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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. "I think so much of you fans that Ill be eating a hot dog in front of you."
  2. Not really looking fine. Theyre just running routes while Goff misses them. ALynns offense on the other hand looks good.
  3. The flags are getting old. Not just our games. Its all of them so far this preseason. As if preseason games need more of a reason not to watch.
  4. Yeah, he's going to just get pummeled all season. His escapability is one of the best parts of his game, but it doesnt work if its just a jailbreak play after play. He doesnt have the quickness or timing for this offense.
  5. Tyrod looks exposed in this offense. Obviously the plan is to move on from him asap, but its going to make this season unwatchable.
  6. Can someone post the comments or interview? Nevermind, just watched it. And he makes a good point. If teams thought Keap was a starter, he'd be on a roster. You could tell he was looking for the right words, but it sounded like there was a grown man barking in the background. Hard to concentrate with that going on.
  7. This sounds like a future Safety Ambassador to me.
  8. Just got off of an email chat with him and he agreed. Thanks for the tip! We may have some room on the finance board for you.
  9. He gets micropennies for every click. Its the only reason he does it.
  10. That kind of attitude wont win you a spot on the committee. Goo Goo Dolls will have to be lured out of retirement, but theyll do it for a once in a lifetime event like this will be. Our new waterfront stadium might be a good spot, too, at that point. I called the Chamber of Commerce and they downplayed it like we have time, but I told her to write it down somewhere. Get ready man, we are goin...
  11. The Browns could afford that, but it would make our season unwatchable, IMO.
  12. Is this a new way of writing the initials|number? Never seen it before, but very nice.
  13. Shady spotted at the Baltimore airport posing with dudes in chinos! Recipes are already pouring in....
  14. Yesterday left me wanting more eclipse So many cool pictures and experiences. Buffalo is in the path of totality for the next one, which is right around the corner (relatively speaking). I figured we could at least get the conversation started about events and parties for it. Im thinking Hammers Lot with Goo Goo Dolls headlining. Also, anyone have a direct link to China for some knock off eclipse glasses that we can get on the cheap? We're open to all suggestions and will be forming a TBD Eclipse committee in the near future. Lets make this the best eclipse yet!
  15. I think at this point I'd take the under. Good foresight on your part!
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