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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. For the love of god, our line was stacked that year and we had nobody outside of Woods at WR. It made much more sense to draft a WR at the time.
  2. He was our leading receiver. I'm not sure what you were expecting with that offense.
  3. 1. There is nothing in his past that point to him being an effective NFL OC. He was terrible at his previous stops. I hope it's better here. 2. I'm all for more passing to give Shady some room. 3. A lot of this hinges on them finding the consistency that has eluded them up to this point. 4. Cadet needs to stay healthy and improve some, but Ivory isn't much of if any improvement over Tolbert. That's sad, but it's the same case of an aging bruiser with declining YPC. 5. You might be the only person to say the O-line is a wash. Bodine and Newhouse have been pretty terrible at their positions and probably won't add much. Meanwhile, we lost the strongest part of our line.
  4. I love all the Captain Hindsight in here. Take a look at our 2014 roster and tell me where we needed help most. That Dline was stacked. The WRs might have been worse than this years going into the draft.
  5. You have no concept of clearance. This proves it. I'm not arguing that he maintained his clearance or that he should probably lose, but his access to information is still limited by the new director. He probably does sit in on things that pertain to programs from when he was there. DR is trying to say that he can just fly to London, no visit request, no authorization from a current official, and just access Five Eyes intel because he has TS/SCI.
  6. So you're telling me that the current director of the CIA just gave him access to all five eyes intel? They deemed that he had a need to know, gave him access to the facility, and then gave him access to all the information?
  7. That's not what I said. He absolutely has maintained his TS/SCI and could be getting briefs still. I don't think you have a clue how a clearance works though. TS/SCI just means he is eligible to be given access to the information at that level if it's determined that he has a need to know and access is granted by the right authority. He doesn't have free access to anything and everything he wants. That's not how this works.
  8. I can tell from your vast experience in the field that you are in fact the clearance expert. My apologies. Please let me forget everything I know and just bank off of your "research. Huge props for the reference and the wiki article to back it up. Let that nerd flag fly haha. I honestly didn't expect that.
  9. That's kind of what I'm saying. People seem to think that a clearance just gets you access to everything.
  10. I mean they already proved that he investigation predated the dossier, so I'm not sure why that's still a thing. It's not really important to this question though. Also, no they can't just go into a SCIF and get access to anything they want. Not all information is Five Eyes. I think you're combining need to know and clearance into some sort of sudo designation. Once you leave that position you lose your right and ability to see that information. If he still has access to some intel, and I'm not saying he does, it's because he requested access and was granted it by the new director. This would be on a limited program by program basis and not at the level he once had. I'd have to see your research, but my experience points to most of this being false. It would be hard for you to get an accurate understanding of this subject unless you've actually worked in this type of environment.
  11. Do you have anything to back this up? A clearance alone doesn't grant you access to information. You need to have a need to know and authorization in conjunction with the proper clearance to get into a scif or to access intel. Two people working in the same building with the same clearance might not have access to the same information.
  12. You even quoted me saying "while most terrorist organizations are Sunni". I didn't say all. ISIS and Al Qaeda are two of our biggest threats and they have both attacked Iran.
  13. See JoeSixPack for why I have to make statements like that. People still don't understand, so these simple concepts have to be explained again and again.
  14. I think you should let the adults talk. This isn't new information.
  15. It has nothing to do with Jews. It's about calling out a dumb argument. Why aren't we at war with Saudi Arabia when they are huge sponsors of terrorist organizations. Iran is Shia while most terrorist organizations are Sunni, and yet we are more worried about them.
  16. You used townhall and the federalist, which are both great if you're a conspiracy theorist. They both also point to the same poll that has showed to be inaccurate and all other major polls show no change. I know PPP is a safe zone for you, but you're going to have to branch out to get actual data. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2018/01/19/trump-is-almost-right-hell-get-95-percent-of-black-voters-voting-against-him/?utm_term=.bdd1d3745b09 http://www.people-press.org/2018/05/03/trump-viewed-less-negatively-on-issues-but-most-americans-are-critical-of-his-conduct/#evaluations-of-trumps-job-performance https://news.gallup.com/interactives/185273/r.aspx?g_source=WWWV7HP&g_medium=topic&g_campaign=tiles
  17. Did we not ourselves have a revolution to self govern? I'm not sure why it's a shock to people when countries react violently to dictators we put in place.
  18. I thought it was that they couldn't determine who started it and that the cops did sue. It's been a while though.
  19. You do realize that Iran has been fighting ISIS this whole time right? If you want to get upset about actual service members killed in the ME, then why not push for a war against Israel after they attacked our ship? Besides pushing out a dictator we put in place, can you factually state one time that they attacked us?
  20. Please back this up with some facts. This is one of the many false bragging points for this administration. Do you think that anyone with a grasp of basic economics is going to credit Trump with the current unemployment rates, that he loves to shout about, when the numbers have been on a steady slide since halfway through Obama? Minorities are not rushing over to this guy. He can't even get through the week without golfing and getting caught in a lie.
  21. In all fairness, I'm not sure anything can be drawn from that incident because it's just as likely that the off duty cops started the fight. It's easy to look like a victim after getting into a fight with professional athletes lol.
  22. I appreciate somebody actually pointing out that Beane wasn't here for the only positive pick ups of 2017. My problem is that people think Whaley had nothing to do with it, when his whole time here he found great pro personnel. His problem was drafting, but he could really dig out gems from other teams.
  23. Poyer and Hyde are basically our only remaining quality adds, and those are both Whaley finds. The guy made his living in pro personnel.
  24. That's a bad case of homerism lol. TO is clearly the better WR and at least top 5 all time.
  25. He wasn't even a part of the organization. On top of the Poyer and Hyde aren't his either. McD maybe, but those are all pretty typical Whaley moves.
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