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george c

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Everything posted by george c

  1. If the loss of a single player makes an entire defense collapse since his exit, then the problem is larger than we think.
  2. Time and time again, this grown man (graham) acts like a little child on Twitter. Somehow, he thinks he’s something more than what he is. I unfollowed his spoiled temper tantrums last year. Just unbelievable that TBN employs such hacks today. Larry Felser and Jim Kelley are rolling over.
  3. Torn Labrum? I’m surprised he even played. You lose all push strength and motion range in your arm with lots of pain.
  4. Unfit to play back up in the CFL.
  5. Jerry does ask the tough questions, I get that. I respect and I like that. But, he never fails to write it in a way that sticks an ice pick in the average Bills fans ear. It’s just malicious and unnecessary when making his point. TBN really needs to replace him with someone less nasty and miserable. I also hope he heals, and finds some peace, because it reflects in his writing.
  6. If they change anything, the only acceptable option would be going to the throwbacks full time. Thank GOD the red helmets are gone.
  7. Very easy for a complete stranger to look at Sullivan’s floppy earlobes and cocky face and know what he is...
  8. Oakland Raiders white on silver.
  9. Oh brother......
  10. Rob Ryan brought in Humber. The rest? Who cares. None changed the team for the better, and most of his choices caused years of losing. yes, I hope the Browns bring in Whaley. That should insure the Browns remain at the bottom for quite some time.
  11. Romo said it perfectly. Brady is an absolute assassin. The best that’s ever been and it’s light years to get to second place. The only way we win this game is if the Pats fall asleep. Last nights game showed that Gronkowski needs to be double teamed, and then who does that leave alone? Its going to take pressure, playing Gronkowski tough, and scoring every time we have the ball.
  12. Died? First, yes, fun to watch.. But no, that wasn’t football. That was a side show. I agree with those who think we should have a fixed dome.
  13. Snow only helps the less talented team. Ill never go to another winter game. dome? I’m back in for season tickets.
  14. The OP thinks we’re Cleveland.. McBeans going to have their opportunity , and will have multiple drafts to get the SS Whaley re-christened into a winner.
  15. They’ve always slipped it to us, and I expect them to jam it to us on Sunday. Hopefully, we will have full coverage protection.
  16. Are you having trouble seeing the big picture here?
  17. Phillip Rivers. nuff said...
  18. The large planes are being quickly phased out. The 747 is basically done for passenger travel, and the A380 is a useless plane, and as a prior poster claimed, they can’t give them away. They are quickly being over run by the efficiency and flexibility of the 777 and now the 787/A350. Simply incredible planes . The new 737max will be the next work horse for short to coast to coast travel.
  19. Schopps goal seems to be making the playoffs. Making the playoffs without a chance of advancing to the Super Bowl is a joke. The goal is building a contender, and that’s not happening with Taylor.
  20. Dareus had to go.. Who to blame? Blame the prior horrible GM who gave him so much money that there was no other choice going forward, and that was Doug Whaley.
  21. That's funny right there.... SMH. We finally have someone promising to work with, and someone complains that he claps too much.. I see the light at the end of an 18 year tunnel ahead, and definite relevance today..
  22. I agree. Left tackles who can play should bring a first and change. Anything less, then we should keep him.
  23. Not counting this year: Vic Morrows Head...
  24. Any draft pick was a cherry on top. They should be elated ANYONE took on that contract and haynesworth 2.0.
  25. Blame Whaley for having to dump Dareus, and over 50 million dollars worth is of a horrifically bad contract. This is Beanes finest and smartest move as the Bills GM yet..
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