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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. But what about Andy Dal............you're right.
  2. Subtitled: Making of a Murderer, Part Deux
  3. I dont know. Thomas was abused by Jerry in 2014, but that isnt typical of his play. Could work out for us, but it also makes the Jets better.
  4. Is this for real? Cant wait to see @420POTBEAST6969 tackle @juicyqueenmamacita!
  5. He's a decent pick up this time of year because we need bodies to compete. However, two Browns dont make a right. I still think we have to draft a LB with one of our early picks.
  6. What do you mean? They included Ed Reed.
  7. Its still 50-50 that he pans out and warrants that type of contract. The Bills could still look like geniuses if he tanks this season.
  8. Rob Ryan: 'Hey Doug, make yourself useful and send the beer-man in.'
  9. The only real risk is when the offense is on the field and he's playing.
  10. Hankerson and Greg Little can put together a nice beach volleyball duo.
  11. This is a great idea! Instead of a well thought out, bullet-pointed post like Bill has been doing, switch it to a stream of conscience, reactionary post that captures the highs and lows of a Sunday afternoon for us Bills fans. Like the shoutbox, but its just Bill.
  12. I dont know. Staying the week in London certainly didnt help them last year. They looked flat all game.
  13. Hes the only guy who cant just enjoy a nice pancake breakfast.
  14. "The agents probably the most disappointed, but we have a football team to run." Love that one.
  15. Really? Im feeling whipping boy. Like a bald mulligan.
  16. I think this makes sense. Cant stand when a call is obviously wrong, everyone can see it, and the play stands because its not a reviewable play.
  17. He looks like he just took his kids to the park. #gooddad
  18. The great white hype
  19. White men be cheatin'....
  20. Rabble rabble rabble!!
  21. Draft Aguyo/Landis (Landus will be undrafted) and cut Carp/Sand-bore.... out with the old, in with the new.
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