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Perry Turtle

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Everything posted by Perry Turtle

  1. Chandler Jones is sticking it to his old team.
  2. C'mon, the Ravens had a QB who couldn't move today because he's still recovering from a major knee injury. Their best receiver is 39 years old, also coming off of a major injury. Their second best receiver is a journeyman who couldn't stick on his last three teams. They had two rookies on their offensive line. And their running game is a shadow of what it was two years ago. To top it off, between a gift fumble, a bunch of bad penalties, and a couple of questionable time outs, the Ravens made enough mistakes to lose the game. The Ravens were sinking last season before they got his with injuries. The Jaguars were a tougher test for the Bills last season than the Ravens were for them this game. If you believe that better days are ahead for the Bills, that's great. But let's not pretend that the Bills lost to a playoff team today.
  3. Moral victory. Nothing more. No playoffs, .500 record. Mediocrity. And by the way, acknowledging that the offense was clearly not prepared for the opening game of the season, is anyone else ticked off that Roman and Ryan had the team start the last preseason game in the wishbone? I mean it's only preseason, but to even pull off that stunt, the team had to spend reps practicing a 1930's offensive set. Shouldn't those reps have been spent on, I don't know, having the new franchise QB practice throwing his elite WR open? Whether its one game or 17 (or 4 years in Whaley's case), there is enough wrong with this team to legitimately question if it is on the right path.
  4. Actually it's 17 games. The majority of them unimpressive. They've lost their last 5 road games. But, hey, continuity.
  5. Well, at least we can look forward to continuity. That's what really counts.
  6. The Bills traded up to the fourth pick to get Watkins. If you make that type of investment in a WR, you should use him like the Bengals use AJ Green. Green has turned Dalton into a legit NFL QB (and played a huge role in winning their game against the Jets today). The Bills never have, and never will make that type of commitment to building their gameplan around Watkins.
  7. Add that to the carry-over of idiotic penalties, bad clock management, and the inability to get Watkins involved in the offense.
  8. This is going to get ugly. The Ravens aren't world beaters.
  9. Well this continuity plan of keeping Rex around is certainly paying off. Seeing a lot of progress out there.
  10. Bill D looks a lot like the Saints defense from last season.
  11. I did. I didn't think it was that bad because I lived through the 2-14 seasons and remember the genuine enthusiasm when Kelly signed. The Bills went 4-12 that season, but the feeling was that the tide had finally turned for the franchise. That was 30 years ago. There's more of a cautious enthusiasm for this season. Where there was certainty that Kelly was our franchise QB, there's more guarded hope that Taylor will be. Success is dependent on key players with a history of injury staying healthy. And hopefully our coaches, who have been on a downward trend can regain their past success. 30 years ago, leading into the opener, Buffalo was all Kelly all the time. Today, it's more wait and see. I would compare today more closely to Marv Levi's in-season hire. People were happy Bullough was gone, but Marv had a sketchy past, so fans took a wait-and-see approach. I think that most fans are taking the same approach with '16 Bills. It's not uncontrolled enthusiasm, it's cautious optimism. And if this turns out to be another lost year, at least we have those Deadspin tailgate videos to look forward to.
  12. This rings true for me. Mario, Dareus and Hughes are best used in the one-gap technique. Mario is gone, but Hughes and Dareus combined for only 7 sacks last season. Will these guys be allowed to use their speed to attack gaps in the offensive line, or will Rex use them to hold up the lineman, hoping that our 2nd and 3rd string linebackers will make plays in the backfield. If Rex continues to use them in the 2 gap technique, I have a feeling that Dareus and Hughes will be the next two 'over-paid' former all-pros that the fans will want run out of town.
  13. Simpson's on-field achievements are well documented in the record books and highlight films. He doesn't need to be on the wall. Wall of famers should represent be ambassadors for the franchise; Simpson is an embarrassment to the team. Take his name down and give #32 to the first rookie who requests it in training camp. If we want to marvel at Simpson's on-field greatness, we have youtube. Other than that, it's time for the team to move on from this scumbag.
  14. Not bad for a team that led the league in penalties and had no replay challenge process! At least there will be staff next season to help Rex and Rob stage the puppet shows during Rex's weekly press conference.
  15. Rex showed no middle ground this season as his defense piled up mediocre performances. How will there be middle ground next season when the Bills start cutting all pro players? This will turn out being a full-on rebuild. Problem is that Rex is rebuilding the unit into a scheme with little chance for success.
  16. In the world of hurry up offenses and two step drops, Rex's defense will not work. Two many line calls and adjustments. Under Rex, the defense will always be on its heels. In addition, Rex seems to have lost the stomach for the overload blitzes that make a 3-4 zone blitz scheme effective, choosing to play a complicated bend-but-don't break scheme instead. 3-4 linebackers are difficult to find, not to mention having to replace a couple of all-pro defensive linemen. Guys like Hughes and Dareus are one-gap pass rushers, so look for them to fill the role of malcontents next year, as their two-gap responsibilities hold down the stats that got them their big contract extensions. Due to the unneeded complexity of Rex's defense, look for the Bills to sign a fading veteran or two who actually understand what Rex is trying to do, who will start over more talented players and cost the team a couple of big plays a game. On the offense, where the right side of the line needs a complete with rebuild, expect the Bills to make do with another set of rejects, as free agent money and high draft picks are wasted on Rex's over-complicated and outdated scheme.
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