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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. Give me a compelling argument. I come down 2X's/yr on average and of my group am the only "fan" watching the Bills religiously and on sites like this. Yes it means a 3 hour drive with the border to cross and my friend states it is a tradition. I told him there is no way I am wasting 12 hours on Sunday (3 infront of the TV is plenty) to watch this team. It is not the losing, it is fielding a product that has been so unwatchable on Offense and absolutely no fun. When was the last fun game they played? Not talking blowing out Minny (boring as heck after the first 20 minutes) or Arizona or Oakland where the Bills actrually won by double digits. Maybe the OT loss to Miami Xmas 2016 (and they gave that one away)? I guess if Allen is back this week or after the bye and plays well, but otherwise ss there a reason to pay money and support the Bills as they are right now?
  2. Again they did not have to overpay him in 2017, he was UNDER CONTRACT. Produce and they would have like OBJ & Evans are. Stars and difference makers are OVERPAID. Again simple question, would you rather have had Watkins in 2017 or not? I don't care one bit about trading for draft picks I want to see the team on the field.
  3. Really??!!?? Since you seem to know me & my posts, you will too know I went into 2017 knowing nothing about McD, the process, culture...... I watch football (a lot) and don't get into the details, but certainly understand the game. I was excited and thought a healthy Watkins and commitment to get him the ball and good communication with TT and let's go, Instead they tear down the offense in the pre-season and sucked the joy out of it (you will see numerous posts). Sammy did not produce as expected in LA, but they won and the Bills Offense was a hot mess and no wrs performed. The Offense was ATROCIOUS. I can promise you that if targeted 150 times he would have had 1200+ yards minimum and the team would have been much much better on offense. There is no argument. I will too continue to compare him to Evans & OBJ because he was drafted higher and just does not get the targets or is thrown to as often. Defenses respect him and $16,000,000 says otherwise.
  4. But but but, the Bills have a culture and a process!!!!!!! I forgot to add the Bills are unwatchable
  5. And you keep ignoring OBJ & Evans who remain on the same team & both signed long-term contracts. Very simply if Watkins played well in 2017 and with as I said increased targets & responsibilities he would have gotten the same. And everyone is saying that if you pay top dollar you get the FA. Also newflash....... Every NFL team makes money.....
  6. Say it isn't so???? Now where is the thread about NP being successful at New Era field? Well if he plays this week they are on the road...... Oops......
  7. Yep poor KC..... God it must be terrible being a Chiefs' fan. I laid out 2017 as I would have handled Sammy and you keep ignoring that..... Obviously not the process that involved tearing the O down under McD & hiring terrible offensive coordinators....... But one I would have eschewed. Explain too how different that would be from Evans or OBJ from the same draft class and with the teams that drafted them and who they throw to? Why are they still on the same teams? They are "me too" guys and the Bills would have traded them too in 2017.
  8. Circular argument and a waste of time. I said if I was the GM, I would have extended him in year 4 (not traded him). I would have sat him down and commited to righting the wrongs of the previous coaches/gms and ensured we would get him the ball and see exactly what we have. If he prodiuced like OBJ (same draft class) then we have a comp and handle it like the Giants did. Instead the Bills got bubkus (an often injured DB who was not resigned and a second). In their quest for help they traded a third for Benjamin......
  9. He is and was pursued and signed for $16,000,000. The Bills did not get him the ball enough and many teams thought enough to pay him that amount. Great players are paid and are highlighted in the offense. Decoy Sammy was not as a Bill and I understand the Ego problem. Answer me this. You are the #1 draft prospect at wr selected #4, have a good rookie season and in year 2 battle some injuries and are targeted half of what your peers are and still put up good #'s. A few setbacks in year 3 and less targets when healthy and often a decoy. You wouldn't be pissed? And this is exactly the Bills loser attitude about drafting skilled position players and then not wanting to pay them and thinking they can draft their heir. Let me guess your line of thinking...... "No receiver is worth $16,000,000 and there is not a single FA worth it". Me I'd rather have cheered the player the Bills drafted and developed for 10 years, then the FA signed. BTW Golden Tate is a FA. How much would you pay him and should the Bills sign him?
  10. Twist words..... I said he got no where near the same targets and the Bills QB's hardly threw and were 28th in passing in 2015, 30th in 2016, 31 in 2017 & currently last. Throw the ball to your best player (Watkins) and good things happen. Take a look at #1 receivers for every team and they usually will have 4 passes designed just to get him the ball (easy routes), a number of more complicated patterns (12-25 yards) downfield and then some deep routes they try. It is Football 101.....
  11. Again I'll use 2015 Watkins best yuear to illustrate how underutilized he was. The Bills threw for 3600 yards that year or 225 a game. Watkins had had 60 catches in 96 targets in 13 games or 4.6 catches on 6.9 targets per game & 1047 yards. He was responsible for 29% of the passing yards for the team though missing 3 games. Same year. Hopkins 196 (12/gm) Targets 111 (6.9/gm) catches 1521 yards 4079 passing (from garbage QBs) or 37.2% of total.... OBJ 158 (10.58), 96 (6.4) 1450 of 4500 32.2% Brown 196 (12.25) 136 (8.5) 1834 of 4822 38.8% Very simply throw these players the ball and they catch it and produce. This year look at Thomas & Thielen as new examples.......
  12. Again who do the bills have and who will they pay? What is a wr worth in the minds of this offensively challenged braintrust|? As said they never threw to him and when they did he caught the ball and produced. Not much you can do when not targeted, which was the problem with Buffalo and their 2014-2016 25 passes per game and their 200 yard average passing yards/game...... Buffalo football baby.... I gave many examples of those who are with the team that drafted them and were paid. What a novel idea to pay for your drafted stars.
  13. Why hasn't Julio, Antonio, Deandre, OBJ, Larry Fitz & other great receivers all bolted as soon as their contracts are up or 5th season? Because their teams value them (yes some arguing and in-fighting maybe), but all are thrown the ball and paid....... The stupidity of these arguments are ridiculous.
  14. You can't be serious that he made the the right decision 72 of 81 plays (81 x .89)? Interested in the 9 bad decisions? Do bad throws count (or just that her made the decision, regardless of a `good throw or not)? Heck I remember Allen being criticized for making the right decision and completing a pass downfield if it did not hit the receiver in the #'s. Peterman is a genius doing that with no help. That is as stupid a column as could be written.
  15. Yep that's certainly solid!!!! Yep and putting up big yards down 28+ points. They did get it to 28-3 and you could feel the momentum changing. The bar is so low.
  16. And doubt he signs. Who would believe McD when discussing a contract what offense the bills plan on running. Remember "Buffalo football" according to McD means field position and play between the 20:s and controlling the los. Exactly what a wr wants to hear.
  17. When the team doesn't respect the QB, they can stack the line, making running difficult and then know all the passes will be within 5 yards of the Los. At least Anderson threw it down field. As for the above and Peterman making the reads, he thus had time and still threw only short passes.
  18. Name me a wr with the skill of Watkins who doesn't want the ball? He is not Antonio Brown, who is in a huff if he doesn't get 15 targets or OBJ who continually complains. Watkins was targeted way below average with Buffalo and had every reason to be upset. Even Hopkins with lousy QBs was thrown the ball 10+ times a game. If Watkins had 8 passes his direction that was a serious games Usually players like Watkins are thrown 3-4 simple passes a game minimum and often Watkins had none. With KC he is doing just fine and is targeted in line with all their receivers as Mahomes is sharing the ball. The hate for great players in Buffalo is something else when compared to the defense of players like Peterman.
  19. I can't stop....... You mean on third & three throwing a 1 yard out to a covered receiver? Wow just wow. I think back to my thread on Steve Buerlein, who basically when doing colour on Allen's firststart vs. the Chargers basically said every play Allen made was the wrong one and his stats were much better..... http://www.espn.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=401030704
  20. Again it is not Peterman per se. It it is the incompetent HC & HO who thought last year vs. LAC that Peterman was the right choice in a playoff chase to start (and it was embarrassing), to then bringing him back after drafting the supposed (and I am backing JA right now and like the kid) franchise QB and then again naming him the starter this season. And oh yes deciding the keeping TT to mentor JA made no sense, because the Bills had Peterman as a safety net. Laughable!!!!!!
  21. The three ints..... 1. Defender me at exactly the same time as the pass.... Better arm and it arrives sooner and Pryor can secure it.... Peterman's problem as explained over and over. 2. 1 yard pass into coverage on 3rd & 3. If it is a two yard play then PI 3. Again defender made the break and iontercepted the ball. Yes that's on Peterman. Now remember the thread as to Peterman being competent at New Era? See what home cooking does for you? What a laughable post.
  22. Too tired to point them out...... Trust me there have been better in this dumpster fire of a season.
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