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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. Yes he did...... He has it all figured out if you don't know by now and was ready for this dumpster fire...... The question is does he pay for season tickets & waste his Sundays watching all three hours of this garbage the Bills feed us fans.
  2. Peterman never should have been here competing for the starting job...... There was the issue plain & simple and snowballed from there. Any smart FO after drafting your franchise QB, has a vet who has proven serviceable in the NFL to mentor & pass him the torch. Really not rocket science. The Bills though were too smart and chose Peterman as that person.
  3. Bang on...... He has put together an offense so behind the NFL, that as HC there is no way they can attract FA's without grossly over-valuing and over-paying in addition to completely overhauling that side with a new OC and little faith from the fans that he can do it. What he has done in just over a year to the Offense is unacceptable and he has shown not a inkling that he has any idea or thought as to how to fix it....... Maybe the Wishbone?
  4. I am not along with 95% of those here a football expert with intricate knowledge of all coaches, assistants and great minds in the game. However I have watched the game almost 50 years and it is obvious the coach has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO RUN AN OFFENSE AND HIRED OC's WHO ARE A REFLECTION OF HIM AND ARE FAILING. Don't need to add anymore.
  5. And yes I do feel bad for Peterman, but I want to see another abject failure, because even a mediocre performance and McDermott buys time. I will not forgive McDermott for all his decisions on Offense and his smug arrogance that it really is no big deal what they did to that side of the ball (had to be done and part of the process that many here still believe). Peterman never should have started vs. LA, the Bills needed a solid veteran heading into the season as JA's Mentor or back-up and Peterman #3 or on the practice squad. He was a 5th round pick and the investment McD has made to have him the starter was always the issue and the fact he has had performances that were so so bad (lowest QBR ever, 5 Int half & pick 6 & int to lose another) and still is on the team and will likely start in an aberration. Even an average performance and I can only imagine the posts here and next weeks threads i.e. Even if Allen is healthy Peterman should be the Bills QB will be unbearable. Yes I know McDermott's thinking and it is to prove he is right about Peterman and only historically bad performances kept McD from starting him the following week. Anyone remember the LA game and Peterman trotting out int after int and I swear he was going to start the second half and even then it seemed he may start the following week. Please no!!!!!!!
  6. The point is that yes the defense played well, but quit getting ahead of yourselves and claiming this is a top 5 SB defense. NE moved the ball and if they score on one of the first and goals or make the FG at half it doesn't look as good. Conversely the offense moved the ball, though only 6 points and actually the time of possession fairly even and NE still had 400 yards of offense (which the Bills haven't all season). They played well at home on a Monday night, but quit fawning over them.
  7. Still gave up over 300 yards passing and almost 400 yards total (last 10 minutes of the game a whole 5 yards). They allowed NE to move the ball most of the night and if one of the first & goals results in a TD then it doesn't look as good. Offense actually moved the ball some and held the ball the majority of the last 10 minutes. Yes the defense is the best part of the team, but really let's not get carried away.
  8. Again explain why? The defense has had 4 good games, which makes them superbowl level? The offense is terrible.
  9. Peterman got them over the hump..... Monkey off their back..... Loved them going for it on 4th & 22 and a great checkdown......
  10. They did pass for over 300 yards, but again no cohesion or sense of urgency. The best part is the game is over and they are still throwing, Anderson injured and in comes Peterman on third and 33 with the game over and instead of kneeling or handing off, throws two underneath patterns on third and fourth downs well short of the first as some kind of joke or show Peterman can complete passes?
  11. Over 300 yards passing..... I saw some things I haven't seen before, but still the inability to score is just unbelievable......
  12. Any of these teams have a -94 differential or scored less then less then 81 points? Any other team averaging less then 129.4 yards passing a game? Yes I'd like to see some offense.
  13. And the fact they screwed up the Offense so badly was the reason they lost against Jax. So absolutely no confidence in them.
  14. Sure trust the process...... At least you are right about Peterman..... That to me was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  15. And you're okay? Heck you're on this website. You enjoy the product on the field? Sorry to say that even wins aren't very exciting (certainly not offensively).
  16. As opposed to your hot takes? I don't go around memorizing every poster or analyse each thread. I'll start a thread when I'm pissed about something or have a thought to post and see nothing similar. Absolutely right if you want to call me a "one trick pony"..... I want offense and to watch games that are exciting on offense.
  17. Yes I have and admitted it in the OP!!! The offense is unwatchable, the staff & FO have not taken ownership and they put an inferior product on the field, all the while telling fan to trust the process and many here tell those who question to "give them the off season, 2019 & 2020 & beyond to get it right". Here is Ryan Fitzpatrick's salary that is unaffordable...... https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/tampa-bay-buccaneers/ryan-fitzpatrick-1336/ But we have Nathan Peterman.... And I do feel sorry for him (go ahead find the posts from 2017 where I said that) as he NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN NAMED THE STARTER.
  18. No one will sign on the offense unless wildly overpaying based on the way this team runs that side of the offense. It is a pipe dream. The only chance is Allen returns and plays like Rodgers......
  19. Interesting point of conversation..... Now conversely if a defense sux, do we say that about the offense? Some of the worst defenses are saved by great offenses.
  20. But to see this staff in the offseason further dismantle the Offense (after what they did in 2017), draft a "franchise" qb, who I have no idea whether he'll be good or bad over this small sample size, but regardless as soon as the only option to Peterman was another useless QB AJ McCarron, I gave up on this coaching staff. Fitz, Bradford, Tyrod, Bridgewater or a plethora of competent veteran back-ups were available and the Bills spat in the face of fans and did nothing. Yet there is a vocal faction here who believes "the Process" crap and look forward to 2025..... At least with Rex the games were at least watchable.
  21. The point for me is that even if the Bills were 2-5 and struggling, I'd enjoy watching the team and engaged, vs. watching because I've been doing so since '72 and knowing as soon as down 10+ really no chance.
  22. A different take, but yes much of the same when it comes to me and watching the Bills. The league is built on offense. The main reason ratings are up and the league is so successful is that the game is fun to watch, because there is OFFENSE. People play fantasy football and betting sites like Fanduel is to see stats and players score points. The best pick every week for a Defense is whoever is playing the Bills. Yes we have our Old School guard who are all about the Defense and lament what's become of the ground & pound game and those who will tell you that a 9-6 Buffalo win is all that matters and you're welcome to comment all you want. So the question is if McDermott did not dismantle the Offence and actually had the know how and hired a competent OC and this team was at least scoring points and games were competitive and still a 2-5 team, how would the threads look?
  23. I saw Anderson throw some okay passes. You just can not start Peterman. Allen is the starter through at least 2020 and hopefully will be the franchise. Peterman is not even the back-up and never should have been. The Bills as soon as they drafted Allen should have cut or traded Peterman for a bag of footballs and given him the opportunity to learn for another 3 years as a back-up and even given him a chance to be the Starter.
  24. Listening to WGR and many calling for Peterman..... The Poll actually shows how ridiculous it is. Early on the Poll was 24-1 for Anderson..... Petermaniacs have since skewed the results. The fact it is now 31% is scary. This should not be a debate.
  25. Please no....... He should have been on the practice squad at best this year. The Bills drafted their QB of the future, no ifs, and or buts. There is no room & never was for Peterman. The fact McDermott kept him, named him the starter and did not bring in a viable veteran presence along with an OC who has shown success was imperative. Thankfully next Monday night I have plenty else that will keep me busy.
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