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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Is it Vince Wilfork? If so, you're gonna need some recipes.
  2. I think Fumagalli goes before the 4th, but I think he'd be a solid pickup in the draft. A group of Clay, Fumagalli, and OLeary would be a good group of TEs.
  3. Two running backs and a waterboy? No thanks.
  4. This reads like some commie rag. Beat it, pal. This is OUR time!
  5. As a male nurse, you have to know enough about the human body (or at least cleaning up their feces) to know that this 'report' is nothing more than FAKE NEWS!
  6. Yeah, if Vea is there at 19, a trade up from 21 wouldn't be out of the question. I think he's a legit 1st round talent and day 1 starter.
  7. Waiting on the spin cycle for his second source to confirm.
  8. When you walk into a Starbucks and you see someone across the room also wearing someone else's skin as a coat, the conversation just starts itself.
  9. I'm not gonna miss those stupid glasses on the sideline on Sundays. Good riddance!
  10. IMO, his hair is ridiculous. Get a haircut you !@#$ing hippie!
  11. I remember I used to watch him play on Sundays and tell everyone what a great announcer he'll make one day.
  12. One of the few matchup wins we have against them is either of our TEs or RBs being covered by Poz in the passing game. Jville does a good job of hiding him, but hopefully we find a way to exploit that matchup.
  13. Phoenix? Yikes, its hot there!! Too hot for me. If I want to cook an egg I'll use a pan, not the sidewalk. A bunch of white haired zombies discussing the amount of salt in the food. No thanks!
  14. Millenials change things to confuse older folk.
  15. Comeback game against the Oilers in 93 was a wildcard game.
  16. Interesting that the DBs had no idea about the Kyle Williams play. They were surprised that he was in the game, then afterwards Kyle says "It was even a secret from yall". Chad Chokedicks source must be ROCK solid to get the Intel on that one.
  17. A friend of mine is friends with Bortles on Snapchat. She said that he send her perverted pics with dog ears and cat noses on them. But they aren't the preset filters, its just Bortles dressed up.
  18. He was my preseason "Breakout" player. And honestly, I was kind of disappointed that he didnt have a stronger year. I feel like he was neither good or bad this year, with flashes on both sides. He's a player that should be retained and used situationally or as first LB off the bench.
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