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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Damn,those look comfortable
  2. The teachers union wont stand for this.........................firing
  3. Milana is not hot but she IS the most annoying woman Ive ever seen on TV.I actually chose a non verizon product because she annoys me so much. "Yeah,its the food courtt".
  4. Thats a high traction boot
  5. So if a team is 3rd and 7 you could smother everybody and only get flagged 5? You might be on to something.
  6. Thank you very much!WE LOVE YOUR OPTIMISM when things seem so bleak.Would you like a job in our PR dept.?Barack hussein Obama
  7. No,I'm saying that any business owner will gravitate toward what his customers want to continue to sell product.A football man like Polian for example will make decisions based on whats best in the longterm and some of those decisions will be very unpopular but prove to be correct.Just because someone has loads of cash doesnt mean they are capable of making the correct football decisions.
  8. Yeah,that ones unbeatable.I predict she shows up again,marries a rock star and shows up in a future behind the music show.
  9. Dont worry,If one of these Aliens crash or come in peace The Dems will give them free everything and a voting card and a ride to a polling place.
  10. You are correct sir. Even if just cruising out of Miami,get there the day before.
  11. My God,why would you be afraid to get rid of ANY of them.Its NOT working.
  12. I think its important to remember that Mr. Pegula is not a football man or a hockey man.He's simply a guy with a lot of cash. I will absolutely guarantee that most people here know what would be better moves for this organization than he does at this point.When making moves with the Sabres his input on a head coach was based on what would make the fans happy so he picked fan favorite Ted Nolan.I strongly believe when he has had enough with this coaching staff he will find a replacement based on who the fans are screaming the loudest for at the moment or the result of some PR firms survey.
  13. Uh, WOW
  14. Anytime a child brings a lawsuit against their parents it should also include an agreement that that same child has to agree to support their parents once they reach 70 years old.
  15. Blame it on George Bush Seagull
  16. The Clintons need to go away
  17. Do you have the phone number for Kasey?
  18. Thanks for not calling it a "Gentlemans club".If its not located in Canada,just go to a movie.
  19. I read a story that a mans daughter that would have nothing to do with him sued him to pay for her education.Her dad divorced her mother years earlier and although he was initially forced to pay by the court he fought it and it was found in a later court that since married parents weren't forced to pay for college it was discrimination that he would have to so he won the case and didn't have to pay.After he patched things up with his daughter later he did voluntarily help her financially with college.
  20. Yes I do want a Republican president.I feel that this country needs to get back to the idea that an individual can become wildly successful if he works hard and the result of that hard work shouldn't make that individual the object of ridicule.We currently have a government that loves to divide people and create winners and losers based solely on ones need of the government.The needier,the better.I'm not opposed to helping people in need but there is a subculture in this country that feel they are entitled to other peoples money without working for anything.
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