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Hot Buffalo Wings

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Everything posted by Hot Buffalo Wings

  1. I wonder if Kaep has any experiences of his own that caused him to feel this way or if it's just based on what he sees on the news and reads on Twitter.
  2. ok, we'll all make sure to pay attention a little...
  3. You should send your resume to BN. Good luck.
  4. Wait until Yeesus sees this thread.
  5. Not sure about The Ralph but I do that at Fenway all the time and they allow it.
  6. https://youtu.be/PBuZaxYxYEc
  7. Yes, and had to go to the sideline for every play call.
  8. Felt like I was there, I could even smell the Buffalo wings. Amazing write-up.
  9. They use real team names and logos so I would imagine NFL has some say. Maybe not though. They must have some agreement.
  10. Why I don't have a Sanborn jersey is beyond me.
  11. The "storm the field thread" was asking "would" not "should". Semantics, I know, but there is a difference.
  12. Great story! Thanks for sharing. I agree it is dangerous. I doubt people could even tear down goal posts these days. I would assume they are pretty sturdy. I just think it would be great to see everyone celebrate in the middle of the field. Go Bills!
  13. I don't see it as being embarrassing. I see it as proof of how strong the fan base is. Its been a long time and we all know it. We also know that nobody wants it more.
  14. 34, I hear you but I think it would be warranted. I would love to see it.
  15. He should've and could've cut right and gone out of bounds.
  16. If it is a home game, and I pray it is, do fans storm the field? I was too young at the time to appreciate the stories I've heard of fans carrying the field goal post up to Ralph's box. I would love to hear stories from people who were at that game.
  17. I saw this at work today...I kept scrolling and scrolling lol. What a joke. I was astonished at the Lions rank.
  18. Huge Tyrod fan. Now that I've read this thread I have to go watch TTs highlight real. Here's a shortcut - https://youtu.be/Vtrdtb6MOB8
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