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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. This is all on McDermott who dismantled the team, got rid of their most talented players and continue to spout "Good Character, our type of guy". I know this is said ad nauseum that the Nate Peterman fiasco is really the tipping point. Anyone still wanting to play him and the fact he is still on the team, tells you how little foresight this team has. If not for blowing out Minny the first 20 minutes, just think how bad the team stats would be..... Too bad Haushka made that kick vs. Tennessee???? At least yesterday, though Anderson was not good, they managed 300 yards..... Baby steps?
  2. So rex had talent and was .500? MCD & Beane inherited that talent and got then got rid of it? So tired of the Process and people believing that the Bills will be fine in 2022 with these 2......
  3. The fact they stuck with Peterman and thought there was any chance that he's be a serviceable starting NFL QB is all I need to know..... Oh and starting him vs. LA last year....
  4. What happened to the Monsters of the Midway defense? Nothing, they have regressed to the norm and thankfully the offense is just bad today or this game could be more out of reach.
  5. It was the same pretty much last year and McDermott didn't seem non-plussed then either......
  6. By far the smartest move. Bridgewater was moved when they decided that Darnold was going to be the starter game one. Their back is Josh McCown who is 39!!!!! years old and there for one reason...... To mentor. Same thing in Arizona, with Sam Bradford to Mentor Rosen. No the Bills decided two 5th rd. young QB's who want to play in the NFL and have careers (and frankly have no ability or want to mentor Allen) were the best choices. In addition they have no skill or ability, however Peterman is their Type of player....... Myopic & Idiotic.
  7. Sorry McDermott has brought this up a number of times. It is an issue and does bother me that it is an important part of the decision process at 1 Bills drive.
  8. This has come up more then once with the Bills and how they assess players, their families and also their faith. Since when does being a good Christian (I doubt Muslim, Jewish, or other faith) matter with respect to being a football player. Yes a a Good Person matters, but religion & being religious?????
  9. And now the Allen injury watch begins and who will start Sunday. McDermott has a no lose situation Sunday if Anderson starts and a vanilla offense as he was not ready to go deep in the playbook. If Peterman starts it will all be to ensure he is just bad (his ceiling) vs. artrocious, abysmal, pathetic, overwhelmed, disastrous.......
  10. What aerial attack???? Everything they do is so vanilla and lacking creativity he deserves a whole lot. However it is more so on the Coach & HO that refused to help the offense in any way and continues to think this is the 80's and that D and field position is all that matters.
  11. And a lousy Monday Nighter too..... Heck could you imagine what SF could have done with a real back-up QB like Peterman and the Bills coaching staff?
  12. McDermott started Peterman vs. LAC last year. He named him the starting QB this year. Enough said.....
  13. Just having fun to those who preach D, D, D and lament what's happening in the NFL. Oh and to those too that get all upset when I post asking for a 300 yard passing game...... Plenty of Hardcore here upset when I comment on the terrible offense the Bills have. Yes tongue firmly planted in cheek....
  14. Look at all the points scored. Pathetic. Since when does offense matter? Why is anyone interested in watching a glorified pinball game....... I'm sure McDermott could have coached both teams and the score would have been 12-9. Then we'd see some TV ratings!!!!!!
  15. And Bridgewater is a much better QB then McCarron and put up decent #'s with Minn before the injury and being squeezed out. The got another 5th round no talent in McCarron and still think highly of Peterman. No confidence whatsoever in the FO/Coach.
  16. Again why so sure on the defense? Yep playing well, but are you convinced they are that good, or maybe just a good run vs. so so teams and a great first quarter vs. Minn. FA want to go where they will excel. No way will skill posion players look at Buffalo if they continue this way on offense.
  17. Oops..... Got me...... They are a great pair of talking heads who have pulled the wool over many eyes.
  18. And what skill position players would have any interest in playing for the Bills. This is a working class, cold weather destination, with coaching & FO that have shown no ability to highlight that side of the ball. The Bills would have to overpay for average talent and pray for a miracle. The Browns have Mayfield throwing the ball, same with Darnold & heck so did Rosen some yesterday. Be realistic please......
  19. Easier to pull the wool over people's eye and talk the future, then actually deliver in the present...... So 2020 is now the goal? We have played two teams struggling on Offense to score the past two games and looked good on D. Heck Aaron Rodgers right now is looking off too. Tennessee got shutout yesterday and allowed 11 sacks!!!! The litmus test for a bad Bills team will be Miami & NYJ (who should be considered equally bad teams).
  20. There was the perfect bridge/mentor...... But this coaching staff doesn't care about the offense...... I'd take Keapernick too...... BTW who wants to sign with Buffalo at market value the next few years? The Bills will need to overpay to attract players and that too does not bode well.
  21. Trust the process and blame everything on the last regime...... Always some who buy this thinking. I used to hope for 200 yards passing and and was pilloried for wanting 300 yards. Some here are now okay with 150 and tired old excuses.
  22. Why the hate for Allen? This staff & FO have done nothing to help Josh. The playcalling and game plans are stuck in the 70's. McDermott & McBeane have abandoned the offense and in their stupidity had Peterman as the starter and Allen's mentor. Now they bring in another back-up with at least some experience, but little else. I watched yesterday and again Allen looked okay, but was playing against a stacked deck that this Bills organization is to blame for. BTW the two passes to KB were great along with that cross body to McCoy. Not much however one can do with coaches who refuse to acknowledge and have players or a system that wins games in today's NFL.
  23. No but ask those who don't care about offense and think this is perfectly okay...... What I'd see for the Offensive game plan to be at least try and score points and move the ball..... Right now it is 4 yards a pop is okay according to McDermott....
  24. And again a win today and McDermott would have doubled down on their bend but do not break defense and unimaginative offense for another 5-6 weeks....... Houston has sucked all year scoring points (though moving the ball) and a decent offense would have scored 30 points on them. Just look at the Play by Play and again just pathetic..... http://www.espn.com/nfl/playbyplay?gameId=401030748
  25. Were you people watching the same game? He looked okay and again thwarted by lousy play calling and being put in bad positions to make plays. The coaching staff has no idea what they are doing on the offensive side of the ball.
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