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Perry Turtle

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Everything posted by Perry Turtle

  1. But he has won a game where the Bills were down by 3, so the mendoza line for clutch is 4, right? Clutch is not answering opponent with a TD drive. Not runs for first downs on third and long. Not winning a game when the team is 0-2 and his OC has been fired. Down by 4. Gotcha.
  2. Has Tyrod won a game on a Monday that fell on an even number day? Just wondering.
  3. Here are some stats from those three Manual starts. 5 interceptions. Two pick sixes. One fumble returned for a touchdown. He gifted the Texans 7 points; the Bills lost by six. He gifted the Jags 14 points, the Bills lost by 3. The Texans loss cost the Bills a 10-6 record. The Jags loss cost the Bills a 9-7 record. EJ cost the Bills 2 wins in his last 3 starts. That why I don't want him to start. He doesn't protect the ball. I don't care where he was drafted. Are those "reasons" you understand?
  4. We're talking about the Texans, Jaguars and Bengals, right? Why don't you look at the game-killing turnovers and get back to us.
  5. It could be way worse, like 6 or 7 interceptions and a couple of pick sixes worse. Just reference EJs last three starts and tell us it couldn't be worse.
  6. That was the sentiment before the Jaguar game last year; then the Jaguar game happened and people had seen enough.
  7. Right, and the Panthers are hiding Cam Newton, and the Chiefs are hiding Alex Smith, and the Seahawks are hiding Russell Wilson.
  8. They're not hiding him. He was a key factor in their 4 game winning streak. He makes plays in the read/option game. Plays that result in wins. He's not a pocket passer. The coaching staff stupidly put him in that position the last two weeks, and he fared poorly.
  9. Good enough to hold a franchise, HOFer, Super Bowl winning QB to 17 points.
  10. They held Manning and the Colts to 17 points in that game. It was more than one play. They were far from a mediocre unit.
  11. When have Bills been down in a game when they commit to the running game? Usually if the Bills run the ball 25+ times they win the game. It's a better path to 10-6 than their last two, pass-first game plans.
  12. It's unreasonable to hope that Taylor will turn into a pocket passer like Matt Ryan. Taylor is dual threat, read option QB. He's the same type of QB who has led Seattle, Kansas City, Denver, Carolina, and San Francisco to the playoffs and even the Super Bowl. He is actually pretty good in this role. He has a strong YPC, a good number of rushing TDs, throws well of the edge, and a ridiculously low number of turnovers. When the Bills committed to the run the past two seasons, they usually win. The problem is that the coaching staff doesn't always commit to the run. They call plays where they expect Taylor to play like Matt Ryan, which is crazy. So do the Bills cut bait on him? The easiest way to make this decision is to run the Broncos/Tebow plan. Like the Broncos, the Bills should commit to playing to their QBs strengths (which also happen to be the team's strengths). And at the end of the season, decide if the results are good enough. If ownership likes the results, sign him. If they don't, cut him and find someone who better fits their preferred style of play.
  13. The team that sealed their SB win with pick six off a first ballot HOF QB? I don't know, maybe?
  14. It'll be interesting to see the different packages Rex and Co. called on 3rd downs. The Bills were beasts on 1st and 2nd downs and crap on 3rd. Hopefully this isn't due to Rex and Rob out smarting themselves with weird packages and calls.
  15. How many teams won the Super Bowl with a mediocre defense? Even HOFer Brady needed his defense to bail him out for his last SB win. Just about every SB winning team team has had a great defense. Not every SB winning team has had a great QB.
  16. Who says you're taking the ball out of his hands? He's the best option QB in the league and he rarely turns the ball over. In the team's 4 wins, he's been a key factor. The Bills can win with him at QB if the coaches call the game to his strengths. There are many successful teams in the league with dual threat QBS. Not every super bowl winner was led by QBs who have Marino-like skills. This season, if the Bills run more than the pass, they usually win. When they pass more than run, they lose.
  17. At mid season, I'd rather see them double down on their strength than have them try to win with a rookie QB playing with their 3rd, 4th, and 5th string receivers. You make that move the last few games of the season, not mid season. Run a heavy option offense the rest of the season and make the decision on Taylor based on the results.
  18. I don't know for sure. But I do know that this team has won games over the last two years by running and playing defense. I do know that at 4-4 the Bills still have a shot at the playoffs. I do know that a teams like the Chiefs, Panthers, and Seahawks made the playoffs with duel threat QBS. I do know that Buffalo's already weak corps of receivers has been devastated by injury, making the likelihood of any QB (especially a 4th round project) turning in a 300 yard game remote. I know that in the parity laden NFL, teams that don't turn over the ball greatly increases the effectiveness of their defense. So that's why I would hold off on giving Jones his shot at this time. I'd rather see the Bills double down on the run game and defense. And if they end up 4-9, then put Jones in there.
  19. Maybe the last four games, but if you put Jones in there, he'd get killed. Don't know if you noticed, but this Oline's pass protection suuuucks. They are way better at run blocking. A 4th round project, even with his high ceiling skill level, would get slaughtered. Again, considering that this team was built to run the ball, and that they have massive injuries at WR, and at 4-4 they still have an outside shot at the playoffs, I'd much rather see them commit to playing to their strength by running the ball.
  20. 38 balls with the top three WRs out or playing injured. This team needs to run the ball 75% of the time to win. When the fall short of that and lose, it's on the coaching staff.
  21. Ok. Where do we get the better QB? Can we get him before next week? Before the bye? Before the playoffs?
  22. Shady, of course, is a big factor. But Gillislee has put up strong numbers, this year and last. Systematically, the Bills have a sound running game. The Oline is much better run blocking than pass blocking. There's no reason to abandon it, regardless of the injury situation, especially in the first half.
  23. I guess. Highly effective to me means leading the league in rushing and the main factor in winning 4 games this year.
  24. If your crusade is that Taylor is not a 300 ypg passer, congrats you win. But he is highly effective in a run-first, shot offense, especially when backed by a strong defense. So, yeah, it's on the coaches. If they commit to the run game, they can win and make the playoffs. If they don't, well just take look at the last two games.
  25. 20 is a given. It'll be 20 by the time ownership realizes that Rex is .500 career coach at best and finally decides to fire him.
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