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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. 13 seconds. No way they were getting further. Colossal fail on so many counts, but started with the kickoff.
  2. Mistake after mistake after mistake. However they went 43 yards in 10 seconds. 43 yards from the 10 yard line if a fair catch (I'd have it closer to the 5), means a 60 yard FG.
  3. A fair catch at the 5-10 yard line means an extra 5-20 yards. That happens and only a hail mary wins them the game. Think about it, there is no fair catch if kicked shallow.... Bass was proficient at kicks like that all season with his 3-4 step approach.
  4. My view is that it was.... There were a # of options to get through 13 seconds, which should have been simple. Statistical odds already have proven/shown a squib/short kick was the best option. This thread was pointing out that Bass planned to kick it out of the endzone for a touchback (whether someone forgot to tell him to do different is another debate, but he definitely wanted to get a touchback), and that every stat points to it being the better call and that the Bill defence on those short kicks was # 3 in the league. Every second counted. This isn't a random play during the game (& yes there were many questionable ones, and great plays too during the game) It was 13 freaking seconds & the Bills Coaches royally screwed it up.😡
  5. I showed the math and stats that to me support that a kick to the 5-10 yard line was the best bet. I know that was what I was shouting for them to do. Bass was money all year doing it and the ST coverages were great. Would have run a minimum 4-5 seconds not 3 imo & that would have given KC no time to run two plays to get to the 32 (which is where they ended up). At best would have been a 60 yard attempt.
  6. Trust me I explained that away plenty of times this year. The Bills played garbage QBs much of the year. However I'm certainly no expert on special teams, but Pringle is a good, not great returner. I'm however exhausted and pretty much done. The # errors the Bills made in the last 13 seconds is ridiculous. The moment was too big for the coaches....
  7. So the most important player was not told???? Gross incompetence.
  8. How? It was the exact same as every kick he did on Sunday. The pop up is 3-4 yard approach. Geez.
  9. Pringle How many times do I have to say the same. Bass kicks 60 yard fgs with a 3 yd approach. He did it 5 times already in the game. He knows his leg. Thanks!!!!!
  10. Just needed to review in detail. It's my way. I'm not over it, but yup, this obsessing is therapeutic for me.😜
  11. If they returned it to the 40 yep an epic fail, but I showed empirical evidence that the Bills didn't allow it all year.
  12. Here's the Kickoff Defence. https://www.footballdb.com/stats/teamstat.html?group=D&cat=KR&yr=2021&lg=NFL
  13. All season long when Bass wanted it returned he did a shorter approach. He was easily sailing it in the endzone all game. 7-8 yard full steam run and a booming kick. He has a 60 yard+ leg for FGs we know, so again why if he is only trying to kick it 60 yards is he doing a full wind-up. Sorry need to get this out of my system......😜
  14. That's McD's responsibility to tell them to kick it short. ST coach is to ensure that they play it right and tackle. If I'm wrong as to their responsibility let me know.
  15. I have posted in other threads so apologies. And yes still pissed at all the mistakes in the last 13 seconds. I can accept (though inexcusable) that there was miscommunication (and that is an epic fail), but not that Bass was not trying to kick it out of the endzone. Yes in another thread.... I had to go back and watch every kick...... Bass was kicking into the endzone. His approach was 7-8 yards..... The 29-26 kick, same approach 7-8 yards, After the 75 yard TD, he actually did a 5-6 yard approach and in the end zone. After HT, 5-6 yards and through the endzone..... Just before HT and the TD, 7 yard approach and touchback. At 7-0, again 7 yards and he did not catch it clean and would have bounced in the endzone but Pringle fielded the line drive and returned it to the 25. No chance he was told to kick it short and blew it!!!!!! A good pop up or squib kick goes to the 5-10 yard line. Squibs are often muffed & pop up kicks usually means defense is downfield to defend. You want to know how many short kicks (to the 5-15 yard line) were returned for TD's in 2021 in the NFL (I counted 1,200 kick returns)???? 0!!!!!!! Kicks returned were all line drives to the goal line and returned 98-102 yards. Bass was so proficient that the Bills were third in Kickoff defense & the longest return was 31 yards. That would have eaten 7 seconds minimum. When he did those short kicks he approached them as FGs, has a 60+ yard leg, and would take a 3 or less step drop. A 60 yard kick goes to the 5 yard line. So let's say Bass does kick it to the 5, best return is to the 36 & 7 seconds off the clock. That gives KC one play to get to the 32 (which is where they ended up) or another 32 yards in 6 seconds. If an average return they are at the 22-25 yard line and 7-8 seconds left. The math is simple, you kick it to the 5 or squib it and eat clock.
  16. A good pop up or squib kick goes to the 5-10 yard line. Squibs are often muffed & pop up kicks usually means defense is downfield to defend. You want to know how many short kicks (to the 5-15 yard line) were returned for TD's in 2021???? 0!!!!!!! Kicks returned were all line drives for the goal line 98-102 yards. Bass was so proficient that the Bills were third in Kickoff defense & the longest return was 31 yards. That would have eaten 7 seconds minimum. So let's say Bass does kick it to the 5, best return is to the 36 & 7 seconds off the clock. That gives them one play to get to the 32 or another 32 yards in 6 seconds. If an average return they are at the 22-25 yard line and 7-8 seconds left. The math is simple.
  17. While I'm still here, and yes listened to 1-2 podcasts (love Bill Simmons and a lot on The Ringer), I have plenty of Netflix, Crave (Canada's bundling HBO, Showtime & others) & taped shows to keep me preoccupied. I however will forever blame fundamental simple coaching for screwing up the final 13 seconds (OT, couldn't care less😜). Funny MCM, it was not so much about the kick (the fact they could have bleeded the clock to 0 to kick it) or the terrible kick or the forward lateral. I still am just as incensed that Rob Johnson played that game, was terrible and that Ralph Wilson made the call for him to play (I have absolved Wade Phillips of making that decision).
  18. In other thread. Epic fail is miscommunication in the last 13 seconds. Yes in another thread.... I had to go back and watch every kick (second half)...... Bass was kicking into the endzone. His approach was 7-8 yards..... The 29-26 kick, same approach 7-8 yards, After the 75 yard TD, he actually did a 5-6 yard approach and in the end zone. After HT, 5-6 yards and through the endzone..... You want me to check the other 2 too????? No chance he was told to kick it short!!!!!!
  19. Yes in another thread.... I had to go back and watch every kick (second half)...... Bass was kicking into the endzone. His approach was 7-8 yards..... The 29-26 kick, same approach 7-8 yards, After the 75 yard TD, he actually did a 5-6 yard approach and in the end zone. After HT, 5-6 yards and through the endzone..... You want me to check the other 2 too????? No chance he was told to kick it short!!!!!!
  20. How you have miscommunication there is unbelievable incompetence.
  21. You did???? I now have now watched the 29-26 kick, same approach 7-8 yards, After the 75 yard TD, he actually did a 5-6 yard approach and in the end zone. After HT, 5-6 yards and through the endzone..... You want me to check the other 2 too????? No chance he was told to kick it short!!!!!!
  22. I just watched the kick again. He certainly did. Do I need to rewind & see all of his kickoffs? He has a 60 yard FG leg, 60 yards is to the 5 yard line. Not an argument.
  23. Bull.... All season Bass did the short run for kicks to be returned. He put his full leg into it. This is what you practice.
  24. He's never been wrong, but he admits "they need to get better". Same old story.
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