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george c

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Everything posted by george c

  1. I pay well over 11k for my 3k sqft house here in western ny. Build a custom home here, and get killed by Andrew... My Naples Florida townhouse 1,900sqft runs about 3k with hoa.
  2. Well, until Brandon is fired, and his offices sprayed down with Lysol, expect more issues that will eventually kill the coach and the team..
  3. Look at all of those rings on Whaley's hand.....
  4. Why not us? In comparison to NE, we suck. Since we can't win the division by any stretch, we will make it 18 years in a row.
  5. Oh, we hate Jerry.... Problem is that he is usually 100% correct. The team has stunk. Ownership has stunk. The results on the field have stunk, and has been a national embarrassment that won't quit.. The GM has been a unmitigated failure in hiring coaches, analyzing quarterbacks, executing any sort of long term plan, and generally leaving this team totally void of talent. Yeah, I'd say that anyone trying to find the positive from this organization would look bitter also.
  6. None. I gave up four JKC the day they hired Rex, and I won't donate another cent until the Pegulas get their heads removed from their posterior. The team is barely worth my TV time for three hours on Sunday, but I am still a fan.
  7. Zero chance of this. The state gives Buffalo a billion dollars to revitalize the cities economy, but does not build the new centerpiece crown jewel downtown?
  8. I happen to agree with him. I think most do. The Bills are a joke, and the sunshine fans wonder why we end each season deeply disappointed from a perennially untalented and consistently outplayed and crashing roster by seasons end. Well, it's kinda easy to see. Whaley has been horrific, and finally, finally the Pegulas are seeing it. Soon enough, someone will be spraying Lysol in Whaleys old office.. Find yourself in a hole? Quit digging.....
  9. EJ Manuel was by far the biggest bust in Bills history, and it's a long way to second.
  10. Hilarious OP. Last everyone checked, we stink to hilarious proportions, and are the perennial door mat when it comes to making the post season. Yeah, great job....
  11. Kelly wasn't the football god that everyone seems to be annointing him as.. He was above average, to great at times. Four trips with no jewelry says otherwise. Promo said it well.
  12. The problem isn't the issue of a first round QB bust. It happens... The issue is a GM who is so horrifically inept at recognizing the glaring lack of QB skill, and then doubles down and spends two first round picks on a premium receiver who can't get the ball delivered to him anywhere above the knees.
  13. EJ is so bad, and such a horrible QB, the question isn't about EJ getting a job here.. It's more on an indictment of how poor of a GM Doug Whaley truly is. No one in their right mind would want this guy anywhere near the field, yet Whaley can not separate his ego from reality. Hopefully, McDermott has total control f the roster now..
  14. Brady is the best of all time, Period... the best, and it's a long, long, long way down to sort out 2nd place. No one has ever been so effective, and incredible effective on some of the NFL's historically best defensive teams. He has crushed the NFL since game one, and has played at that level every year like clockwork. .
  15. Whaley was right for once in his life. EJ does have the "it" factor.. Unfortunately, "it" doesn't mean good.
  16. You are what your record says you are. Whaley is an 8-8 GM Not good enough...
  17. Stinko.. is the sun bright? Any moron can see what Watkins is all about.. all the kid needs is a qb who can pass.
  18. As long as Whaley is in charge, expect and extra 5 years to recover. Simply a horrible point man in the war room.
  19. You are what your record says you are. In Whaley's case, horrific.
  20. I personally feel Whaley is a horrific GM, and instances like this shows that this administration isn't willing to "turn over every stone".
  21. God, you can't write this shi*, but HE DID..!
  22. I love Brady and have all the respect in the world for BB, but he is the luckiest SOB On Earth. If lynch scores like he should, there would have been no time left for Brady. BB definitely screwed up by not calling a time out. That play was a total fluke.
  23. The stadium is a horrible design to begin with. The sideline seats before the angle bleachersaround the goal line face forward, and not at an angle. You get a stiff neck watching the play down field.
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