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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Generally speaking, the year was defined by the BBMB shutting down and the subsequent flood of new members that followed. A few of the 'welcome' threads were pretty good.
  2. I like that one. Then pretend like it's stuck to your hand!
  3. I think that somewhere around the Jets game, the team realized that they weren't really going to compete this year. The 5-2 record aside, they started to fall apart due to fatigue, and the rest of the NFL catching up with film. The defense was the first thing to go, followed by the oline. When the big men realized they were paper tigers, the seams started coming apart. I think the coaches had low expectations anyway, but had to let it play out. When the dust settles, I think this is a 6-7 win team, but trending upward due to all of the draft picks coming this year.
  4. I don't think he had a foot on the ground with that floater down the middle. Not a good look as far as basic mechanics. Is that per qtr or possession?
  5. The best way to go after Asians is with a .45 and a 12 pack of Piels. Another good one is a big ball jar half filled with rocks and some dynamite. Seal it up and drop it and you'll have more carp than you can handle (along with DNR).
  6. Peterman would slay him with his biceps of steel?
  7. I don't think that there was any worry in their minds that Tyrod would lead them to the playoffs. It's probably the last thing they should worry about after the last two games.
  8. His decision to stick with Tyrod will be his downfall. We've seen it before where a coach falls in love with a particular attribute and puts the blinders on. Edwards had his 'poise'. Manuel had his size and 'untapped potential'. Hamden had his 'chroise'. We've seen it before so don' Expect some big change from the hardheaded McDermott. Mark my words.
  9. Dennison and Frazier to lock themselves in a room until they 'figure some $hit out'.
  10. I love these International Scouts. Perfect truck to poke around in at the beach.
  11. Somewhere there is a small, redheaded child with the last nameTolbert running around.
  12. Peterman would have stopped them. But seriously, what a lack of effort by the D. Did not care one bit.
  13. Not really. It's almost exactly like our 2011. Once coaches get a few games of film, they find weaknesses in the weak teams and exploit them. It happens almost every year to a few teams. A hot start followed by a cliff dive, followed by a 'resilient' couple of garbage wins at season end. I'm hoping for no 'resilient finish this year, only because we need this draft to count. The last two weeks exposed our team for what it really is, an group of veteran placeholders, most of which won't be back next year.
  14. Not trying split hairs here, but do you mind if I masturbate in front of you?
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