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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Clicks. Its all anyone in the media is worried about anymore. They dont care about substance or truth, its only if they can get people to open up their stories or not.
  2. The only way that scam works is if the person answering the phone is 80yrs+. Thats horrible.
  3. This is getting me all verclempt...wait until Hitler finds out we signed Shameil!
  4. That pic of Bowles made me LOL. Deer in headlights. Guy is in way over his head in NY.
  5. Hey thats cute. Maybe you two nancies can get together for some Sunday brunch at a new bistro that youve been dying to try! Or Christmas shopping at the outlets! Personally, Id rather watch some playoff football with real NFL teams playing each other with some heart. Look forward to it every year.
  6. The other half of the equation is that Tyrod would have to notice something. He doesnt do that.
  7. I saw this too. The guys 6'4 and he had his hands up the whole time because nobody was near him and Tyrod never saw him. If we had retained Hogan, he would have been wasted anyway. He's a good, solid, possession receiver. The kind that we dont really need around here until we have a good QB.
  8. Sorry, Ill take another angle: Russ Brandon realizing that hes not invited to the Monday morning conference call anymore.
  9. I think that was the drop on 3rd & 4. Im pretty sure the lineman asked if he caught it, and Sammy looked up at him and shook his head no.
  10. They were those chocolate oranges that people give out at christmas
  11. Rob ate all the orange slices on the sideline again.
  12. Fadingpain and his Russ Brandon meeting thread.
  13. In every company, there are !@#$ marketing guys who needlessly attend meetings. No big deal.
  14. Yeezus and his crew taking in a football game.
  15. Whatever. Rex is as good as gone. Its just another sign that the team isnt in his corner anymore.
  16. You mean the artist?
  17. I feel like the Bills need to get younger in the front office. Everything we do just seems like its a step behind. Hiring another dinosaur isnt the answer. Get with it and go find someone who knows how the game is played in 2017.
  18. When he hired Rob, I remember thinking that it wasnt a move made by a coach trying to get better. It was a move by a coach that was trying To help someone out. And it makes sense with Rex. People love him, but dont respect him. Players, fans, coaches. He garners no respect because all he does is talk, and sooner or later, you get exposed. He was exposed with the Jets, but was good enough to sell himself one more time (and Buffalo was vulnerable/gullible enough to buy in).
  19. When your team quits on you, the coach has to go. You cant just cut the whole team. And in this case, I really feel like Rex knew he wasnt gonna make it. He saw a chance to make some more money before changing careers, and he took it. He sold himself one last time, and went out and did what he always did as far as building a team. He brought in his coaches (who all pretty much suck), brought in his defense (which also now sucks), and grabbed someone else for the offense (which was a good move). This is the end of Rex as a coach. I like the guy, but he's officially a dinosaur who cannot adapt.
  20. They need next season to start, and they need to remove their collective heads from their asses.
  21. I know one thing, it will be between meals.
  22. Good point. Kyle is, but he has been for 10yrs and theyve been a pile of crap. Freddie was for awhile, but same thing. Its back to square one: how do you change the culture of the organization?
  23. I guess anything COULD happen. It would have to be epic today if that were the reaction.
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