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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. I am the worst poster here because I draw a comparison between Flutie and Tyrod and support my argument with facts???My entire point is that Tyrod is Flutie all over again and its my OPINION that Tyrod will never be a guy that will take a team deep into the playoffs.If you are so mentally fragile that you cant stand opinions that differ from your own without insulting others then you seriously need help.Happy new year young man.
  2. More intellectual laziness. Go ahead and tell me how great Fluties playoff record is and prove my opinion wrong instead of this hit and run cop out.
  3. And Flutie was benched before he had a chance to play in the playoffs wasn't he. Very good, next time you can try to actually expand on your point if you have one.LOL
  4. Tyrod is nothing but a back up QB and we have seen all the tricks in his bag.This is Doug Flutie all over again.It took teams about 10 games to totally figure him out and he will never be a difference maker in this league.Sorry to be a wet blanket but if anyone here sees Tyrod as an effective playoff game winning QB then your a poor judge of talent.
  5. The most disturbing about this post is the need to start it with the word "SO". People started doing that about 2 years ago and I think others thought it would make them look cool but it really sounds rather stupid.
  6. School choice (vouchers) is a double edged sword.Initially its a great idea because parents have a choice to send their children to higher performing schools.Once the highest rated schools are loaded up with the slackers and bullies and their wacko parents they will be dragged down as well. The only positive would be the shot in the arm called competition. A great teacher is not great because he or she belongs to a union.The problem is that the hard core union teachers literally infect the minds of their co workers to be obstinate toward the districts they work for,It produces the us against them mentality and that certainly affects the students in a negative way.
  7. I agree with legalization as long as I don't have to pay for the fallout. Tax the hell out of it and when they feel its time to "disconnect" and bad stuff happens while their wasted just pull the money out of the tax fund to compensate the victims of the losers. Excellent post!
  8. Typical mindless idiot
  9. This doesn't this suprise me.I suspected it all along.
  10. Dear members, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all members here a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year for you and your families.I'm heading to my winter residence in the Caymans and I'll be returning home in the spring.Take care!
  11. Honestly I feel vindicated here. I was heavily criticized and mocked here early because I suggested that the Bills would miss the playoffs AGAIN this year. Sadly I was correct and believe me when I tell you that I take no joy in being proven correct.
  12. I'm expecting the Bills to win out and make plenty of noise in the playoffs
  13. The Bills will always hurt your feelings in the end. I can't believe we missed the playoffs AGAIN
  14. I still have faith in Rex.Theres still a lot of upside and hes only had the team for less than a full season
  15. Well we are all disappointed at another year missing the playoffs
  16. I'm deeply concerned about this game. Chiefs 31 bills 10
  17. This nothing less than a playoff game for the Bills. We're gonna find out a lot about this team Sunday
  18. Are we judging a players entire career on one play now?I wonder if the Patriots are gonna get rid of Brady because of the interception.
  19. I'm very concerned about Tyrod at this point. I think teams have figured out that if he's kept in the pocket he's marginal at best.
  20. Gronk teaches Gilmore a lesson about keeping your mouth shut and being a professional Patriots 42 bills 17
  21. The only thing upset will be Rex after this one,hopefully at Gilmore for waking up Gronk.
  22. Sabres for sure,Fitz vs Taylor is nothing but a backup QB yawner
  23. Just trying to help guys,don't repeat the squish the fish rhetoric in the company of anyone north of 4th grade. That's the year that they receive the educational fact that a dolphin is a mammal ,not a fish.
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