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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. You actually called them back on your own cell phone??? Congrats,you are now on whats called a sucker list.Just change your number now and save yourself the hassle.
  2. Yes, conservatism works.It built the greatest nation in the world. Conservatism coupled with religion will always bring success.Liberalism and its cousin socialism will always end in disaster and cause misery.
  3. Dude relax, this guy coached the cellar dwelling Jets, it would be easy to replace a last place coach.
  4. Yolo,not to get off topic here but I always enjoy reading your posts.
  5. Here we go again.Last year all this EJ is still awesome talk was going on and anyone who disagreed was a troll and then 3 games in all were behing benching EJ.The guy just doesn't have it.
  6. Self defense used in protecting ones family member is NOT assault. But people aren't perfect isn't exactly a reasonable defense.
  7. You are correct sir,it is my job though as a citizen in a civil society to stand up against lawlessness .
  8. No need, i'm not in that organization nor would I be since the Kelly era.
  9. Lets hope this is the beginning of getting rid of more rotten apples in this organization so the Bills can become a team to be proud of.
  10. Yeah having character in a organization is terrible right? Hope you're not raising children. Yeah but just wait until that bomb called Incognito goes off.
  11. This poll thus far doesn't suprise me.It's obvious from most of the posters here that character is a non-issue.
  12. Obama just spoke before the NAACP and stated that he would be the first sitting president to visit a federal prison and stated that the felons should be able to vote.Of course this was met with cheers by those in attendance because we all know the minority population is incarcerated simply because they are minorities.Looks like my "speculation" is growing legs.
  13. Its strange though,some of the posters here were all for destroying Bradys career because a football pressure wasn't right but they are willing to dismiss a man punching a boy in the face. Just sayin'
  14. They don't need that anymore,your coveted abortion mills are killing 3000 a day.Much more effective.
  15. How the hell can a deal be praised by any rational thinking person that a terrorist nation gets an ICBM?
  16. Im glad to hear this.Saw Rex last week and he lost way too much weight.I feared he might be sick.
  17. I for one am NOT in favor of FAR and feathering ANYONE!!!
  18. Oh Im sorry ,You said public vote.Didn't know you were going to change your story.Sorry for my feigned ignorance.OMG you are just soooooooo smart.
  19. Yeah make fun of a population that is concerned about being vaporized by an ICBM because idiots like your president negotiate with a terrorist state.You sir are a moron.
  20. And the taxpayers will continue to fund these scumbags.
  21. No vote Mr. clueless,just the latest outrage from the left.
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