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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. Davis fight for the ball???? That's a good one!!!!🤣😜 P.S. He did vs. Pitt for a TD in 2022, which is the only time he has ever won a battle to catch a ball as far as I know. How many times with some awareness he could too have drawn PI by coming back to the ball when coverage wasn't looking also perplexes me.
  2. Any Given Sunday..... This has been discussed. Really?????
  3. And the next two games vs. NE, Buffalo proved 100% just how much better they were and the NE win was only due to the weather. Geez, just proved my point.😉
  4. Talking talent. No one whatsoever is saying Pitt is the better team talentwise. Of course it can happen and the Bills are the beneficiary. And same too "on any given Sunday", Pitt can beat Buffalo, however I 100% guarantee that if Buffalo loses Sunday, the blame will be due to the weather.
  5. Double is the important # and doesn't include Canada and 6.7 million in Toronto Metropolitan area
  6. So wrong. If Allen can't be Allen (the much better QB) and the field truncated because of the wind, that has nothing to do with Pittsburgh. Slippery conditions and one long run (or 3 yard pass that goes for 80 and a TD because of the field) has nothing to do with skill.
  7. Very few I believe wanted an outdoor stadium. Buffalo is lucky if there are 4-5 games where the weather is good-very good. By October fans are hoping for temps in the low 50's. Went to the NE game New Years eve and were thrilled with temps in the 30's, but still bundled up and not sure what to expect. Sure tailgate in those temps, but once playing the game, want to see the best from both teams. If the Bills lose I promise you weather will be the talking point afterwards regardless.
  8. I turn on the National Championship on Monday and that is the conditions I want to see when I watch a game. No sport is more affected by weather then Football. Soccer can be minimally, but nothing like football. It much more effects the skilled/better team and is an equalizer. I hate it.
  9. Yes he keeps saying it and I keep asking why there were no other options? Looked like a badly designed play. He throws it immediately to Kincaid and still not 100% sure he gets the first down. Add to that he rolls right and Kincaid is on the left and the only one running a short route. When you watch other teams and successful plays on fourth down, often it is a well thought out play and an easy pitch and catch. This as not. Conversely (& thank you Jax) they had three chances on Sunday vs. Tenn. First one fortunately Lawrence missed Ridley on what would have bneen a TD, but third & fourth down plays were lousy.
  10. Again vs. Miami, you can't convince me the first int wasn't due to Gabe not reading the play correctly. If Cook too makes the block then it is a TD. The second Int netted the Bills 17 yards. Maybe yes he should have hit Kincaid in the flat, but again once he didn't, why was every other option running 25 yards down the field on a fourth & 2???? Finally the one I will fault allen was not hitting Diggs on what would have been a 90 yard TD. He's missed too many this year.
  11. Thinking the same thing. NE was smart. Heard they were just going to take away the GM responsibilities that wouldn't work either.
  12. I said that about the 4th down int (the second one). Really work on your reading comprehension.
  13. Is this a "Who's on first" Skit? Are you Abbott or Costello?🤣
  14. If the Bills lose it will be because of the conditions. Maybe they'll reconsider a dome?🤣
  15. Worst case scenario was a fg. If Gabe continued the route, a good chance he catches it for a TD. The p[ass was right where it should have been and Gabe I would have hoped have caught it. Of course like the second down throw to Knox, could have been interfered with and no flag too😉. Can I be any clearer?
  16. Again can you read????? No he threw it where only the receiver could catch it and that should have been Gabe. If he was where he should have been it was a perfect pass that either Gabe catches or he does not. It can not be intercepted.
  17. Can you read? I said he threw it exactly where the receiver would be the only one who could catch it. I added a big physical receiver, which is what Gabe is supposed to be. How many pictures do you need (been posted and great shots too) to see that was where Gabe was going and where Josh threw it and then he changed directions?
  18. How about you take a breath, before you spout nonesense everytime I post. You made a comment questioning me after I admitted I did not play organized football when I questioned the play. Baldy confirmed both plays (ints) and now you're butt hurt I called you out? And no I do not watch Kurt's breakdowns but did on you insistence and found it interesting that while almost every play there maybe better (or missed) options he failed to note that Knox was interfered with (though 100% there were better options) and that he threw a beautiful ball to Diggs that Diggs read properly and no chance for the coverage to defend it. BTW I'm done..... Bills won and let's hope the same (W's) the next 4.
  19. Again does Kurt break down every qb's 3-4 "wrong" decisions each week (including where they completed a 40 yard pass or where an obvious PI wasn't called)? I already spend too much time here and don't have the time to watch everyone of Kurt's videos🤣😉
  20. And we saw the Bills offense when Allen stopped running. Maybe Lamar, Hurts and Fields shouldn't run either because eventually they'll get hurt.
  21. So Baldy agrees on the first interception as I too thought..... So since I know nothing (as I admitted I did not play competitive Football)according to @Royale with Cheese, I guess that means neither does Baldy. Am I right?😜 It was a low pass to exaclty where a large physical receiver can be the only one to make catch. That's why it was thrown like that. At worst an incompletion and 3 points. No way is it an int.
  22. Well I for one would rather him at halftime have said "Gabe f'd up the route and Cook dropped a lollipop and should have had 14 more points"😜🤣
  23. I love how he complains about the bad read Josh made completing a 40 yarder to Diggs? Is Kurt so negative on every QB or is this a Josh bias? He says anticipate. I guess anticipating Gabe does the right thing and catches the TD sin't part of the analysis? And finally he too uses the example of the second down play, where there was an obvious PI not called on Knox and at the same time pointing out another reveiver open short of the goalline too. I guess the 29 completions (he did say the 30th was a mistake by Allen) didn't require analysis?
  24. Again was a game changer. Was 3rd down, would have been in the red zone and if an incompletion a FG attempt. And again with the Allen "threw it to hard"? How is that an excuse Gabe was running accross the field and it hit him on the run in both his hands?🙄
  25. Why, because it happens over and over with Gabe. Allen threw it to a spot where Gabe was going. Watch the play. He looks at Davis and throws it. https://www.miamidolphins.com/video/eli-apple-intercepts-josh-allen-in-the-end-zone
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