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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. That's not that bad. I've called him a fat tub of goo on several occasions, so let's call it even.
  2. Beane has already proven that he's not going to dismantle a team just for draft picks. But seriously, if they were 2-5 (like we all expected over the summer), there might be some discussion. But not when we're actually getting the most out of those guys.
  3. Yeah, because when you think of forward thinking in the NFL, I think Gase and Tannenbaum!
  4. Happy Birthday. For your gift, I'm giving you 100,000 Meadcoin. Enjoy!
  5. I ordered Meadcoin online and the Feds showed up at my house. %&@!
  6. I'm praying that the Billdo will be out in full force for the NE game.
  7. It's visiting day at Rikers Island, so he's probably catching up with his mom.
  8. I really thought Cooper would be hard to handle but White did it today. And I didn't notice that he didn't shadow on the first series. Interesting strategy by the coaches. On that same note (good coaching), it was obvious that the Bills were deliberately slapping at the ball on every play.
  9. I dont think I follow. It showed zero drops, and if you think about his time here, I cant think of any either. There were some bad passes, but no drops that really stick out. I just can't believe he isn't mentioned more in the "elite" circles when talking about receivers.
  10. I heard the announcers say this during the game and I realized why he's a Hall of Famer. Hats off to him. He's carved his name in as someone who was as reliable as they get.
  11. No joke. At first I thought Lorax was playing lights out.
  12. Because it needs to be said in every Shady thread: "He'll be in radio by the time he's 29"
  13. In the age of the pass, Shady is the run.
  14. He got so excited when they were close to the goal line that he didn't want to come out. He took a big hit, but then waived off Tolbert. You can see that he's hungry out there, and knows that he has to help carry the team.
  15. Dareus was missed on the first drive. That was about it. It also helped that Omuwami went down, because the first couple drives he moved the pile.
  16. Shady was money today. Elston was an unknown and set the tone all day. I had Vietnam flashbacks of Rambo out there. I think Trea may have taken a few years off his life with all those head first collisions.
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