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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. You are correct Mark,I didn't mean he ran into the structure.He did hit that tree on the property of the Mongolian Buffet restaurant.
  2. I noticed this same thing years ago.We went to Boston to see the Sabres play the Bruins and there was an article in the Boston globe about Ray Bourque playing through the flu.The same article almost verbatim was written in the Buffalo news about a Sabre playing through the flu about a month later.
  3. Section don't waste your time.I explained it to him several times.Hes obviously just trying to push buttons at this point because nobody can possibly be that dumb.He trolls every single thing I post so I just have him on ignore at this point.
  4. Not to be negative but Indy doesn't need to prepare for any QB we have at the moment. Teams will do what they always have of late, make our QB beat them. Problem solved.
  5. Very good Kemp,way too fly off the handle and make ridiculous comments and then add the cherry on top by slamming my name as some kind of racist symbolism.
  6. Bye Bye GREGGY, please dont play with any sharp objects without supervision (an adult watching you).
  7. Spoken like a true patriot! Thank you-Thank you- Thank you.
  8. It doesn't matter, the special interest folks know whats best for everyone
  9. Elected by the people to govern.Not to be King and Queen.The power belongs to the people however we have allowed the politicians to slowly whittle away at the constitution. Just check out what the 2nd amendment has become.Instead of the right to bear arms we now allow kings and queens to decide when how and if we are allowed to defend ourselves. Also, the "small group" I'm speaking of are those pushing the liberal agenda.
  10. Wow, you covered all the negatives for sure viewed from your perspective of course.Here is a homework assignment for you.Do some real research and see how many positive events happened during those times that created the exceptionalism that America enjoys today.By the way That N word that you speak of is commonly used in a very open and frequent manner by African-Americans today.Also ,rapes,kidnapping,murdering (10 murdered in Chicago 4th of July weekend)and people working 18 hours a day just trying to make ends meet still goes on today, yes, in all horror of horrors 10 year olds working on the family farms 18 hours a day like they have for generations. You are a feeble whiner, obviously brainwashed by the typical American revisionist "educator".You better start a movement to ban the American flag because the problems you support your argument with are still in existence today.
  11. This is getting funny actually.Ill try again GREGGY. I DID NOT SAY MR. DAREUS SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR HIS ACTIONS!!!!! THE keyword for you to focus on is JAIL! I did say I thought the Bills should drop the hammer on him for the drug abuse and his unsafe actions in the community putting peoples lives at risk with his teamate while racing on milestrip during the late afternoon commuting time.Please note that the BUFFALO BILLS are NOT a law enforcement agency nor do they sit in judgement or are in any position to decide to incarcerate any citizen.AGAIN, I'm satisfied that he was properly brought to justice and that he will serve his punishment.Take note.
  12. Nothing wrong with the American flag,greatest in the world.The confederate flag is part of this nations history though like it or not.I would like the people of South carolina to decide if it flies in front of the state house though not a small group of special interest folks with an agenda practicing revisionist history.
  13. Actually you didn't. You accused me of wanting to jail him and you spent lots of time looking up my posts and copied them all and NONE of them supported your argument.By the way,I made 4 posts today and you have only trolled 3 of them so far.You have missed one,I'm sure you'll get to it.
  14. There are numerous head stones in cemeteries all over the south in which the confederate flag is proudly displayed. Win or lose its still a heritage that men fought for and were willing to give their lives for.That war was NOT about slavery.99% of the soldiers in that war never owned a slave.Also, plenty of slaves were owned in the north as well.I would strongly encourage you to speak to a civil war reenactor about the meaning of this war.They are very passionate about this subject and will deliver a very different message than your high school teacher did.Plenty of revisionist history being taught by todays liberal "teachers".
  15. Uh, it IS very much trolling when I present 5 posts and overnight you attack every one with the tone of a 12 year old.We obviously disagree on how one should conduct themselves in a civilized society.You feel its ok to race cars at high speeds on public roads and then crash into a restaurant.I don't understand your thinking but we disagree and tha'ts fine.In the future if we disagree it seems like it would be a better path to simply disagree on principle than suggest that someone resides under a bridge.Thank you for the happy holiday wishes on the fourth of July.
  16. You submit that the confederate flag is NOT a symbol of southern heritage??? You might want to allow someone more schooled in the subject to craft the test then because you clearly have no clue.
  17. Of course not but it WAS a touchdown so 6 points makes a difference. It sucks though cause I still say if Beebee doesn't break his leg before that superbowl against the Giants we win for sure.
  18. Not when it comes to accepting hand outs from other peoples hard work.I don't understand the mentality of anyone who thinks it's ok to be a parasite.
  19. Ah but the comeback actually wasn't one because Steve Tasker CLEARLY stepped out of bounds before his touchdown.
  20. One of my business vehicles is a Dodge truck.Built in Saltillo Mexico.I have noticed that the mopar oil filters are made in Canada.You make a good argument Just Jack. I think the unions are making most of the buy American noise these days and it's unwarranted.
  21. There was a time when collecting a handout was demeaning .
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