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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. How many times??????? Tyrod was not a ROOKIE!!!!!!!!
  2. Not 5 picks in a half, but most predicted it was doomed to failure. The best thing that happened was that it was so disastrous and Tyrod had to be put in at half. McDermott even after ints 3 & 4 sent him back out with the game still in reach...... After #3 it was 17-7, after 4, 24-7, then 2 3 & outs to 34-7 and then #5 made it 37-7....... If just a bad game, Peterman would have continued to start, the Bills would not be in the playoffs and you fan boys would be talking about the Draft Board right now...............
  3. Ah let me think...... Anyone with knowledge of football........ Yes he being a FIFTH ROUND draft pick was an important factor.....
  4. No right thinking coach would start a ROOKIE FIFTH ROUND PICK in a game with serious playoff implications...... That is what he did and it was absolutely wrong and the results speak for themselves..... Of course if you drink the Koolaid you'll tell me it was part of his master plan that makes him so much smarter then everyone else and that it lit a fire under Tyrod..... Oops forgot the defense that was torched for 3 straight weeks and absolutely no repercussions for any defensive players...... How comical some of you are......
  5. Actually that is 31st in passing attempts and 6th in rushing attempts...... That pretty much tells you that other teams are prepped for rushes..... Balanced in the NFL is closer to 55%...... Anomalies would be a team like Jacksonville, which had 6-7 blowouts...... Keep on posting stoopid comments....
  6. No they don't throw the ball..... No idea if they are a threat or not with lousy OC, Playcalling and formations that every team sees and know. How about you cite something of substance....... Oops asking too much. You mean when the foot was 100% off the gas and primarily backup only...... Yes the INT Tyrod threw that bounced off Clay's hands? Oh oh, here comes the defense of Peterman and the DiMarco int vs. LAC........
  7. Again I've been a fan since 1972 and yes I did not like that they went into tank mode with the trades in the preseason. I have been honest and forthright about it. Never had I started a season under the premise that they aren't playing for season, but draft picks and 2-3 seasons down the road. That is what this staff preached and their actions showed prior to week 1. I can't stand how they run the offence and that Shady is seemingly stuffed every first down rush as the opponents stack the line and know the call. Turtling in the second half and the Prevent Offense kills me. A lot that has turned me off this year, but I have watched and cheered every game.
  8. I think I said after the Bills are eliminated. Again stating facts and you?????? 5 Ints in a half didn't happen????? Please how about some McDermott speak or sideline clapping...... "I made the right decision, just the outcome wasn't what we expected".......
  9. Peterman wasn't ready and was pathetic....... Maybe one day he'll be ready, like Fales was vs. the Bills...... You guys are pathetic in your defense of the decision and his play...... Please point out the 2 good passes he threw and that 3 of the Ints weren't his fault. I need that one again. And Teef I'm not arguing, you don't listen to Simmons and I simply pointed out the conversation. Isn't this thread about the two old coots on PTI making fun of Peterman and they know nothing either?
  10. No it was the expected disaster and result 95% of professionals and those not with skin in the game (i.e. fans) predicted would happen. A complete disaster/meltdown/5 Ints maybe not, but the best case scenario would have been a bad game, which is what one expectrs from a 5th round rookie in his first start.....
  11. Geez passing on what is a very good podcast and someone I enjoy who is like it or not fairly prominent in the industry. But of course Bills fans know better and told us so when Peterman was announced the starter. Don't ever have a contrary view to a Bills fan.......
  12. Yes listening again...... Having fun about the 4 way tie-breaker (and Cleveland being the reason Buffalo is in according to them) and barely beating Fales...... About 10:30 minutes in, but you hate him. I like him, a little too Boston-centric but he is a FAN......... Oh and also considered Peterman's qb/performance as the worst of the year (maybe all time).......
  13. And remember 40% here still wanted Peterman right back in vs. KC..... Think there was a poll somewhere. As stated I think McDermott and certainly Dennison wanted him back in, but fortunately the performance was so atrocious that they had no choice at all (though waited 'til Wednesday to announce it)...... Just listening to Bill Simmons call the Bills one of the worst playoff teams ever and pointing out all the luck they had during the season...... I know everyone hates him......
  14. And Joe Webb's 34 yard hail mary to Thompson all part of his plan...... Maybe the two biggest plays of the year were for me..... The fifth Peterman Int, because McDermott wanted so badly to be right, he kept trotting him back out there after each and every Int and would have the second half. The Peterman concussion, because win or lose that game (and a loss would have knocked them out of the playoffs) he wanted to see the Peterman experiment through and would have started him vs. Miami explaining that you can't assess a qb playing in a snowstorm. A genius I tell you.....
  15. 5 Ints and almost a sixth sold the story all on it's own. He provided video proof. BTW he even gave Peterman credit for engineering a scoring drive that was two handoffs to McCoy and 75 yards.....
  16. My my....... Peterman for MVP......... Retelling??????? You got to be kidding........ Read these two articles and watch the videos embedded and get back to us..... http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/11/nfl-bills-nathan-peterman-stats-tyrod-taylor-chargers-interceptions My favorite article.... http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/11/nfl-bills-sean-mcdermott-nathan-peterman-tyrod-taylor Another lamenting the Peterman concussion, or he'd be leading the Bills into Jacksonville......
  17. Priceless!!!! Also did any leader on the Defense get called out during those games and get benched????
  18. Oh you mean 3 and outs where 8 are in the box on first down and Shady goes for -2, then another run setting up 3rd & 9????? No team is prepared for that....
  19. And everyone who predicted big things from Peterman that first game were rationalizing as McDermott did after. Heck wasn't until Wednesday that he finally reinstated Tyrod. And who knows what happens if Peterman wasn't concussed vs. Indy..... Would Peterman have continued the final 3 weeks? http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/11/nfl-bills-nathan-peterman-stats-tyrod-taylor-chargers-interceptions My favorite article.... http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/11/nfl-bills-sean-mcdermott-nathan-peterman-tyrod-taylor
  20. I said he did not put up the #'s I expected, however was part of a dynamic offense and drew #1 coverage and double teams. Proof will be in the contract he signs..... BTW I also predicted 9-7 would make the playoffs and that the Bills at 5-5 needed 4 wins and expected them vs Indy & Miami x 2...... That is why I was so upset about Peterman and the LAC game...... So yes I was right...... Go find the posts if so inclined.......
  21. I expected him to have a big year,but never gave #'s. He is defended as a #1 receiver and will see the contract he signs. Oh and Tyrod and the offense missed him..... Try again.
  22. And there is no way I'd have Peterman as the starter for 2018, which here on the board and elsewhere seems to be a consensus......
  23. 7-9 last year with an OT loss to Miami week 16 and sitting starters (including Taylor week 17)........ I have too agreed that Rex particularly on defense was a disaster, specifically wrt to discipline and organization (said this earlier in the thread)..... They gutted the offense and we have seen statistically the results. I have too railed since August/September as to the play calling and Dennison and will continue to. Again look at Shady's #'s thanks to Dennison's schemes & play calling. They are in the playoffs, looking forward to Sunday as it is a winnable game as I mentioned in November when they named Peterman as the starter and I was apoplectic (oh and btw right) pointing out that as the 6th seen they opponent would be Jax (oops sorry right again). I also went on about the OT punt vs. Indy and McDermott explaining that a tie was better then a loss....... Oops right again, a tie and Bills would not have made the playoffs. Oh and Matthews the equal or better as a replacement for Watkins....... Yep where are those posters? Boy I hate being right...... There is a long thread last week that Tyrod has played his last regular season game as a Bill. I highly doubt we are signing any top-tier QB, so yes I'm assuming that McDermott & Dennison, who pushed the Peterman agenda (remember "I made thge right decision, just the wrong result) want him to at least start next year.
  24. I.e. Dareus was a star in 2014-15 but not now????? Gilmour, Darby, Watkins, Woods, Goodwin????? Not trying to be an ass, just saying that this team is/was not terrible and as a fan expect them to improve annually and going from .500 to 9-7 is 1 win....... Yes I'm a fan, but still not 100% sure about the coaching staff...... As stated, I thought they were a playoff team in preseason, defended Tyrod and really got upset at the preseason trades and the FO/coaching staff pretending we were such a bad team. Will be interesting in the offseason if they try and push forward with Peterman as the starter and TBD's buy in tp that scenario......
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