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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. I came up with a way to use it, but its a tad antisemitic, so Ill refrain.
  2. Punctuation tends to confuse the french canadian folk.
  3. Yes, now get back to work before I call your boss (Im assuming that you work at the hockey puck factory). Also, not to notpick but its 'YOURE'!
  4. And he did it all without starting a thread pleading for advice from strangers. Didnt think that was possible!
  5. Talking to yourself through a message board? This is a new low, even for you John.
  6. Go ahead and fire me!
  7. Thats really cool, and good news too. If he signs with us, you have a chance to be a god around here. Dont blow it.
  8. Lets get this out of the way right now: Unless youre willing to out your source and tell us every detail, youre a lying scumbag looking for attention. Also, welcome to the board!
  9. Get Ralph Lauren on the horn and somebody make a quiche!
  10. You better boo the hell out of Maclin.
  11. Hes just running late. He'll be here soon.
  12. Is it past the point of just sleeping with her to change her mind?
  13. Despite the sore hand, subsequent arrest, and loss of a girlfriend, the worst part of that guys day is still that he works at Applebees.
  14. Was all of you stuff out of the apt when the walkthrough took place? Or was something concealing the damage that she missed the first time? (I.e. behind a piece of furniture, under a rug) Leases usually state that the funds wont be released until the inspection is done, so I wouldnt worry about getting the signed walkthrough paperwork as being the end-all. To me, her releasing the security (the money) absolves you of liability unless there was some attempt to cover it up during the walkthrough. But Im an idiot, so lawyer up. The good news is that youve got the TBD braintrust working on it for you (myself, Exiled, teef, etc) so nothing to worry about.
  15. Hes currently in time out, for his latest crusade. I just know that somewhere, hes yelling at a wall about QBR.
  16. Just buy the Readi-Whip like everyone else, you uppity &!#/*
  17. I pictured Boyst as more of a pig man, but I guess variety is the spice of life!
  18. Exactly. Except that Lorax actually produced last year. And there is no reason to have 2 old men running around out there. Sticking with Lorax was the smart move, even if theyre both old.
  19. If teams want to change their logos and team names, it should be on their own accord. Any publicity (positive or negative) should be the results of their choices, not a court order.
  20. They had to remove the upper decks to get Rex and Rob outta there. This was the next option:
  21. The drones will be powered by positive thinking.
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