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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. When im out in the gulf stream off SC, I can get FL stations pretty regularly. Not a huge distance, but more than a few times my radio has gone offline, and Ive tuned into FM to get weather reports. Almost always at night and in calm seas.
  2. Yes. Comp pick jokes will be acceptable through July. After that, not until next offseason when they will be considered "throwback" jokes.
  3. His primary residence must be within 40,000 fathoms of any professional sports team that he owns. This is for majority ownership ONLY. How many times are we going to lamb-based this guy about moving the team?
  4. 1. Belichek isnt in the pic. 2. There are only 30 people in the pic. 3. The rumor is that Billy is in the mens room with Gase playing hide the canoli.
  5. Thats a fake. A blind man could spot it. That guy is just a seat filler while Gase is blowing Belichek in the bathroom.
  6. "Thats the last time I let wife #3 pick my shirt." Overheard 12hrs previous at Supercuts: "Give me the Wannstedt."
  7. "Ditka.....polish sausage....Ditka"
  8. Yeah, Id shoot and ask questions later. Looked pretty real.
  9. I said when Rex was fired, that unless he was the voice of the Rex hire, he should have a chance to hire a coach like most GMs do. However, I dont think that McDermott was his hire either. We cant be sure of that since only a small handful of people know for sure what was said and who wanted who, but most people say it was the Pegulas who wanted him. So my questions are, whats the point of having a GM who you obviously dont trust for the big decisions? Is this front office disfunction or a GM who sucks? And if its the latter, then why is he still here with a 4yr extension?
  10. Corey Davis, because opposite Sammy, he'll get alot of 1 on 1 coverage and hes as solid of a WR as there is in the draft. Having both those guys and Clay will take alot of pressure off of our run game. Mccoy, Incognito, and Taylor are all a year older and it stands to reason that they could easily take a step back this year unless we have a legit passing game. As Whaley would say, hes a day 1 starter.
  11. Serious question. Have they taken him to Sear yet? Maybe its as bad as everyone is saying it is...
  12. TO and chad Johnson started this whole thing when they started bringing in props, choreographed team celebrations, and actually causing delays in the game. The league pretty much had to do something, and when that happens, there have to be guidelines because people play dumb and act like they cant believe it when a flag comes out. So now, the idiots will be sat down, told to watch this video, and if you do something that is against the rules, pay the fine or get the flag. Now there are visuals (to help the people who have trouble reading) to go along with the written rules. It happens alot, the actions of a few ruin it for everyone.
  13. It makes sense. The PA probably argues fines and suspensions aren't fair because they dont know what the line is to cross. This gives the NFL more power to say, "we put out this video to show you exactly what you can and cant do". Removes some of the gray area.
  14. It couldnt be more simple. Trump wants in on it. Not only was it a mexican who stole the jersey, it was also a member of the media. Plus he gets to return the jersey to the other fat orange loudmouth, Kraft. Look for news of a public stoning coming soon.
  15. Slicing up one brings tears to your eyes. The other is just a hooker.
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