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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Or the CFL, so he could just goof off.
  2. Agree 100% on these comps. Wanted Williams in the beginning of the offseason, but after watching Davis, I think hes the best WR in the class this year.
  3. I guess I didnt realize that mermaids had mustaches.
  4. Probably not. If they convict him, I wouldnt expect a harsh sentence. Probably some jail time and alot of house arrest/probation.
  5. Bloodlines go to OLeary on that trade. The Golden Bear was one of the best in the business.
  6. God damn.... If I ever use the word 'frisbee' in a sentence, will the closest person just shoot me in the head?
  7. Yeah, Ive heard of it. Only bad part about disk golf is breaking the news to your family that youre gay.
  8. All games will be packaged with air pillows in giant brown boxes by the Chinese.
  9. Wasnt John high on pain pills and typing with one hand when he started this thread?
  10. Thats the first thing I thought of, too. Even if the guy sprinted next door, grabbed the gun and sprinted back, thats enough time for the shower guy to at least pull the shower curtain open and get outta there. Of course, a 31yr old elementary school teachers aide probably isnt the brightest bulb. Also, a skinny neo-hippy with a long beard covered in tattoos screams of drugs. Either way, 2nd degree sounds right. Voluntary/involuntary manslaughter would be saying that he meant to hurt but not kill. 2nd degree is for when they say he was 'blinded by rage' or couldnt think clearly due to the circumstances.
  11. So nobody would do multiple years for a LB that age? I pictured a 3 or 4yr deal, given the circumstances. Thats a win for Washington since he'll be motivated for another contract next year.
  12. Does the leadership council answer to Whaley or McD, or Pegs? But really, its a good idea. After hurricane Rex swept through with a storm of goofs, gluttony, unaccountablity, poor planning, poor execution, etc, I think the team is ready for more structure. At the end of the day, trusting your players judgment is important, but just letting everyone do whatever they want didnt work with this team.
  13. <slow clap> Dont let that grease monkey give you or Shirl any guff. You didnt watch your buddies in the USPS die for this creep.
  14. Pete Carroll chomping on gum makes me want to kill someone.
  15. This is very true. Although, it doesnt make a team chaplain any less worthless.
  16. What about a GoFundMe when hes parole eligible to help get him back in the saddle? I feel like its the least we as fans can do.
  17. He probably diddled one too many kids, so now they have to 'relocate' him.
  18. Pegs sold the team to the Chinese. I &#33;@#&#036;ing knew it!
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