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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Geez,Whats with all this deep thought on this issue? I thought as long as a guy could put up points it didn't matter what the player did in the community. I like the deeper thought around here.
  2. Yes,listen too Tom.He has ALL DAY and NIGHT too think about these things in between microwave dinners and The Peoples court.
  3. And they enacted anti terror legislation right after the tragedy and guess who was against it.The civil liberties advocates.Yep, liberal democrats once again on the wrong side of every issue.If its bad for people or America,the libs are for it. UB, So THATS where you were indoctrinated.
  4. Just ask Obama,he didn't build that company anyway.
  5. The only thing Hillary has in her favor is the millions in this country without a clue or moral compass.
  6. "The death penalty hurts their constituency more"..................Classic.
  7. ABORTIONS ,Protected by Satans party because its a " woman's" choice to have a doctor inject poison into a child's beating heart.Another reason I despise democrats.
  8. I wonder if all this trouble would end if people would cooperate with police during an arrest. Al Sharpton is one of the biggest racists this country has ever seen.How you give this man any credibility after his past record is confounding.But I guess that's how democrats get elected.
  9. LOL ,If Palin had half of the record Hillary has they would crucify her.I remember they criticized Palin because she wore expensive suits on the campaign trail.That meant somehow she had a lack of understanding of the poor and their daily struggles. Satan is surely smiling
  10. This woman is such a joke.I cannot believe anyone would be stupid enough to vote for her.Get ready to hear about the war on women bull ****.
  11. Wait a minute,If this guy cant play,gets in trouble off the field and is an uncoachable no future athlete,why isn't he in a Bills jersey?Seems like thats our new standard.
  12. Thank you Kelly.Some day when you get to college you'll understand that a professor wont allow hit and run answers in a debate.Its considered intellectually lazy.Calling other people dumb and troll are easy but most people would enjoy reading you trying to substantiate your views. I usually don't waste my time in dialogue with posters that are limited to name calling but today I thought I'd try to help you because you seem like you need it. Have a nice day Kelly. Exactly,your opinions only require four words at most.Think about that.
  13. Excellent work GREGGY!! Next time maybe you can try and put a few sentences together and formulate an opinion. Very good!
  14. Yolo, I always appreciate your insight on these forums.You are a welcome bit of reason here. Thanks.
  15. This from from a guy who held up a flight because he refused to get off his cell phone and then called the flight attendant a B word. Libs suck
  16. That's cute Joe but how about a response with some substance? Go ahead,give an argument to support this lawlessness.If a troll follows laws and expects that our pro athletes follow suit then I'm proud to be your troll
  17. I think the ridiculous part is that part of the plea deal requires him to hold a camp for high school students.Just what you want ,a known drug abuser with enough poor judgement to engage in an unauthorized speed contest on a public street influencing young minds.No thank you Mr. Dareus, our community seeks a higher class of teacher. Yeah, this guy is a joke because he has an expectation of players conducting themselves with a standard of following the law .Its funny how you support the drug abuse and dangerous actions on our public streets but you criticize this writer.Someone is a complete joke but its NOT these writers.
  18. Tell your father I said thank you for his service
  19. LOL Bob Beckel.I like Bob,seems like a nice guy but he has trouble putting a sentence together these days.
  20. Hooorayyy somebody gets it.I was beginning to think I was the only adult in the room. Habes you are now a troll also LOL
  21. I hope they drop the hammer on him for putting people in our community at risk.I wish the Bills organization would add to the suspension to send a message to the fans and the community at large that they give a damn.
  22. Why would a military man not vote for a freedom loving small government guy?
  23. Thats not a real Obama
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