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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Darryl once pulled over on Big tree road to help 2 women change a flat tire.He had just gotten out of practice at the stadium preparing for a playoff game.Good luck to him and may God bless him and his family.
  2. They don't need any help.They are destroying their own town.
  3. LOL, thanks Dave. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
  4. This isn't anything new.The global warming hoaxers have been skewing data for years. Most people don't bother to research anything past the news story.If they bothered to research anything none of the global warming hoax would have ever gained traction and billions of taxpayer dollars could have remained in the earners pockets.Plus we would have had thousands of jobs still here if the EPA had not strangled industry to the point that they had to move out of the country.
  5. Dave I can appreciate your response and your point of view.I love the Bills but I just don't think they are in a place right now to beat the big three left on the schedule.As far as the thick skin goes I just cant stand people who don't agree with someone else's opinion and they have to go right to the personal attack card.Writers in any sports page in North America would be predicting the Bills to get hammered in Denver but somehow that makes someone a troll here.I just think a lot of these posters are fanboys and aren't ready to be realistic. Big fan of the Audi series,currently A8
  6. Why? did that individual happen not to agree with your opinions?
  7. Boy,thats a shocker.Maybe all the lost Lois Lerner emails can be found there.
  8. Thats great corner,nothing like a personal attack to make your argument more relevant.
  9. Sorry but this Cleveland game means nothing to me.You want playoffs right?If we don't fare well against Denver,Green Bay or New Emgland I'm not sure how you think we are a playoff team.
  10. NO matter what happens this week we all know the Bills next big test is Denver.The only tough test the Bills have had so far this season was New England and we were spanked.What do you think will happen.I'll start BRONCOS 48 Bills 13
  11. I hate to say it but this week starts the slide. BROWNS 31 bills 17
  12. WHAT? More ice so early? Im sure there will be a 20 million dollar government study to show that this is due precisely to the burning of fossil fuels.Then the EPA will slap new restrictions on US industries.
  13. Buffalos defense is only as impressive as the soft schedule has allowed.You my friend are in for a big suprise over the next 5 games.This "tough" defense will look very ordinary.
  14. Tougher??? The Bills have had one of the softest schedules thus far in the entire NFL
  15. Thats great dib.Thats what its all about!! Enjoy your family.
  16. Blah Blah Blah,Watch for the smile and handshake after the game between Whitner and Jackson.In a game between 2 non playoff teams this is the way they make the game interesting.
  17. The Jets victory was nice for padding stats and thats all.Put up this score against Denver,New England or Green bay and we will know the Bills have taken a step.
  18. Gary,The Global warming crowd have never let facts get in the way of their argument.You're wasting your time.Plus they are gonna start calling you names for posting theses facts,and now me too.
  19. Not trying to throw a wet blanket on this thread but these stats you speak of don't shed much light on reality.Every team has a different degree of difficulty in their schedule so obviously the stats don't tell much.When any team in the NFL plays the Jets twice ,it's gonna pad your stats big time and the Bills have had a fairly soft schedule so far.
  20. I know I'm a tad early but I hope everyone enjoys the holiday with your family and friends.God bless.
  21. Geez,I was trying to give you a compliment.REALLY!.
  22. Now this is solid and rational reasoning that anyone can agree with.It's just that the Al Gores of the world want to change entire industries and allow the EPA to run roughshod over America .
  23. Yeah,that going right to work at Toys R us was a better decision for you.
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