division the pasr 21 years.. make it impossible for them to do anything but hide their faces in shhame for deception used to destroy the beauty of a straight up sporting event... LET THIS POISONER KNOW HE IS AN OUTCAST IN A WORLD THAT DESEYVES POISON FREE FOOD AND WATER AS WELL; AS NO CHEATING IN SPORTS,,, NOIT MUCH TO ASK FOR , LAP DOG OF THE ENGLIUSH CROWN AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE.... sorry but if you make ir horrible to show his face as well as his family then we might actually get to see the sport i used to love get played in the best stadium in football... if evryone is kind to the senoirs who attend and allow them to see if they sit... we can be the most kind and humble fan base that also gave some of the best concerts and memories for visitors as everyone is an ambassador for buff 24/7 and dont be mean to krafts family just be direct and honest and treat all new englander staff who cheated us with the distain that will make them dread buffalo for the next millenium... we never forget betrayal and the weakness of cheaters.. screw england and new england,
neither are mentally fast enough to process the game, so far , and when you add in defensive variance outside of film study.... i hope i am wrong about manuel... cassel seems smart enough unless the pats gave him the defensive play calls since they stole them and we have another 10 sack wonder that cant play without cheating... havent looked at cassels stats outside of cheating land but i hope talylor can run the offense if the other two cannot... any passing attack at all and a consistent deep threat takes 8 or more out of the box and we just might go 4 and one .. then roll.. if we cant get a 62% completion and around 7 to 8 yards per attempt, all those great weapons may be wasted as we watch taylor and ej run like the wind or checkdown us to death ... i think they will find enough at qb to stay competitive and overcome the postion agaist all odds.. if they win , the team will focus and it truly will be an exciting year..
Brady to be SUSPENDED next week according to report
K8prisoner replied to Alphadawg7's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
they didnt earn any of them -
Why do we have fervent Pats** supporters on TSW?
K8prisoner replied to eball's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
oooh yer soooo adult... schill.. cough troll cough another usual suspect.. mee too do we have paid schills here like other internet subjects... -
hof waTKINS AND ALPHA DAWG... and a few others... how can you defend a team and player so morally bankrupt that they had to cheat and they are apparently proud of and the y had to steal offensive and defensive plays at the half with the same scheme most likely for the past 15 years.. Sorry but your favorite team arent winners... They are simply cheats that won at the expense of the team you falsley care about as you post ib their defense on a bills message board... it makes me want to post on the sister site because you all act in lock step like the irs defending the fed against what was once a great sport that now is dominated by liars who actually are proud that they 'won' by cheating with average players.. if I give myself a few free first downs and a few defensive stops because i spied on the other team and know precisely what they are doing in a game that is only fair if the competitive advantage is not compromised by this theft.. a team might go 16 and 0 if they actually knew what plays each team was going to run.. maybe it might make a defensive player look great with ten fake sacks in ordder to sucker another team that didnt know the other teams plays to reakize that player sucked etc,,, naw,,, they must be good and they cheat just for fun... nope... they are average and 50 % of their wins and titles are bdcause they cheat... they shouild be removed from the league as a virus, broken up and disbanded like they did to smu (unfairly)... who only got their program taken away for doing what all the big boys did a little more open and obvious. you guys inhabit the board for being patriots schills trolls and apologists so, at least explain to us paupers here how it is you claim to be bills fans while defending a fake team that took division games away from us by cheating again and again... i truly do not understand the clear containdication
Brady to be SUSPENDED next week according to report
K8prisoner replied to Alphadawg7's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
thank you http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jon-stewart-destroys-cheating-f-k-tom-brady-article-1.2215185 -
Cheating is the teams problem in the preparation for games with the lowest coach in the history of the nfl. We as fans should make a commitment to Rex and the team by promising here to make it as uncomfortable as possible for the cheating Patriots to visit the humble but extremely angry city of Buffalo. Lets make him and Josh the puke, Kraft the poisoner and Tom the outright lying cheat dread the fact that they are forced to play an away game inside of Buffalo this year and every year so Kraft lobbies for realignment. C'mon Buffalo, lets get a posse, and some torches, and get us some justice for nearly two decades of cheating. I have faith that the town and the kids in it will know what to do... , Lets post all the evidence of this lame stuff so it stops and we can just play football and only talk about, football. It makes me ill to talk about this, but I know they will never stop until they are shamed into doing so. If we force a fair fight , the team and Rex can ignore all the cheating talk and take the high road while preparing for the worst, IF we the fans can guarantee an even playing field and a good chance to win a fair game every year if we make life miserable by SIMPLY REMINDING THEM AND THE LEAGUE OF THE TRUTH OF THEIR CHARACTER, over and over again. Do this starting now until the game is over at home in Buffalo .. maybe Pegula can start planting stories ( of the truth) about all four of these cheats right up til the game is played... Go Buffalo. please help end this crap ..i used to love football.
Brady to be SUSPENDED next week according to report
K8prisoner replied to Alphadawg7's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
hilarious.. help me out with some evidence about the core 4 cheaters on the thread i actually started before they close me down and kick me off like in feb. thanks -
Brady to be SUSPENDED next week according to report
K8prisoner replied to Alphadawg7's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
thats the best crow you can eat...you and all the other pats bills fans on tbd that love to defend brady the fem and kiss the ring and s@#k the c5ck of the most dishonest coach in the history of organized sports ( you know who you are), will appreciate lame patriots getting caught cheating yet again. I hope you all stop making whining about excuses seem reasonable. Please go to their board if you are defending them . it is sickening to make them seem good, except at cheating and being weak. Their lame owner that poisons my food with toxins like bht and.is as dishonorable of a man in business as he is a weak and lame cheat who couldnt win a fair fight with girl in a hospital bed dying of kidney failure from his lies....... .....hopefully you will all pick a side during the season by making this scum dread it everytime he sets foot inside of the city limits so the players never mention cheating (they expect the fans to have the teams' back on such petty but important matters and will let rex take the high road) and pelt bellicheat and kraft the pedophile with tapes and cds and let him know that we are watching him and we have one of his whistleblowers , the overated but good at foolowing directions cassel, and we will make his cheating asz look as bad as the teams who have figured out his rings are only from smoke and mirrors like the rest of this lame rigged world (like kc last year).. go pegula, go bills, and all those who dont encourage miltant acts to compensate for years of fake wins and stealing our signals by videotape at halftime arent fans of the buffalo bills and the city of Buffalo..