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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Very poingient video. Really makes you wonder if its us that are the chickens in this rat race, blindly running around at full speed.
  2. My west coast sources confirmed that.
  3. That's the one that ate Siegfried. The blood turned him.
  4. Not surprising that it happened close to Easter. #HE IS RISEN!
  5. Was thinking the same thing. To the OP, are we allowed to tailgate before/after the event?
  6. I just see this as boys will be boys. Last time I was in NC, I wanted to kill everyone, too.
  7. Now we'll have someone to blame when they cut to commercial before every Bills pick.
  8. Someone ping Don and see what his sources say.
  9. Yeah, that was him. It got to the point at the end of the season where it was multiple times during the game he was giggling like a school girl.
  10. Not unless he's a scratch golfer.
  11. Damn, how'd that meme get so dank??
  12. Damn, check out the fins on that one.
  13. Isn't Niagara Falls pretty much a vacant toxic waste dump already? Why not frack it and just let the chips fall where they may. At least the town may generate some revenue.
  14. I think you hit the nail on the head here. He's been lobbying the league office to allow 'Duverney-Tardif, Notary Public' for that last 2 years. Now this? Common, man.
  15. As soon as I saw the thread, I changed into my Chinos and put on a pot of turkey chili.
  16. It is, until you consider that OLeary is a direct decendant of Jack Nicklaus.
  17. I've actually never heard that. It's always been for drug money, as far as I know.
  18. Tall and big hands. A resurgence might be possible.
  19. I'd be pissed off if I was in Cleveland, too.
  20. If they're really street, they use the check cashing store on the corner, despite the high fees.
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