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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. If you want a prediction, you're asking the wrong Phil. Its gonna be cold, its gonna be gray, and its gonna last you the rest of your life.
  2. 70 and sunny yesterday in Charleston
  3. Knew a guy who stunk, and probably still does. I got tricked into giving him a ride into town for a few weeks. I'd pull up to get him and he had just taken a shower, put on clean clothes, and would stink like you wouldnt believe. To the point where people couldnt ride in cars with him. The smell would linger for the rest of the day and sometimes into the next day just from a 20 minute car ride. A putrid smell of crap mixed with garbage. I never had the balls to ask him what was going on with that, but I just stopped talking to him. Nobody's got time for all that.
  4. Time to pack up and head back to Flagstaff, Ice! Am I right?? You'll go right over 'The Canyon', so watch out the window!
  5. Started watching Black Monday with Don Cheadle on Showtime. 1st episode was ok so far. It's about the stockmarket crash in 87. A Lambo Limo makes an appearance:
  6. Maybe they'll video their walkthrough again, for old times sake.
  7. Great, two weeks of ball washing the Pats.
  8. His father is definately Lonnie Johnson, but I'm not sure if that's the one that played for the Bills.
  9. Damn, looks like someone reprogrammed him wrong and he went to the wrong site. Who's in charge of the bots again??
  10. They take him all apart and clean him with compressed air during the offseason. Sometimes they'll upgrade his processors to give him a boost.
  11. I agree with this, and the timing would be right now that we have a qb who can throw the ball.
  12. Get wifi and just watch the DTV app on a computer and use the TV as a monitor. And start using a streaming device (roku, fire stick etc). Come on, even I can do that!
  13. He's a ginger, no? They're not even human, so I'd say no way.
  14. I think the Chiefs defense really stepped it up yesterday too. Not surprisingly, so did the Pats. After poor seasons, they both shined yesterday. It'll be interesting if either or both can sustain that next week. And you're right about Hilton. The announcer mentioned that he was injured but I didnt catch what was wrong with him.
  15. To his defense, he was probably blacked out already.
  16. We did it!!
  17. Ellen Degeneres takes Grandpa Simpson out for a nice afternoon.
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