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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. I would submit that there might have been a problem way back in 1992.On NOV.2 of that year he was arrested for driving while impaired in our community.During the arrest he told the police officer something completely inappropriate.This is well documented online, just google it.He was never a great member of this community although I know some of you here love anybody who can put points on a scoreboard or in this case keep them off and dismiss personal behavior.
  2. I agree, the moderators should address this, in fact one of them was even here commenting! Kim is a wonderful person.
  3. 26, Due to my business I'm in the city at least 5 times a week for the last 30 years and I would consider myself well informed of the goings on in Buffalo.I also travel extensively in the United states and I have seen the best and worst this country has to offer as far as cities go.You have stated that our city is a "major up and comer" so I merely asked you to expand.
  4. I keep hearing this.Could you be more specific about this amazing renaissance? I remember the "Buffalos got the spirit, talkin proud ,talkin proud PR campaign going around years ago that amounted to nothing.With the exception of a few curbs and some routine road construction around the Swannie house I really don't see it.High unemployment,high welfare still plague western NY and other than some new hotels downtown around the arena there doesn't seem to be much private investment here.
  5. I think Whaley has done an excellent job so far Exactly
  6. Spot on except for the "tremendous Anchor bar wings".Not only is that place in the middle of a war zone the wings don't even make it on the top ten list in Buffalo IMO.Actually the best wings I ever had were in Boston Mass. after a Sabres- Bruins game at the Garden at Larry Birds bar.
  7. Exactly!, you nailed it.excellent post Beerball!
  8. Good point! Yeah, sorry I haven't been around much.I have a business to run.I'd love to be here all day every day however I work.
  9. I have to say that I'm very proud that this thread I started is still going strong.
  10. Whaleys doing a great job.We are lucky to have him here.Teams would line up to get him.I think he will bring a conference title here in 2016
  11. Kim Pegula is awesome.The Pegulas are just plain awesome.
  12. Bills are gonna be awesome this year.I see a conference title.
  13. Whats the embarrassing part? It must have cut off before it happened.
  14. I hope they make an example out of this tool.Shady is a moron.This was the same selfish idiot that wouldn't return to Buffalo with his team mates cause he wanted to party with his loser friends.
  15. This is no different than the thug rapper on thanksgiving at the Lions halftime show.He raped a young girl.
  16. McCoy is a moron.Im all in on this crap.If its not Bills fans in the parking lot,its the players.If its not the players,its the coaches.
  17. Well if thats being revealed by the scientific community,it must be true.Just look at global cooling,they were all dead on with that! Oh, wait a minute.....
  18. Do as i say,not as I do.What a pompous ass you are!
  19. Tyrod is simply a band aid QB until something better arrives.If he starts here next season then be prepared to B word and moan all season again.When he was named the starter last year all I can say is ,I told you so.
  20. Well I guess this is a chance to look like I'm down with the progressive times so let me just say I'm really excited about this woman getting hired.Can you imagine all the awards that the Bills will get from womens organizations now?Very exciting. Hope this gives Bills fans something to lean on next December.
  21. And , what do all dem cities have in common???
  22. Heres an idea, how about repairing the roads and bridges in Buffalo then support the education system instead of building a tax payer funded stadium so idiots can have sex in the parking lot and set themselves on fire? RWS is a great stadium and there is NO reason to move it.Fans seem to enjoy the venue.They DO need to hire a lot more security though and crack down on the trash that seems to be growing every season.The state and county have done a good job maintaining the place season to season .
  23. Tyrod is a one trick pony and teams have figured him out.Keep him in the pocket and he is not effective.His biggest asset is his ability to run and once that is limited hes average at best.This is why he was totally ineffective when we were down and he had to move the team down the field in under 2 minutes.
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