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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. Actually enough of you...... The Bills have not been a winning team for pretty much 18 years, and their offence putrid for almost every one of those years....
  2. Bang on..... So damn simple and 20+ teams in the NFL realize that and are built that way......
  3. Hello???!!!???? It is 2018, the genie is out of the bottle. There are a lot of games from 1975 on Youtube and you can watch your 14-10 defensive battles (sure you don't remember every game or result). Sure the 1986 Chicago Bears season too can be watched. Don't you get it that even the best defenses get torched by great offenses. The Rams & Chiefs are just so bad to watch..... NFL ratings are up because of Offense..... Maybe your fantasy teams are all defense. For those who love D so much, maybe you should devise a Fantasy league based on Defense and that you choose only one Offensive player/team and get to draft, Clowney, Watt, Norman, Mack & other Defensive stars.... 15 passes a game from Allen????? Enough already!!!!!
  4. For what it's worth... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/injuries/
  5. At least they target him..... Look too at Antonio Brown. Look Eli is cooked and everyone knows that and football is the toughest game wrt WR's who basically are decoys 80% of playcalls..... Yesterday 10 targets on 64 plays (15.6%).
  6. I said thankfully this is 2018, I have PIP, the nfl network, a spinning bike that I workout on while watching the game with my tablet to read as well, often PVR the second half so I can fast forward & probably 4 other games on too to switch back and forth as needed. I have a lot to keep me busy & still watch the game. In 1973 I had just the Bills game on........
  7. Actually the difference is as bad as some of those offences are, they too are capable of putting up passing yards...... Jax vs. NE/Pitt last year a perfect example of Bortles being unwatchable vs. Buffalo & lighting it up vs. NE/Pitt..... Newton, Marriota and Wilson..... all capable and do have 300 yard+ games multiple times per year and the the Bills just either refuse and/or can't do it.....
  8. How many posters and people here want the Bills to go 3-13 because of draft position? See it all the time from Bills fans and the "Trust the Porcess" faction that it is about draft position and building for the future. Actually as a Bills Fan I want them to go 19-0 every year, but have been beaten up so bad and realize that playoffs are not possible and that the ceiling is 9-7 as long as the FO doesn't concentrate on the Offense and getting weapons..... They dismantled it last year and have since 2015 been putrid on offense (and only marginally better prior)...... The last team with a lousy Offense to win a Superbowl was 1999 The Baltimore Ravens..... I'm sick and tired of watching a team not even try and move the ball through the air, refuse to sign NFL quality receivers, trade away very good ones and then keep feeding BS to fans to wait and see the 2025 Bills and the fruits of their labour...... BTW Watkins seems to have done pretty well for his pocketbook, so I guess another GM is a chump???
  9. Yep old time football get's the juices flowing and only one team in the NFL seems committed to it (Buffalo)...... I'll take 31-28 over 12-9 any day of the week. Are you all so beaten down by the bills and their inability to generate 300 yards passing (heck 300 yards would be nice to see), that you actually believe it? So far this season 153, 293, 292, 145 & 223 total yards...... Ughhh
  10. Because you believe everything hook, line & sinker? New regime, blames old regime for the mess, blows up the team that was .500, has one more win and makes the playoffs. Then follows that up with another dismantling, no vision for the offense outside drafting their QB of the future and spare parts everywhere. Look around the league and see that scoring points and throwing the ball is key, yet the Bills still think that their QB is Joe Ferguson and hand it off to the Juice...... How long do you want to wait? I've waited long enough.......... Again I want the Bills to win, but mostly I want to be entertained and every successful team has an Offense that is good. 30-31-32 in Offense will not do it.......
  11. But if we win that will affect THE PROCESS........ How many years are we buying this cr$p.......
  12. So right. We have a site where we can make our opinions known and post threads. I am not a lemming, nor do I buy into the excuses the FO & Coaching Staff makes. I watch football to be entertained and the Bills are my team. They are painful to watch and are so far behind the NFL trend it is pathetic. The Bills couldn't throw the ball then too...... The defense played takeaway and a lot of short fields..... In terms of passing yards they are in the bottom 3 the past 4 seasons and thankfully 2014 saw Kyle Orton light up the league and the Bills ranked 18!!!!!
  13. Can anyone objectively watch a Bills game and enjoy them? Actually surprisingly the Ringer only had the Bills ranked in the bottom third in 2017 (scored high in Turnover & Takeaways). https://www.theringer.com/2018/9/7/17830476/nfl-watchability-sunday-viewing-guide Please no more saying Wins are all that matters, as that is false.
  14. Everything went right for the Bills and they still didn't amass 300 yards in Offense (yes they shut it down the second half)....... See below..... http://www.espn.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/total/sort/netYardsPerGame
  15. Anyone who can watch a Bills game objectively and tell me it's enjoyable is delusional....... 13-12 and it was a snoozefest. The Viking game was over in the first quarter and and the three losses almost unwatchable. The Bills style may result in 4-5 wins max.......
  16. No just wish I could watch a game that has some offence and back & forth. Quit pointing out the anomaly that was the Vikings game where the Bills didn't even have 300 yards TOTAL offence, and scored 27 of the 63 they've put up this year.
  17. Pretty much spot on, along with rules that aid the offense. I swear this staff breaks out tapes from the 70's to prep and put in the game plan.
  18. Again the point is the Bills drafted Allen as the future and need to develop thus. 19 pass attempts/game, no creativity, minimal talent and putting him in bad situations is not helpful. Only an idiot would not acknowledge the need to have an offense that people respect and are concerned to play against. It took Sean McVay's hiring to turn Goff into a QB, so lay the blame where it belongs on the Coach & FO.
  19. Please no more winning ugly. Yep 1-2/yr is okay, but every week to watch this offense struggle, no creativity or wanting to move the ball downfield is makes it almost impossible to watch. 85 yards passing, 19 attempts and 1 TD in two weeks is unwatchable. I feel sorry for the fans who pay money and am thankful I can tape the game, have Picture in Picture on, switch to the NFL network and watch while on a bike getting exercise and reading too..... Does the Bills front office & coaches pay no attention to the fact that every winning team does it with an offense capable of moving the ball, throwing for 350+ (used to say 300, but 400 now easily done)? Yep before I get the stoopid responses "Then don't watch", unfortunately the Bills have been my team for 48 years and I will keep watching, however I am now having nightmares of Joe Ferguson and his 15 pass attempts/game..... This is 2018 not 1973......
  20. Well then do that when Brady misses reads & open receivers & I'll agree with you. The issue is that almost every play has one receiver open and it comes down to whether the QB was given the right call, made the right decision and executed the play. Bueurlein went relentlessly after Allen on it seemed every play. I saw mistakes, but also 245 yards passing, which the Bills accomplished all of 4 times last year. Yesterday he threw for 170 in the first half and all of 7 pass plays in the second half.
  21. He didn't play bad vs. the Chargers (or maybe the last 17 years of watching the Bills play may have coloured my opinion).
  22. And he threw for 245, completed 60% of his passes and was competent in his first NFL game. Yes this week was easy, but Beuerlein continually was nothing but negative. Darnold walks on water by comparison.
  23. I really hated how negative he was with respect to Josh Allen vs. the Chargers. I though he nit picked and expected him to make every correct read an d touch passes in his first start. Compare that to Romo yesterday and one wonders if the roles had been reversed. What I am finding is with these rookie QB's I'm paying very close attention to how they play and maybe more so how the commentators react.
  24. Like every friggin qb in the league, open receivers are missed, there are passes under/over thrown and some bad reads....... Haven't seen the game (taped it), but heard three fumbles by Allen and that should be enough to critique him on.
  25. I'm watching Darnold and we see good & bad..... Typical rookie and will see how he grows. Seems other rookies missing passes or not throwing to open receivers or making the right read is okay. But if you have a hate on for JA, then everything is a bad mistake.
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