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Everything posted by Thrivefourfive

  1. Okay. If he sticks to the management then I concede my point. So when do we expect Belicheck and Kraft's suicides?
  2. We've seen that scenerio play out in the past
  3. I would bet that he has more respect from his teammates than any player in that lockerroom. He's comfortable with the attention, which takes it off others and allows the team to concentrate on football. I'm a huge fan at this point. He calls em like he sees em, and has the balls and intelligence to challenge the gross establiment.
  4. Enron had extraordinarily tragic results and ruined, absolutely ruined, peoples lives. Please tell me you don't compare football to war.. I'm with ya. The Patriots are sneaky and cheaters. I just don't like the Enron comparison.
  5. And it isn't illegal either. From what I've read, the Patriots committed zero called or uncalled penalties. If the Bills had done this, I have a feeling this whole board would be singing their praises.
  6. Oh but he did. Leon Lett. Only the Bills could have their season highlight center on the circumstances of a Super Bowl blowout hustle play by a special team genius. Fitting actually.
  7. May Day, I think the closure is there on Spygate - the Patriots got penalized, and carry the reputation as cheaters by some. What else is lingering? It's pretty funny how the NCAA will vacate national championships and individual awards, and destroy sports programs for years on end, and punish players and coaches who have absolutely no connection to past transgressions, yet, in major modern pro sports, a championship trophy has never been recalled, as far as I know. Tell me more about the Blount, Ridley, Vereen, and Gray theories? That sounds interesting.
  8. This is sure making a dole week in sports more interesting. I want to know more details about football preparation. I need Hood to throw on another windbreaker over a long sleeve collared shirt and explain exactly how the footballs are prepped. There may be things going on that would surprise us....like giant industrial dyers spinning at the speed of sound thumping away as footballs pound the NASA designed space material tubes. Hoodie has been in football for 40 years. That's a lot of time to pick up the tricks. Oh yeah...he knows nothing about the most important piece of equipment used in the game. Forgot. And the chemicals that are sprayed on the footballs to make them more tacky....? Huh.... I want to know. I couldn't care less about PSI. More pressers for Hoodie I say.
  9. I agree. EJ would be last on that list for me. No question about it. I will be pleasantly shocked if he proves me wrong.
  10. Enron? You lost me with Enron, assistant coach Westhoff. Just more complaining by the losers.
  11. I make a motion to disallow the play-action pass. And roll outs, naked bootlegs, the stop and go, the flea flicker, the lateral. All of it. It's deception, and it's wrong. To listen to the crybabies who get their butts kicked by NE for 15 years explains exactly why they have gotten beat down by Belichick for the length of this unquestioned historical run that may never be repeated. He's always one step ahead, and until teams (BUFFALO) stop crying about all their "trickery" and start scheming better, the past will most assuredly repeat itself. Getting called a Pats fan in 3....2.....1.......
  12. There is a good chance that one of the LB, one of the D-linemen, one or two of the secondary guys will suffer an injury and miss significant time. You just can't pay every single player on the roster what they think they deserve. Some guys are going to have to sacrifice to be a part of something special. I'm sure the Bills would love to have ALL of their contract guys back, but some will have to make a decision to do what's best for the team.
  13. Do you feel that EJ should start over any of these four QBs?
  14. The only thing that is certain in comparing these two is that Sammy has better size and is more durable. Beckham is a freak and is a better wr than Sammy Watkins at this point. If you've seen both play, it's pretty clear.
  15. Everybody, well not the hoodie, is laughing because everybody is doing it. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/21/leinart-says-every-quarterback-tampers-with-the-ball-except-one/
  16. Come on..the NFL will CREATE TV timeouts in order to check the air pressure.
  17. Not a Pats fan. Born and not raised in Buffalo. I see your points. But with this issue, the word "cheating" is used too liberally imo. There have been a lot of apples to oranges comparisons in this thread that are flat out ridiculous. Compromising the game of NFL football, huh? The whole damn sport is a compromise. Do you think that the only penalties that occur come with a yellow ribbon? It's so minor and probably very prevalent in the league. Does anybody really think that other teams don't do the same thing? It's sports man, not a life and death situation. Humans are compelled to gain a competitive advantage. That's a fact. If the league wants to discipline the Patriots then they need evidence. A dead body in Los Angeles doesn't mean that the mayor is guilty of murder. Getting back to the silliness of underinflated footballs...why does the league even care??? Let the teams prepare official game balls with what ever air pressure that pleases them. It's not like basketball with the ball changing possession fluidly. The offensive team uses their footballs. If it gives the QB a better grip, then what's the problem. The ball shouldn't be even more of an obstacle than it already is.
  18. There's only one thing to do - Death Penalty.
  19. Wow. 86 pages of crybabiness. Seriously...what are we talking about here? Some of you want absolutely outrageous penalities for underinflated footballs! The only thing the NFL should do it tightenup up their monitoring process. 99% of the players/ex-players that have commented on this couldn't care less. That should tell you something. Stop with the non-sense. Please.
  20. It looked like his legs felt heavy this season.
  21. EJ can smash pamphlets all he wants. They can let him loose to make instinctual decisions and use his natural athletism. But when all of that is completed, he won't deliver the ball accurately because his throwing mechanics suck. I would love to love the guy, but this my friends, is science. I'm fascinated my throwing motions and hand placement on the ball....yes, I understand that sounds quite gay. EJ would have to change his mechanics, because what he does now, is not going to work in the NFL. As Ten Bears would, "We need to talk about this some more at another time."
  22. I absolutely agree. I thought this a day after processing the Marrone Option decision. --- Terry: Doug, season's over and I'm going to allow you exercise that option that you had to have in your contract. (We're done.) Doug: Huh? What option? Oh....that. No problem. Thanks for that. I'll get another job. (Oh no...what do I do...? Jests. Yeah, my hometown. And they're dumb. I can control the entire organization!! After all, Woody let that Dope defensive coordinator, Rex Ryan, coach over there. Waita they getta load a me.) TP: Good. It looks like we have an understanding. DM: Yes sir. TP: Good luck (said like Taken).
  23. My dream: NO DOME. Build a football stadium that crams 60,000 fans into an intimate, outdoor setting. ONE level of suites (because unfortunately you have to...because money) between the two levels of seating. Not a bad seat in the house. Get ahold of the drunks who ruin the experience for entire sections. No distractions when you walk through the tunnel. Plenty of clean restrooms. NO ENTREES, just snacks and water/coke/beer. Eat in the tailgate before the game!! Go to an affordable dinner at many dowtown locations after the game to celebrate (or sulk) with your fellow brethen. Do it for the fans of the Bills. Who in turn, give their all to the players on the field Being in California, I've only been to three different NFL stadiums to watch the Bills - The Murph, Glendale, and The Coliseum (yeah I wrapped myself in a Bills blanket as a 14 year old in the nose bleeds to watch an embarrassing 20-3 defeat, and guess what..the Crips and the Bloods, and the Mexican Mafia with Raiders tattos on their tongues were cool with it ) I think I've been to 7 Bills' road games, and I've never seen them win I wouldn't say that any of those home crowds were completely invested in the game. A crowd, a stadium, and a location can do that to fanbase. I plan on going to my first game at the Ralph this season if my schedule permits. The parking lot sounds like a blast, and it will be nice to be accepted by the majority of the fans. In the future I would love to go to one game a year. Fly in and shuttle it to a downtown hotel. Walk to a downtown stadium. Sit in the open air, and root on the Bills If people around the country think they know anything about Buffalo, they talk about the weather. Sorry, but that's the selling point, and it's not a very profitable one. All 31 visiting teams recognize the weather in Buffalo. The weather is literally what puts Buffalo on the map at this point in time. The weather has to be part of a Bills game experience. "When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us" may be a nuisance to some Buffalonians, but the rest of the viewing NFL public sees it as an identifiable and indelible piece of the Buffalo Bills, and so do I. To have a dome, might be ideal for homers, but the NFL and America wouldn't give two $h!t$ about the Buffalo Bills unless they were dominating on the field. It would just be another roof. Through all the losing years of the Saints, Falcons, Lions, Vikings, Rams, the Kingdome Seahawks, nobody cared at all about those teams outside of the home city. They had no relevance. In my opinion, a dome distinguishes a major ally for the Buffalo Bills. It's the only holdover talking point for the Bills during losing years. A dome could possibly make Buffalo the least relevant city in the entire NFL.
  24. Absolutely. And I'm sure those guys specialize in specific positions and meet to coordinate their reportings. But is their a sure fire offensive mind at the head of this business that reports to Whaley?
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