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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. No one said concede. I said take the third & go whip ass.....😉 Everyone here if the Bills don't win will have threads or be commenting in them along the lines "Wasn't our year", "Too many obstacles", "Emotional toll", "Fate conspired".....
  2. To me it would shut up any griping from the Cincy or particularly KC fans.
  3. We know the love for McD. But I'd say the players too would agree!!!!
  4. I didn't say middle finger. I said the Bills step up and say "We'll take #3". Of course the proviso being that Buff, KC & Cincy win on the weekend. A terrible event on Monday, but regardless it happened to a Bills player.
  5. And why specifically is everyone so impressed with their season???? Yes they overachieved, but it is frankly because their two best games were vs. The Bills and they gave them fits. The rest of the season was okay.
  6. This year has been a rollercoaster to say the least and as I've stated, while if the Bills don't make the SB I'll be disappointed and barring another 13 seconds will do my best to keep my mouth shut, I've come to terms with 2023. So if the Bills said "We'll take the 3rd seed and play it out" I for one would be fine. Though I do like the proviso that the AFC Championship game be played on a neutral (and yes for me domed) field. The more adversity they overcome, seems about right to me.
  7. They haven't to date yet. As far as I have heard there is no definitive word but they don't plan on playing the game.
  8. Thankfully it sounds like they're not going to play the game. As said the game has bad juju.
  9. McD has handled the situation brilliantly. However COY is not what this is about. As per Wikipedia (yes I googled Criteria for NFL COY) The National Football League Coach of the Year Award is presented annually by various news and sports organizations to the National Football League (NFL) head coach who has done the most outstanding job of working with the talent he has at his disposal.
  10. I don't care as long as they don't try and resume the game or start fiddling with the playoff schedule. If the Bills come 3rd so be it. As said prior to the Cincy game it was always SB or bust, now it is about Hamlin recovering and anything else I'll be okay with. I also think 1 week to prep for the SB, no where near enough considering the logistics and just how big it is and the demands on everyone.
  11. As said early on the first 48 hours are crucial. News today is that they are slowly having Damar breathing on his own. I am jumping to no conclusions, but today will tell a lot I expect. A decision on the Cincy game or the NE game I will watch but has little consequence imo (as far as my thoughts on the Bills).
  12. Today will go probably go a long way to sorting out my feelings (and yes I quoted you Teef😉). Monday night when it happened, I actually didn't see it live as I decided after the Bills FG (was disappointed at their play calling after the first down pass to Gilliam) to walk the dog as I was just a bundle of nerves and rather catch up after (and put the game on pause). At the same time I was taping the Toronto Raptors game and then decided to watch the end of the World Junior Hockey game that was going into OT, which is a huge deal up here (though I find it overblown). Incredible OT. I was excited as now I was at least 20 minutes behind and could flip through commercials (and watching the Bills D if Cincy was moving the ball) and catch up quick. The point was after seeing the play (and yep rewinding it a # of times) and seeing the look on the faces and emotions I too was gutted and had no interest in sports or anything of the sort at that moment and time and all I wanted was to hear positive news. We all are waiting and hoping that everything is okay and that today we get word that he is okay & breathing on his own (was always told it would be 48 hours). Until then very little matters, however as Teef said "I don’t think it would be too hard to draw me back in". As I too said earlier, if all positive news on Damar, I will be ready for whatever comes the rest of the season, but won't be nearly as wound up or as upset at drops, bad playcalling, defensive miscues (or opponents conversions), receivers making that tough catch or YAC, coaching second-guesses or missed calls by Refs...... I care no longer about the Bills season (or care about the seeding or replaying the game) & if all is well I'm sure the Playoffs will get me excited again (though regardless will be different). This year will have an * regardless.
  13. I was thinking similar. So invested in the Bills all year and yes it was Superbowl or bust and you could see that in my Threads and comments. But now if they don't get there, it will just be and I will have been emotionally spent. Seems fate has conspired against the Bills.
  14. I can promise you they didn't vs. TB, who dominated Cincy the first half and Burrow looked awful.
  15. No one questions that, not even I. Had no doubt he'd do the right thing in this case.
  16. What would Bill Belichek have done? I'm not sure there is a single coach who would not have done what those two did, but then there's Bill, who no one seems to have any idea what he's thinking. Probably not being fair to Bill, but yes be thankful for both Coaches knowing what to do and not waiting for Godell to make the call. If they stayed on the field, the crowd too may have reacted differently.
  17. Not to get get off track but more important things, but if you do any deep dive into that week, the Bills were completely ill prepared for the week, too much distractions, commitments & parties and were not focused. You could see it played out on the field.
  18. I hope Godell screws up again and tells them to play Wednesday/Thursday and the Bills "No Show".
  19. And I'm convinced that was the reason the Bills lost. Too big a game, too much preparation and logistics nowadays, especially for the teams participating. No way they do that.
  20. No way the Bills should play this game. Too much emotion (or will be none when they play) and much more important things to focus on. I hate anyone & the "Suck it up" attitude.
  21. Who cares, as long as they don't make them play the game. No way should Buffalo & Cincy play (or try and make up the game). Playoffs already are going to be a mess for the Bills regardless.
  22. I didn't say they were good. But they aren't as bad as made out to be considering they have to protect the statue. You don't think the Press has been defending Brady for years now? An example is the Cincinnati game where Tampa Bay dominated the first half and Brady did Brady things. The second half he was bat. The funny thing is Burrow was not that good but they played the entire half in Tampa Bay's territory.
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