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Everything posted by Captain_Quint

  1. This is a good point. A cherry goes on a sundae. Icing goes on a cake. IMO
  2. The lapband is coming off for this one. Its gonna be a dog fight for both squads.
  3. Last anyone saw him, he was huffing paint in his 3rd floor apt in Ewing.
  4. Youre a sloppy mess, your team is a sloppy mess, and now your eclipse of a brother is oozing his sloppy mess all over Buffalo. Even your lapband has given up on you.
  5. My price is ten! Plus a case of apricot brandy, and throw in some of that Ukranian caviar.
  6. I'm going to give you a prediction about this winter. It's going to be cold, it's going to be dark and it's going to last you for the rest of your lives.
  7. This should go in the crazy stat thread that SDS started because its crazy!
  8. </This is an automated response/}> Please stay on topic and refrain from poetry that does not follow the 5-7-5 structure. { Thank You .\>
  9. Piels are on sale now. The Bills are in Baltimore. Hope springs eternal.
  10. Its sweeter for him because hes in Miami, where nobody cares about football, so he can half ass it all he wants.
  11. They had plans to tie him up, but all the shrimp nets were being used.
  12. I still think Dareus will pay off. His potential in this defence is unlimited, but if he keeps screwing up, he'll be gone. I think people mature alot in their mid twenties, so Im hoping that hes turning the page on being a moron.
  13. I think in this case, only the son was implicated. But the father and son were questioned in a similar murder of a 19yr old found in McClellinville. The father was also accused in the past of trying to force a woman in Myrtle Beach into his van.
  14. Apparently the family that did it was questioned in the past about two other incidents, too. One was a 19yr old girl with about the same circumstances. Staying in Myrtle and found gang-raped and killed near McClellinville. The other one, the girl got away, but the dad had tried to throw her in his van. Never had enough evidence to prosecute on those two.
  15. Ellen announces plans for bigger, better strap on.
  16. I live near these pits and swamps, and theyre no joke. Not filled with maneaters, but when there are 10 or 15 of them, even the small ones will eat their weight and then some. Spent the night camping in HellHole Swamp a few times and saw my share of them.
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