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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. Gaines was a throw in that if the Bills really liked could have gotten for next to nothing. Quit thinking it was some coup. It was blind luck and the Bills got an injury prone db. So now they have a late second round pick. Whoopdedoo.....
  2. Watch the Rams and Goff and you'll see the difference between him and a veteran who will throw to their #1 regardless of coverage. Big Ben, Brady, Rivers, Brees, Eli....... don't care and make those passes, which result in much higher targets and receptions. If he is so bad and not worth the money, why does he draw #1 defenders & doubles (or triple as that one screen grab shows)? Goff has improved tremendously and 80% of that is due to the coaching he has gotten. He still however is not great and Watkins has been the odd man out as McVay is very careful as to when Watkins is the primary target and Goff still has missed him a lot. Note only 1 drop this season too. BTW Kupp has 5 & Woods 0...... Will return when we see what he signs for.....
  3. Anyone still holding on to the premise it was not a mistake, probably are also explaining the punt vs. Indy in OT and FG vs. NE last week were the right decision. I was a ridiculous move with no chance of success...... A first round pick that you want to be the future and are easing into the lineup (ala Eli Manning) maybe...... But not a crucial game vs. a team you may fighting a playoff position against. This defies logic and we saw the results.
  4. Can't disagree there. But again just a pathetic call......
  5. Hilarious..... Blame a mobile QB for lousy pass protection and sacks and not trying to avoid pressure? What is Dennison saying. As for the screen that was the genius play call......
  6. He takes a sack where often he runs out of trouble (he was just tripped up). Dennison/McDermott puts the nail in the coffin by then handing off to Tolbert on 2nd & 25......
  7. Yea that was a no brainer as they had already decided they only wanted Taylor at a discount deal for 2 years. And yes we have been beaten down and Taylor is by far the best we have and the choices in FA are pretty bad. Add to that 500 odd pages extolling the virtues about a 5th round rookie (and trying to explain how 2-3 interceptions were not his fault) pretty much says it all......
  8. Yea and Brady missed a # of passes too on Sunday. Maybe he too should be cut???? If you hate Tyrod little he does will impress you and you will nitpick everything. When you know as soon as the Bills line-up the play call, you just shake your head in disbelief.
  9. Well I just watched the game (was travelling so only caught the end of the third & fourth quarters on Sunday)..... What did I see through my rose-coloured glasses? Lots of conservative play-calling and lousy calls in the redzone. Taylor threw many nice passes and few bad ones. Took a bad sack @ 16-16, but not the first one to ever do that. Then came three runs at 23-16 and again a terrible call on 4th down (50 yard fg). TT is an okay QB who could be much better in a good offense. As I've said, draft a QB high, fire Dennison and let him mature. If the idea is an open competition between Peterman & Taylor or Peterman to hold the mantle while a suitable draft choice is groomed with Dennison as the OC, the Bills are doomed.
  10. I was talking about turnovers and where Buffalo ranks....... Yes 5 Ints in one half is a disaster (that is 30% of the Bills total for all of 2017 in one half of football)...... The Taylor puke games have just as much to do with Dennison as it does with Taylor...... The LAC game was all on Paterman.....
  11. So really I have reached the point after 45 years of watching the Bills, that they just are not that much fun to watch. If it wasn't for the Peterman disaster, the Bills would be in the top 3 in least giveaways this year, which is their game plan. No turnovers on offense, punts and field position.... The snow game was okay as it was a snow game, not the play..... The Raider game was only because it was a win, the Broncos an unexpected win and KC following three blowouts, was a win but not particularly fun. TB wasn't bad (actually threw for over 260)...... And of course the first half vs. Miami due to seeing drives and offense.
  12. What I'd give for some offense and a team not to play scared.
  13. Really? You think anyone outside Bills fans would turn on a Bills game. Here is how if not a fan i choose a game..... 1. Offense - Dynamic receivers and QB's capable of throwing a minimum of 300 yards. 2. A defensive front who sack QB's 3. Knowing that a game could be a 35-31 shootout No I do not want to watch a team who's offensive philosophy is to grind out 8 minute drives & 50 yards and then a bend but not break defense hoping for a mistake or turnover.....
  14. I said ignore it. A serious question as a fan for 45 years. The early years were terrible and Joe Ferguson and his 12 pass attempts and the "murderer" at RB. Just not enjoyable to watch in a long time and this year there really has not been a fun game, wins yes, but as an objective fan not a single really good game.
  15. Yep been asking this over and over the year. Maybe t is 17 years in the making. I find it hard to watch them. I like offense and points and was upset back to the semi teardown in the preseason and the louey play calling all year. Ignore the thread if you want, just my opinion.
  16. And Garropolo every start since taking over. Yes just a # but means 95% of the time you are moving the ball and scoring. But put up 50 yards vs. ne and mia and win and we can sign Tyrod long-term?
  17. No the coaching staff designs an offense to do this, the opposing defenses know this and while they seem capable of moving the ball in the first half, the second they often are in as I call it Prevent Offense and horrible to watch. They are not built to run the clock and that has been shown over and over and the Bills rely on a turnover or dropped pass down the stretch to win...... KC, Atl, Indy & Miami.....
  18. That's what I'm saying. It is mindboggling that this coaching staff doesn't see what every other team can and will do and then turns out this offensive garbage. Vs. Miami it should have been an easy 300 yard game and 3 score win, but the offense again turtled in the second half.
  19. 2 more weeks? Thankful for PVR, Fast forward PIP (to watch other games), a spinning cycle to work out on during the game and a tablet to read.
  20. Really I'm supposed to be excited by uninspired boring football? The Bills are 8-6 and this season has been a slog to watch. Terrible losses vs. NE, LAC, NYJ & NO....... Lacklustre performances and losses vs. Cin & Car...... Good professional wins vs. Denver, NYJ & Raiders...... Barely hung on and pretty boring wins vs. Indy, KC & Miami Good win, but still had to hang on vs. Atlanta and some offense vs. TB...... Listened and pretty boring clip and almost sounded like a planted call so the cheerleaders (oops Murph) could get on their soapbox.
  21. Bang on....... Sorry if I'm too stoopid to appreciate defensive grind them out 13-10 games........ Give me the Seattle-Houston, Pitt- Baltimore, Rams-Eagles and countless other 35-31 games..... Best game I ever saw was the SF-Bills no punt game......
  22. But he tore up Miami for a half on Sunday and they the OC put the brakes on...... Sorry it was 100% on the coaching staff and how they call plays....... Are we out coached on Offense every second half?
  23. Exactly....... All I want is the possibility and teams to respect the idea that the Bills offense wants to play 4 quarters of football. Teams know that if up the second half, they'll go conservative and if down, they won't go hurry-up or unique formations, but will continue to grind it out....... This has gone on for years..... Maybe Taylor is, but as long as we see the same schemes and play calling I am not 100% convinced. Twice over 250 (including Jets loss)...... I use 300 as it is a yardstick. How about 400 yards+ in total offense......
  24. From the offense. You would think by accident any NFL QB can throw for 300 yards in a game. I've posted this again and again and am just confounded, perplexed and stupefied that this team can't/won't have a game plan that has them throwing for 300 yards (heck 250 would be something) EVER!!!!! The NFL over and over is a game that comes down to getting the ball in the endzone and being CAPABLE of throwing the ball. There is not a single team that can count on winning games 20-17 that has any chance for success. Why do we have a coaching staff who refuses to recognize this? And no it is not all TT's fault.
  25. Not sure what your issue is? I'm not happy with how Dennison runs the offense and the fact that with a lead in the second half the Bills look like they are playing in quicksand and are usually out coached. The thread is building with Tyrod & Dennison and I am 100% convinced Dennison needs to go and Taylor remains the QB until the Bills have developed a first round draft choice. If they go in to 2018 with the idea that Peterman may be the started I'll be disgusted.
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