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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Not trying to start an argument but the Northern half of the country is experiencing record breaking COLD today.
  2. That's because most people have not bought in to the global warming hoax. Thankfully. Now ,if only we could get all those jobs back that the EPA and Obama have destroyed.
  3. Tom has heard the religion spin on tv so Tom repeats the religion spin
  4. Its job of what exactly? Going after people because of political affiliation?Then taking the 5th?
  5. The answer is YES however you forgot delusional.
  6. I see the Bills going 14-2 with that schedule.I cant see many teams containing Tyrod this year.He clearly took a huge step last year.Rexys coaching alone is good for a couple wins in a tight game.
  7. so, the Patriots are gonna be better than they were last year? Perfect
  8. I know, you're a legend in your own mind.I can tell you are VERY intelligent, especially when you call people names like a child. Enjoy your shows all day cause I know better.
  9. Because he knows John is like most democrats.He is OK with ignoring the will of the American people.He has no path in the primary elections except for a brokered convention where he thinks they would ignore the voters and nominate him.
  10. And why would you want to stop ANY publication from advancing a point of view?Because you don't agree with it?We don't live in Cuba my friend.
  11. The mystery is not how the sub arrived there,the mystery is why you feel Tom can answer your question.Watching TV all day and eating microwave dinners hardly makes one an expert on anything more than what shows are on at any particular time or day.
  12. This is a smart move by the Bills,Tyrod is simply not effective when forced to stay in the pocket.Teams know this and I see his value dropping big time by the end of this season.
  13. Yeah, we all knew that 8 years ago, Welcome to 2016
  14. LOL, Obama IS evil.Awesome to watch a U.S. president humiliated by a communist dictator giving demands.This clown is just embarrassing.
  15. Does this mean we can go there and arrest the New jersey cop killer now?
  16. The 2nd amendment here in the socialist state of New york for one.
  17. Asking a guy who thinks he saw a missile fired at the pentagon on 9-11?I think you could find a more reliable source.
  18. Let me dumb things down a little more for you.Read my post,it was 1992.Its now 2016, Boston bar for Bird in 92,Indiana bar for Bird in 2016.Hope that helps Ryan.
  19. Yeah thats some hard core trolling commenting on the best wings I ever had.Nice try Ryan,feel free to try again later.
  20. So sue me,they WERE the best wings I ever had and it was the night when Christian Laettner sunk that basket with about 2 seconds remaining in 92.There was a guy literally crying at the bar being consoled by his girlfriend until Laettner scored then the guy was happy.
  21. LOL, NOBODY in their right mind prefers Rochester NY over South Florida.
  22. This is a fair comment and i think most would agree.
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