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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. That would be on the QB to change the route. A TE isn't going to just abandon his route to block unless it's a pre-built option. Probably should at least chip him a little, but I wouldn't say block outright. It's possible that it's some growing pains associated with switching positions. I thought for sure it was designed to the TE because of the turn you mentioned. I'm glad he didn't try to force it to him like a lot would. Maybe in college the LT called out DBs cheating over like that. Its :28 and 1:06 in the video.
  2. In rugby we call that a hospital pass. It's going to get someone killed eventually.
  3. You're completely right, it must be someone else's fault because he is different than every other QB in the league. Please hit me with your insider knowledge on how their scheme calls for him to make no reads or worry about the blitz. I'm sure they didn't even cover it in film study at the next practice.
  4. He used a hard count to try and get a better read and I was impressed by that. The only thing I was saying, when this all started, was that you can't blame someone else for that missed read and the resulting bad pass. It's a good blitz and not the linemen's fault. He will hopefully figure it out eventually.
  5. He wasn't able to do it and that's fine as I stated before. Way back when though it was made to seem that it was somebody else's fault that the DB came free and that's why the pass was bad. It was his fault that he missed it so it's asinine to blame someone else for it. He did great, but we don't need to be just making **** up on this board for every incomplete pass he has.
  6. Why would anyone else pick that up when it's his responsibility? That's his assignment. It's not like the DB ran from deep to get there. DBs are going to drop down at the last second in the regular season too, and he needs to be able to read that. I know it's just because he plays for the Bills, but my god.
  7. I mean what don't you understand about his responsibility? The untouched comment was because the other poster made it seem as though that was someone else's fault. It's not that he was untouched, it was that he had trouble picking it up in the first place. You're really fighting the good fight here huh?
  8. Jesus Christ, when a DB drops down to blitz it's the QBs job to pick that up. Not to do the actual blocking. He didn't read the blitz either time, that's all I'm saying. A lot of pro-QBs don't see it either, but it's still their fault.
  9. All Snook has done is throw out outlandish conspiracy theories and talk about supposed proof he hasn't revealed. All of the texts between Courtney Smith, Shelly Meyer, and Zach Smith would have to be faked now to discredit her story. I'm sure that OSU is real strict when it comes to athletes. Meyer probably did report it, but he still carried Smith from Florida to Ohio and then lied about knowing about the accusations. Maybe if Snook ever settles on a theory we can compare the two.
  10. He missed it just two times and I said outside of that he was great and yet I'm jumping down his throat? Untwist your panties. In this case on that type of blitz that man is his responsibility. I already stated he is new and that's why I figured he missed it. It's not a big deal on his part. My issue was that there seems to be people placing blame on other players for his screw up instead of just saying he is learning. Maybe reread the whole thread first.
  11. It is when it's his responsibility to account for him. It wasn't anyone's job to block him because it wasn't recognized pre-snap. That's what makes it his fault as the guy who has to account for outside rushers like that. I feel like this is going off the rails lol, it's two mistakes in an otherwise great game from him. My problem is that we will just overlook things for the sake of the Kool Aid.
  12. He should use next years 1 on Mack right now then lol. Why gamble in the draft when you can get something proven. I still haven't seen anything from Beane that points to him being a master of deals.
  13. God that would be a huge upgrade. Can you imagine a sack that didn't result in the other team gaining 15yds?
  14. The fans are treating it the same way with the us versus them. I mean even if Herman told people that Smith abused his wife, who the !@#$ cares. That still means Smith is the POS. I would actually say the Baylor thing was probably just as bad as Penn State. The players there literally beat up a teammate who was going to testify for a victim.
  15. Did he or did he not miss the blitz both times? When you emphasized untouched you were basically saying not his fault. He used a hard count earlier to try and figure the defense out, which impressed me a lot. It's ok to admit that he isn't perfect. I'm sure he still dreams about you like you do him.
  16. You sound just like Penn State guys defending that organization. The most damning thing about that whole staff was that other staff members came to her and asked her to drop the charges. That's when you know football is far too important to them. I'm not really sure how you can just gloss over the texts like they're nothing, but I'm pretty sure if this was another team you wouldn't. If Meyer thought that he was innocent or that he handled it correctly then why did he lie about knowing? Now for Snook, the Ohio State homer who already amended his story and Herman's angle, do you really think he is going to give some neutral fair and unbiased reporting? The whole recruit money lending timeline didn't make sense in the first place. How many big programs need to go down before people realize that they don't play by the same rules?
  17. I think the line tried that last year.
  18. This is all I'm saying, but he can't do anything wrong apparently. A few poor placed passes and blown reads is what I expect at this stage from any rookie QB. I'm actually glad his start is against the Bengals and not Cleveland. The Browns DEs are disgustingly good and he won't get that again until probably the Chargers.
  19. I mean he already killed a play, so I assume he has other options. Is it so hard to believe that he just hasn't figured out how to read that yet? It's not like he is used to playing against pro quality defenses or anything.
  20. Shifting the block or an audible is accounting for him, slinging a flat pass as fast as you can with poor accuracy is not. I'm sure he will figure it out with more time, but picking up the blitz with this line is going to be essential.
  21. Outside of picks do we even have anything that anyone would want? We can always dream though.
  22. That means he blew the read twice. They pointed out during the game that it's the QBs responsibility to see that defender and account for him. Growing pains. I hope we don't make too many excuses though, because it's still his fault.
  23. I initially started out with how bad the DT play is and that's where most of our yards are given up, but then I just went full rant. I would love Mack, I just think that our line will still suck until they can prevent teams from running it up the gut. Do the even have the money for that type of investment? The Bills never seem to find a good balance of stopping the run and the pass. I'm sure other teams have this problem, but they were just one of the worst last year.
  24. Two things, Ragland isn't bad and the Oxford comma is always the right choice. That list of questionable decisions could be much longer if you throw in old Jets players.
  25. Have you even seen Vlad Ducasse??
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