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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Someone said the hate group BLM was there as well.Were they marching and chanting for dead cops? Starting any fires or looting businesses? Just checking cause they only covered one guy that was supposedly a right wing hater but the Buffalo news would never cover a left wing hate group honestly.
  2. Bill Clinton all over again bull ****, lies and distortion
  3. We don't need a woman with a 30 year political career with no accomplishments that couldn't get a job as a Home depot manager due to her unethical and criminal behavior. TRUMP 2016!
  4. Tyrod IS a back up QB.Starters comeback and win games
  5. Our superbowl roster!
  6. Sorry but I have trouble listening to Murphy, hes way too partisan and constantly makes mistakes during the game broadcast.There are better guys out there.
  7. Sorry, as you can imagine after such an operation its difficult to recall details.Your mom should be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have as she was kind enough to attend to all and every need I had during recovery.Tell her thanks for all the her effort.
  8. Hope you can follow my logic here.There is a new season this year and there was a season last year.If you need anymore help feel free to ask!
  9. Oh thank you wise one.I guess when someone stays high all day long and their life is dominated by the next bong hit they aren't addicted necessarily,we'll have to call it a hobby then.
  10. The Bills have been steadily improving.If you think being positive about the Bills is trolling then go find another team to root for .We don't need your negativity WEO
  11. You're kidding right?Every loser from high school right up present day that I have seen is a pot smoker.Thats why most companies drug test because these people make lousy employees.
  12. Meh, the other end of that spectrum is that smoking pot has always been a prerequisite for being a loser.
  13. If a guy can score touchdowns who cares what he does. Points matter
  14. Trolls will be trolls
  15. Some may disagree with me here but I see the Bills winning the division this year.The Brady suspension is all the opening we needed to move ahead this year and I don't see anyone stopping them. Go Bills!!
  16. The hoax lives on in crazy Bernies world
  17. This from a man who saw them purposely blow up the pentagon on 911
  18. Who cares if a guy is trouble off the field.As long as he can score touchdowns and gain yards who cares? Go Bills!!!
  19. Thank God, I was really concerned about that
  20. Sanders turned out to be a complete fraud, Now he supports wall street Hillary.
  21. Like many here I'm surprised at the Bills low ranking.It seems nobody has been paying attention to all of our success.Must be a Buffalo thing.
  22. Relax, Loretta says they discussed grandchildren and golf as she blinked.This woman is a terrible liar.We now live in a banana republic.
  23. I tuned in late so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this,how about taking the tax payers money and repair the roads.
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