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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Alright slick, we've had about enough of your guff around here.
  2. The important people have shared the rules, and the curtious ones have welcomed you. From Quint, youll only get exactly what you deserve. Rambling, often hurtful, mostly incoherent pot shots while Im high on PCP or drunk on the shrimp boat. Looking forward to it! Welcome everyone!
  3. No we hate Whaley plenty, just not as much as you for starting this thread.
  4. I think the most pressing need right now is an official fan message board.
  5. We already have an Ohio bills fan. Its YoloInOhio, and there isnt room for more.
  6. Where'd Bills_Chick go? She pm'ed me some nudes, but I doubt her d#&! is that big.
  7. That would be Ryan L Billz. Hes a mexican gardener who apparently slept with Trubisky.
  8. Its good for racist comment, meltdowns, and youtube videos.
  9. Wait until you discover the shoutbox, fish. Anything goes.
  10. Youre on thin ice already, chief. Now get me my !@#$ing brandy.
  11. So far Teef is in the lead due to his stupid name. Last place: guy who brags about being an english teacher
  12. I propose that a wonderlick score higher that Tyrod is required. Ill show myself out....
  13. Much like 'The Walking Dead' there are groups who frequent the board. Plenty of walkers, too.
  14. Welcome to TBD. No Syrians or Mexicans (there will be a wall).
  15. So does this unofficially make us the official message board of the Buffalo Bills now?
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