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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Well he can hang out with Dareus now,they have a lot in common.
  2. You're welcome to your opinion but when Reagan was in office we were respected around the globe and feared by terrorists.Now under this weak president we are certainly not respected and viewed as weak.This is humiliating as an American to watch.Never thought we would sit at a table and negotiate with a terrorist state.Hopefully we will elect a real president and put America back where she once was and return to a position where Putin and middle east terrorist organizations don't laugh at us.Totally unacceptable. Hillary Clinton is all for the deal,what a shocker.WEAK WEAK WEAK
  3. Yeah, I'm sure you didn't see that.Tha'ts the problem with you libs, you are blind to reality.I long for the days of Reagan,I could just imagine what he would say if a group of terrorists were chanting "Death to America" in their government chambers and threatening Israel as well.You can bet he wouldn't send a clown like Kerry over there to beg for some kind of agreement .
  4. Just another brilliant move by Obama.Give a group that chants "Death to America" A nuclear weapon.I thought Obama just hated America,I didn't know he was willing to sacrifice Israel as well. Gathered in this picture are some of the dumbest people on the planet.Look at Kerry smile after agreeing to give a bunch of terrorists a nuclear weapon
  5. You'll have to ask the PC police liberals.They determine whats acceptable in society these days.Be careful though,if they don't approve they will try to destroy you,your job and or business.
  6. Surprised by this.Met John a couple times and he was a very nice guy.
  7. The Klan, another proud moment for democrats.
  8. So what, as long as it wasn't done at one Bills drive who cares.Lets move on .GO BILLS
  9. Cant show you evidence.As I said earlier it's just speculation at this point based on Obamas statements of late.The graffiti was a nice touch though.
  10. Again not talking about the 46.Thats my fault I should have been more specific.Im very concerned that he is about to release thousands according to his recent comments.
  11. Not talkng about the 46.Just heard today that he is heading to Oklahoma on Thursday to visit a prison and speak to inmates.Just speculation but I think the writing is on the wall .
  12. Thats great thinking,Im sure he doesn't want the help
  13. He should be able to relate very well with some of the clowns we are bringing in here to play.
  14. Convicted felons cannot vote just like illegal aliens cannot vote.YET.You don't see why anyone could have a problem with this? Ask any of the millions of Americans that have suffered from the actions of these convicted felons.
  15. There is no score of morons running.I thought the only morons running were Hillary and Sanders.
  16. Obama set to pardon non-violent prisoners,you know,the ones that sell heroin to kids and steal our cars.He's visiting a federal prison this week.I wonder why.Could it be that democrat votes from these fine individuals are needed?It's time to take America back from the crazies.
  17. What the hell is..................nevermind
  18. Steve Tasker is a nice guy, worked with Lynch on a professional basis, the guy was ALL business and on the quiet side.Not a player but have dealt with Rex frequently in the past months and the guy and his wife are quiet and nice but that guy has lost WAY too much weight.Hope he is OK.
  19. Dude, shes a PORN STAR.Drama and scumbaggish is what she eats for breakfast at 2pm
  20. This from a guy called Joe sixpack.Now that's funny. NAILED it
  21. The Duker better elevate his standards.Any guy pulling an NFL paycheck can do better.That girl is nasty looking.Yuck.
  22. You guys are all posting rational thoughts.Your mistake is thinking this is anything more than an attempt to unionize for dues and to create a larger voting base for the democrats.
  23. I have no problem with gay marriage .I can assure you though that sooner or later some guy will come out of the woodwork with intention of marrying several women, and yes,they all will be entitled to insurance through his employer.The exact same arguments will be made to the courts.Its coming, the wackos are taking over this country and are now making policy. Yes, its coming. No artist would refuse that.Artists are open minded liberals,if they want to be accepted by those in the art community you better believe they will be on the side of whatever is in vogue at the moment.
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