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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. The cap "relief" went to Run DMC. Who wants out of there already.
  2. I wanna hear her say 'on Dorsett' a few more times.
  3. Whats wrong with this world where 5 or 6 grown men are fighting over 4 bottles of champagne at 3 in the morning, at one of the douchiest nightclubs in Philly? Football players and cops, formerly considered to be manly professions. This is sad all around. At least there was broken bones and blood.
  4. Ill never forget when Sully asked him, "Do you believe that the stereotype still exists that Black mobile quarterback can't throw from the pocket?"
  5. Bills fall ass-backwards into Lombardi trophy.
  6. Repeat unlikely in Bills Super Bowl win.
  7. Haha....hes the debbie downer of every party, IMO.
  8. Kinda funny. He can $&*# all over Buffalo, the Bills, and the Sabres for years and hold a job just fine. But when you embarrass your employer like he did today in front of the national news, it could actually lead to him being fired IF it were to snowball into one of these rediculous social media frenzies that seem to happen out of nowhere. Doubt it will, but being perceived as an out of touch racist doesnt look good (I dont think he is an out of touch racist, but social media is a funny thing).
  9. Yeah, the 3rd episode was just silly. It made me think "has this show always been this corny and I just never realized it?" Glad to see others felt that way, too. Ill finish these last 3 episodes, but hopefully they lean more towards the gov conspiracy angle instead of australian lizard men.
  10. Gmail, by Google. Powered by Windows Live with Hotmail. Its like they just threw every 'computer word' that they know in there. "Get the latest in Megabyte technology!" And even if it was legit, Id have a hard time taking direction from a guy named 'Barry'.
  11. So who's gonna play in the Super Bowl??? The timing doesnt make sense.
  12. I think its pronounced with an I. Either way, this kid can snap a ball: http://espn.go.com/blog/big12/post/_/id/102150/baylor-deep-snapper-jimmy-landes-snaps-ball-from-top-of-mclane-stadium
  13. Now that he's done with it, I will claim the official nickname 'Megatron'.
  14. The regime change isnt complete until Garrison is off this roster. Hes a loser, who breeds a losing culture. Besides, five minutes with Landis and he'll make you forget all about Sandborn. He's the future of longsnapping in the NFL.
  15. Jimmy Landis from Baylor is the pick of the longsnapper litter, IMO. Smooth elbows, strong neck snap, tight wrist work. He did 26 forearm curls at last years combine and measured a rediculous 49" leg spread. Sandbourne's been camped out on the roster for long enough. His snapping and pitiful track record speak for themselves. Time to can the bum, and hand the #65 jersey to Jimmy Landis!
  16. I snuck a dozen hot dogs through in my waistband. Want one?
  17. I could see the Pats making a move for Forte.
  18. Hard to believe that someone looked at those two and thought it was a good idea to draft them together. They've underperformed consistently, every chance they got. Fitting that theyll both be flushed together, too.
  19. Theyre right though. He would have been blocked out of that play.
  20. Took the boat out into the Nor'easter last night to catch some sheepshead and winter trout. Guess Im finally part of the 1%. It was like a scene from the perfect storm for a minute, then it was time to head in and talk to Mead before he left work.
  21. The ad in the paper said: warm body needed. Full healthcare, pension.
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