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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. I dont know if it was his best season, but it was his most impressive. Dont forget that he had 10 sacks in 2013. And he was graded as the best defensive player in football in 2010. Most figured that given his age and injuries, he was on the decline, but he proved everyone wrong again. His consistency is amazing, and I cant wait to watch him next year.
  2. Tipster has been around, but he doesnt know much about anything. I agree on Leroi, hes been quiet. It would be nice to know if theyre waiting until after the games this weekend.
  3. Looks like hes been hangin around with Olson at the losers table. Jags, Raiders...
  4. Looks like a big dude. Probably lost some quickness, but who knows.
  5. Love this hire. Hughes and Waffle will either love or hate each other. Same goes for Darius.
  6. Olson has pretty much just kicked around the drain in the NFL. Rams, Jags, Raiders, Lions. Fired from all of them. Id be pretty uninspired if hes who we're high on.
  7. What a great first question to ask Marrone. You can tell it caught him completely off guard. And at the same time, its what most people think of when his name is brought up (other than, 'Who is Doug Marrone?') He really should have a better answer prepared than just some red faced stuttering pile of crap. That 45 second clip really makes me not miss him at all. Rex was bad, but Doug was bad and an !@#$.
  8. So Clemson hasnt punted/kicked off like that all year. Is Alabamas return team that good? Clemson seemed determined to not let them get a return in, regardless of the situation in the game. When they werent kicking out of bounds or short, the punter would get the ball, hold it for a second or take 5 steps and then kick to give his guys more time to get downfield. Pretty effective, as I dont think Bama returned one all game.
  9. OBJ laid an egg in the perfect game to show everyone just who he is: a spoiled brat. My hands are cold, so lets just half ass it. Then he warms up inside and wants to hit something. He's right though, itll be a long offseason of appearances, promotions, and twitter talk. Hope he has a nice warm coat to wear.
  10. I agree. Bandit is one of the best and most insightful posters here. But I dont agree with Gilmore. High level athlete/corner, but lack of heart and leadership.
  11. Youd lose steam. The best looting is reactionary, and happens fast.
  12. Charleston as well. I will loot at the first sight of frost.
  13. Jay Cutler will enter and win a beauty contest before he plays for $10mm next year.
  14. Haha....what happened to Vic? He was never the greatest, but man has he slid in the last year or so. Everyday its a completely new story with no mention or explanation for the last. Bottles the mind.
  15. Good points. Alot of decent safety help was available. A few big names in the draft, too, that stepped in this year and made an impact.
  16. If that made you laugh, wait until you read what HOFWatkins is posting. Holy cow!
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