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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. No he was the named the starter for the Buffalo Bills & the HC & FO signed off on it and had no veteran to mentor JA (or NP a Fifth Round Second Year QB).
  2. Where is the NP promotional video we got early in the year? Classic.....
  3. Enough revisionist history wrt Watkins. He put up perfectly decent #'s with minimal targets as a Bill. Very simply they could have repaired any issues with Watkins, by sitting him down and telling him they were going to feature him and put him in position to get the Targets & routes that other top receivers get. That easily would have corrected any locker room issues and then Watkins would have become a McD type of guy. That's how you coddle your stars..... But then he is just another bum being paid $16,000,000/yr.
  4. Yes you love NP..... It is not NP per se..... It is the embarrassment of a HC & FO that consider him not just an NFL player, but the starter in a crucial 2017 game (vs. LAC) and had him as the starter for the 2018 season, while their franchise QB/#7 pick has no mentor/veteran to help him. He is the result of the HC & HO incompetence.
  5. They gave Peterman the start vs. LAC last year, named him the starter this year and signed no veteran to mentor Allen. I need no more evidence as to their incompetence. The OP is bang on, though missed that McD drafted NP and sold him to the sheep that are Bills fans.....
  6. I was very lucky & missed the game. I taped it & can now erase it. How can anyone look at the stat line & less then 200 yards passing at home when trailing 28-0 and completing dinks & dunks under 6 yards against a D missing their best player and still the Petermaniacs make excuses? The bar in Buffalo is so low.....
  7. Geez and when I started a thread along these lines a few weeks back it was locked..... I only asked, why is religion & faith brought up an inordinate amount when discussing NP. Really their best point was controlling the football and not making mistakes, which is exactly what they had in TT.
  8. Now that is funny!!!!! Minor damage shipping Watkins & hiring terrible OC's? Yep but he replaced them with his type of players........
  9. You do realize this team scored 41 of their 81 total points in a 4 quarter span where SD was cruising the second half of week two and the Vikings were steamrolled & the Bills scored 27 points in the first 24 minutes of that game?
  10. Cowboys were 3-13 in 1988 and drafted Aikman. While 1-15 were not blown out too much..... Pittsburgh coming off a 2 win season and were blown out in 4 straight games, but then righted the ship (still losing). Next year they got Terry Bradshaw.... The difference here is there is no Offense and that side of the ball was dessimated and the Bills are blown out way too often.
  11. Geez!!!!! That's what I said. They bring in McCoy & Bridgewater like the Jets did and it is a completely different debate (notwithstanding LAC & Watkins)...... McDermott has talked up Peterman as his boy since drafting him.
  12. Name me a team that has rebuilt successfully under these circumstances and decisions? I only look at the dumpster fire that is Cleveland and wonder how long we should patiently wait.......
  13. Yes the decisions on the offensive side of the ball were terrible. Not going to argue every point, but Peterman starting vs. LAC was wrong and no amount of you explaining it was right makes it so..... The results speaks for itself (as does Balt & Houston). Oh the 2017 pre-season was so bad after the Watkins trade that Boldin just left camp...... Didn't that say anything about the team on that side of the ball? Watkins being traded for Nothing showed me that the coaching staff had no respect for the Offense and this has been borne out.
  14. Missing the point...... Peterman vs. LAC 2017, no mentor/veteran with NFL experience and some success to help JA, a offense torn apart under his tenure, OC's that are so behind in how offenses are played and having Peterman compete again a rookie and a no one for the starting job is all on McDermott.... You have to be incompetent not to know that your QB is the most important player. Let's look at Jax. They have Bortles a high first round pick, not fifth who is terrible, but at least he has these games where he appears to be a great QB. I won't say I feel bad for Marrone, but very hard to to assess the QB possition when your QB is schizophrenic.....
  15. That was the point...... Peterman never should have been in camp competing for the starting position. It was to be Allen & a veteran back-up with NFL experience. Bridgewater is the perfect example. He was the best Jets QB in pre-season and they shipped him out to avoid any issues and he is AN NFL CALIBER QB.
  16. It is pretty darn obvious when you watch other teams on Offense and how they line up, the schemes and the success, that the Bills are doing plenty wrong. Don't need to have been in a closet watching game film, with my eyelids forced open ala Clockwork Orange for days on end to figure it out. I've watched more then enough football for 45 years to make an educated assumption that McClappy doesn't know what he is doing on the Offensive side in 2018.......
  17. The Bills were 9-7 last year and this pretty much is where they were pretty much exactly the same in 2014-2016 (+/- 1 game) and the coaches didn't last.......
  18. Yep another thread & explained that in the title. This is why the Bills are in disarray..... They hired a HC who is incompetent wrt the Offense, made bad hires on that side of the ball and compounded it with his 5th round wonderkid who he trots out again and again and brought in no one to mentor/help Allen. As for Watkins, they made the pick, he may not have been the right one at #4, but put up good #'s based on his limited targets and was healthy going into 2017 on an offense that needed receivers and a more dynamic pass game and they gave him away for almost nothing in return. And again I will freely admit I want another clunker from Peterman as the sooner they figure out the mess the HC put us in, the quicker the Bills can rebuild. Again I just saw that Peterman poll and 50% are supporters of him (more then 2X's as many then want him gone). I can only imagine that those 77 are those that support "THE PROCESS" & McClappy......
  19. Very simply McDermott & this staff lost me in 2017 when they started dismantling the team in the pre-season. I am no draft geek or understand schemes and the details. I watch the game with my two eyes and wanted to see a better passing game and improved D in 2017. Then the Bills started trading players in skill positions with recognizable names. I was really upset with the Watkins trade in this was borne out based on just how anemic the passing game was and the fact the Offense was putrid and unimaginative. I didn't know Nathan Peterman from a hole in the wall and couldn't care less about the 5th round draft pick as the Bills back-up. Then came the LAC debacle and McD's defense of the decision and the disaster it was. If not for injuries/concussions, I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen Peterman start the playoff game (shade of Rob Johnson). They then draft their franchise QB in Allen (again knew the name and the details, but little else) and excited as to the future, but still worried about the offense and whether the staff & FO learned anything from 2017. They sign AJ McCarron and I wonder why another 5th round back-up with all of 3 NFL games and even I wonder how is this so different from Peterman. I then wondered if this was simply so that there was another QB in camp that Peterman could beat out and be named the starter so that he could redeem himself as a competent starting QB and McD be vindicated for the mockery of the decison to start him vs. the Chargers. Yes I was right and they traded AJ and Peterman was the starter, same as Bradford in Arizona & TT in Cleveland. Bridgewater was traded so that if Darnold struggled there was a "real" vereran behind him and not someone like Bridgewater competing to start. So yes it all comes back to Peterman and McDermott's (who drafted him as Beane wasn't there) dogged defense of him and wanting him to succeed that has this team in such disarray.
  20. Watkins was the #4 pick and produced when healthy in his rookie & second seasons with minimal targets. From there (and go ahead check my posts) they targeted him less then almost any top rated receiver in the league (<8/gm in 2014 & 2015 but still almost 1000 yard/season). Sorry but #4 pick in Buffalo and I understand how he could have been upset. 2017 have him & TT on the same page & I expected a monster season and someone to cheer for. Compare him & DeAndre Hopkins & you see two very similar players handled differently by coaching staffs.
  21. And that is why this thread was resurrected...... The Bills will need to grossly over pay for any skilled position player. The cap space argument will mean nothing if not spent or spent overpaying mediocre players. The more this Offense continues this direction the harder it will be to fix.
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