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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. Go look it up again. That stat doesnt include illegal contact (hitting the helmet or below the knees) or personal fouls called that happen before the ball comes out. While youre at it, post the link youre using, too. Or did you pull this directly from your diary?
  2. You could almost hear the announcers roll their eyes when the Brady flag came. They love him, but theyre human, too, and would have called BS on those plays if they could have. Smith took a later, harder hit, and nothing gets called.
  3. Ditto. She had me at 'free pizza'.
  4. Every team has a rallying point, and I feel like they actually were playing hard DESPITE their head coach, not because of him. He tried to take a militant role, which can work, but he never earned his teams respect. Therefore, they turned on him and rallied around their strong defense and DC.
  5. Oh yeah, im talkin about Carolina, not NE. I think the Panthers are the hot team right now.
  6. But actually, if a bunch of us Bills fans root for the Pats, doesnt that almost certainly mean that theyll lose the big one? All heil Marcia & Bill!
  7. I agree. Nobody can stop them other than themselves. Theyre playing at another level right now, with all the confidence in the world.
  8. I hope the Brady-Manning duel turns out to be close, but with the Pats winning. Then I hope the Panthers destroy them and Cam dances all over the field in front of them, embarrassing the Pats and signifying the end of both Brady and Manning for good. First down hip-hop dances for everyone!
  9. There is still one of those open in Bradford, PA. Its called the Farm Family Restaurant, but its the original Red Barn fried chicken recipe. I think its closing this year for good. Isnt the franchise out of Erie or somewhere out that way? Now what to do with a giant building shaped like a barn.... Edit: looks like one in Wisconsin, too. At its peak there were 300-400 of them?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Barn_(restaurant)
  10. Nice, didnt realize it had gotten so good. I prefer elitesingles.com. Its the only place where the elite can go to lie and rape each other and not get bothered by the riff raff.
  11. I agree. Belichek will take away the short passing game somehow and Andy Reid and Alex Smith will sit there on their thumbs in awe.
  12. I would have preferred that he go to the Jets, but this will be ok, too. The NY media will have a field day with him. And the Giants arent an organization to mess around with. Theyre not the struggling Bills, Jags, or Orangemen. They expect to win now, with a QB, WR, and defense that can do it. I bet he'll be in over his head in NY, which is obviously where we want him to be.
  13. Wasnt there a Weddle thread awhile back? I thought we all hated him or he sucked???
  14. Let him play out next year in a contract year and then shower him in money if he has a good year. If he falters next year, we'll run him out of town on a rail.
  15. Id say he's exceeded almost everyones expectations for his first season as a starter, with a new OC and coaching staff. Factor in the injuries to himself, Sammy, Percy, McCoy, and KW, and he's had a hell of a good season. Looking forward to seeing more from him next year.
  16. I feel like Kyle could be rotated in at nose or DE (in a pinch) on 3rd down and obvious passing situations. He's proven to be a versitile player in about 4 different schemes. His price tag as a rotational player might be too high, but to say he cant play in a 3-4 isnt correct. He isnt prototypical for a 3-4, but Im sure he'd love to prove everyone wrong one more time before he calls it quits.
  17. Id be good with that, but itll cost us our 2nd rd pick (probably). Hes had two strong years playing against high quality teams.
  18. He may be able to lure a FA safety our way, too. Reed seems like a guy that is synonymous with strong safety play. Coaching may be his thing.
  19. Im mad as hell, and Im not gonna take it anymore! We need to get a petition to get these blokes outta here. The cronyism has got to stop!!
  20. This was a ploy to drive traffic to the Twitter feed. He's selling the domain to the highest bidder (Trump or Bon Jovi)
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