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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. And you are sure about this. The best thing to do if you ask anyone with a brain is draft that QB and slowly bring him along. If he is so far ahead of the curve like Philadelphia thought with Wentz, you trade him like the Eagles did with Sam Bradford, who's #'s were very similar to Tyrod and get a 1st & 4th........ Tyrod's contract is cheap for a QB......
  2. Matthews is a complementary receiver who played in a throwing offense. Benjamin is a possession receiver picked up when the Bills were 5-2 and realized just how bad the wrs were. Again if Matthews signs a contract within $3,000,000/yr vs. Watkins, given both uninjured the rest of the season you'll see how 31 other teams view the receivers. We get it you are all in on this front office and coaching staff and dislike Taylor.
  3. I didn't say outgun Brady, just that play to score 30 and move the ball and score td's not settle for FG's, because NE will be playing to score 30, while Dennison and McDermott play to win 17-13....... Not going to happen unless the fluke of flukes.
  4. Keeping the other team off the field is the Bills modus operandi, that's all they try and do every game and scoring is by accident only. They try to work the clock and milk every second and play the game between the 30's..... That is what makes the Bills so difficult to watch. 300 yards total offense is there goal and 6 games they haven't reached it (though 3-3). Another they had 307 and vs. LAC they actually scored in the second half...... BTW when they have 400 yards they are 2-0!!!!! They will not be close if under 300 yards offense......
  5. Very simply they need to understand and play that they need to score 30 points on offense, not pray that they hold NE to under 20, which is their mantra. I unfortunately expect them to come out and for the umpteenth time try and establish ball control and clock management, trying to keep the ball out of Brady's hands and Hauchka kicking 52 yard fgs...... Oh how much I hope I'm wrong.
  6. Easier to get a coach that adapts to players strengths then vice versa. Hey I want a mobile qb, and will make Brady and Brees into them. Stop it. Maximize the skills of the players you have.
  7. Again you miss (as did others) the sarcasm in the post. Peterman had time and threw a bad pass, which vs. SD was actually a great result as it was not intercepted (pretty sure the next one was). By pointing out Clay being open I was using the crap everyone uses when they highlight Tyrod's missed plays and then minutiae associated with every throw. BTW way Clay was open and would have been a big play.
  8. You mean having a decent team under a so so coach, and then trading up..... I said that too. Get a high draft pick qb and trade picks to get there if need be. But don't sacrifice a shot at the playoffs.
  9. And we've seen no proof that we are capable of long-term success. This was a .500 team that was closer to the playoffs then a top draft pick. This pie in the sky idea that we can get rid of all the valuable pieces for draft picks and be a powerhouse in 2-3 years is bunk. Show me a team that has done it and been successful. All the great teams have a history of being good. I much rather would have placed my hope in a coaching staff cleaning up the mess much like the Rams have done, vs. the tear the house down to the studs and cross your fingers. They were a within 2 games of the playoffs the last 3 years and that we attributed to bad coaching not the players. If it was the players, then why were the coaches fired/left...... Only 1 team wins the SB every year and the Bills haven't made the playoffs since 1999.
  10. And how much does the offensive schemes and blocking change as they have shotgun sequences anyways? You hand off to McCoy sometimes as opposed to passing, and instead of being under center he's in shotgun. Seems easier for everyone and should have better success.
  11. Here is a great site...... Just searched formations. http://nflsavant.com/search.php?hfPTY=&hfRTY=&hfPT=&hfF=S|&ddlDown=&ddlQuarter=&ddlYardLineGT=&ddlYardLineLT=&txtGameDateGT=&txtGameDateLT=&txtYTGGT=&txtYTGLT=&txtYFPGT=&txtYFPLT=&hfPR=&ddlYear=2017&ddlOTeam=&ddlDTeam=&ddlBall=Offense&ddlPenaltyType=&ddlOrderBy=Plays#results And Buffalo not in it nearly enough looking at the stats.
  12. Look I don't fully understand defenses or the nuances involved. I am a football fan. Offense though is easy to follow. When I know 80% of the Bills playcalling in advance of the snap it is a problem. We see slow play calling and no urgency in the offense. Movement is minimal, just told that Taylor in week 12 was finally allowed to audible, formations that are vanilla, bad first down calls, second half prevent offense, McCoy's #'s down and no chance to succeed...... This I place on the OC.
  13. Do we need to show the 5 Ints and fumble too to make you happy? Actually there is a 16 page thread going on and on about a 15 yard completion for g#ds sake.......
  14. Rob Johnson signed a $25,000,000 contract based on one good game & then compounded it with his second good game vs. Indianapolis in the season finale in 1999..... The rest as they say is history......
  15. No one hates Peterman. Heck 95% have no idea who he is (quick name the rookie qb the Giants selected 2 rounds ahead of Peterman)...... What we do HATE is every thread and post explaining how much better he is and was the answer to the Bills offense. We also hate the fact that he started vs. LAC and that the Bill braintrust thought he gave the Bills the best chance to win, which was pure bs and threw away a crucial game.
  16. What's more egregious was Clay was wide open on the other side and Peterman looked him off. If that was Tyrod, we'd have 20 pages as this is the perfect example why Tyrod stinks. Oh yea Peterman on this play missed the pass badly and a wide-open receiver he looked off...... Also he had one on one and if thrown in the field of play maybe a td too........
  17. And please not Eli...... Interesting reading all the negative press the Giants received wanting to move forward from a QB on a 2-9 team. Yes decimated at receiver, but watching Eli and he is missing thrws terribly this season and age is catching up. BTW their rookie was drafted in round 3, well ahead of the Bills saviour Peterman and the Giants want to see him, but have stated categorically that he is no where near ready to start on a team that is 2-9 and will happily draft a QB with their high draft choice if the one they want is available. Interesting just how different that narrative is.....
  18. That was the plan in August (see Watkins trade)....... And please before someone goes on about Gaines. He could have probably been got for a 4th-5th round pick if they were so high on him. He's been a pleasant surprise and was not a starter on the Rams.....
  19. Just laying out a scenario. If they lose because of their conservatism, McDermott protects Dennison (i.e. he's coming back) and if then week 16 with the playoffs still viable he throws in Peterman again and he throws another 5 Ints, I'd fire him.
  20. I am sure McDermott is fine. As stated though he has made some first year missteps imo and hope he learns from them. Tearing down the O and going into a semi-tank mode I don't think enamored him to many (outside football junkies and those who actually think the Bills are so much smarter and will hit on every draft choice, every contract and every player will hit their maximum potential......). The issue is they were 5-2 and 2 bad losses (one terrible) and then the Peterman joke (which was a complete farce) really shone a spotlight on him. He has handled almost everything about it badly (yes and never admitted it was a colossal mistake) and still is cryptically saying that Peterman may be back this year. If he continues to protect Dennison as he does and we see this continued lousy offensive schemes and at the end of the year it costs the Bills games as it did vs. Carolina & Cincy and could have vs. Atlanta, TB & KC and says he's changing nothing in the offseason I can see him being fired. The Bills play Miami twice & Indy and if they are trying to milk 17-13 leads down the stretch and lose 1-2 of them with lousy second halves and 3 runs & punt strategy, I can see it, which was the title and question in this thread.
  21. Again I have no idea as to Tyrod's upside because of the lack of WR's and a game plan that thinks a 200 yard passing game is chucking the ball all over the place. I've started a few threads about the need to throw for 300 (minimum 250) and have that as the mindset from the get go. Only then will I make a decision on Taylor. If he fails I'll happily admit it, but all I see is a team hoping to win the field position game, grind out some longish drives and winding down the clock and thinking every game should be 20-14......
  22. Ok 4 were his fault, a sixth too was almost thrown and he fumbled a snap in the shotgun........ It was a win/win situation and gave the Bills the best chance to win according to the Bills braintrust we were told.......
  23. How do you change the whole offense? You put him in shotgun, with Shady< move the pocket at time, have a speed receiver to go long and pass some more. It's not a huge change, just tweaks, So it's all Shady's fault....... How about trading Watkins too?
  24. They didn't throw then either, but he was proficient when he dd. I wasn't happy then either.
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