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Beef Jerky

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Posts posted by Beef Jerky

  1. I'm just not a fan of cronyism and nepotism. I have seen it all my adult life, people getting jobs there not qualified for or maybe are qualified for it but get hired over better candidates because they know the a-hole in charge. I'm sure Rex feels "his guys" are great coaches and maybe they are, but I think there are better candidates out there, thats all.


    If Pepper was offered a spot and he refused...then that sucks for us. He was a good coach (imo).



    Ummm...Okay? News Flash.... Do you sign a letter you send in the mail even though you add your name and return address to the envelope? They know it's you that sent the letter.


    Yea... These aren't letters. Also I highly doubt you know better then Rex about candidates for positions coaches... Actually I am sure of it.
  2. 20,20,19,24--those are the Jets D rankings in points allowed the past 4 years.

    did you take out pick 6's and you forgot offensive turnovers. I also need defenses starting field position on those turnovers. See how much goes into stats, it's why you really shouldn't just post one and think it works.

    Well, quoting REX, who is very quotable.....he said (paraphrasing) " I don't believe in putting square pegs in round holes...I use the strengths of the players we have"

    If he does that, we are going to be big time winners on the D side of the ball!!! If he forces players to fit his template....we are screwed, and headed for a big turnover of players.

    You do know Rex is better then Schwartz and has used every different defensive scheme in the NFL world so he knows what he's doing.

  3. The Defensive coaching staff hires just seem to be cronyism at its finest, and i don't mean it in a good way. What happened to find the best guy available, not just the shmuck you worked with at your last job because that's who you know. Just pathetic! Maybe it will turn out to be a good staff but, i just don't like how its playing out for hiring of the defensive staff. Pepper definitely deserved a spot on the staff if he wanted one!





    News Flash all coaches bring guys they know and trust in... No need to sign your name, people can see this is your post.
  4. National media, or more appropriately, the 50 former player talking head panel shows are usually a trailing indicator. How many of those guys picked the Saints and Bears to compete for a SB this year? The flapping heads don't see the progress until its already happened and they don't see the weakness until its already manifested.

    /thread ender of all thread enders.

  5. Those who benefit least: OBB Bradham. He will now be expected to blitz, contribute on effective edge setting and be out of the mix. Occasionally pressed in to larger pass coverage roles to make up for blitzers.

    Jerry Hughes or any DE will no longer be all go after the QB and be expected to occupy space on the DL

    Kyle Williams same as above.

    The TE unit. I've never seen a TE work in any Rex Ryan team and not sure Roman utilizes the TE unit well.

    Funny Kyle Williams is actually Rex's favorite player.

    marrone and 2014 crew had a philosophy directly against their roster in every way. Lee smith over Goodwin/Williams etcfair enough but I have a lot of questions about what the plan is and I am concerned with the future of Hughes and Bradham is for our team

    If the defense is #1 like I expect with or without them it doesn't really matter.


    The fact that Rex was able to get something out of Maybin, even though it wasn't much, shows me how good Rex is at putting his defensive players in position to succeed.

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